All You Need To Know About Religion

There is no god, there is no soul, there is no evidence for any of the 'miracles' of Jaysus.

There is that for a start...

There is no god, there is no soul, there is no evidence for any of the 'miracles' of Jaysus.

There is that for a start...

dude... there is a difference between an "argument" and an "opinion"...
What you posted here is just an opinion... and guess what? everyone's
got one of those...

I asked you to present an argument.
dude... there is a difference between an "argument" and an "opinion"...
What you posted here is just an opinion... and guess what? everyone's
got one of those...

I asked you to present an argument.

Tell me what good would presenting any argument achieve? Would it change your opinion? Or is your opinion cast in the concrete you require to give such a shaky edifice some stability? You have no evidence for your belief in God except for your faith in it. Can you present an argument to support your belief that does not rest on faith? I bet you cannot.
Tell me what good would presenting any argument achieve? Would it change your opinion? Or is your opinion cast in the concrete you require to give such a shaky edifice some stability? You have no evidence for your belief in God except for your faith in it. Can you present an argument to support your belief that does not rest on faith? I bet you cannot.

I wasn't the one who started this thread or this attack on religion, was I?
And if you simply don't want to present argument, then you are free not
to do so. Saying that I have no proof is no better then me saying that
you don't either. The fact is I have proof, but would it change your
opinion? Of course not. Because faith is not a rational quality, because
man is not a rational creature.

Go ahead... post a response on that thread...
Do you have proof of 'god', yes or no?

There was NOTHING on that thread that remotely came close to being considered proof, as you previously stated.


Do you have proof of 'god', yes or no?

There was NOTHING on that thread that remotely came close to being considered proof, as you previously stated.


If that is so, then why not post a response?

What are you waiting for bud???

You did understand the contents right?

Oh I am sure you did... such a smart fella as yourself.

I bet you have a load of rebuttals all ready for me, don't ya?

Well then... come one oh "enlightened" one... lets see what you got. :)
I have posted a response.

You have asserted that you have proof of the existance of 'god'.

I read three pages of drivel.

If you have proof, then bring it, if not.....;)