Experiencing contradiction


I disagree with u, nick, when you say that "the whole idea of education is to learn as much as possible so as to become closer to reality"

I believe that the opposite is true- you are instructed to learn what you learn to support the status quo, so that you can ignore reality... the more education and money you have, the less close to reality you are...

I agree but educators don't see it that way. How many educators would tell a middle school kid that we are BSing you so as to make a buck and attempt to mould you an acceptable cog in the wheel of society? They insist they are teaching you the real, the "important" things.

To the "Great Beast" and its white sheep it is. For the "black sheep" that begins to sense something not right, it isn't.
Here is a basic contradiction. Jesus said we should turn the other cheek

Here is the ultimate paradox: The Cross and The Crown
(I am copying this from an email eblast I just received)

The cross of Jesus stands as one of the most ostensibly paradoxical symbols. Tragedy and triumph, misery and joy, humiliation and exaltation are all encountered at Calvary’s cross.

When Jesus was lifted up, the compelling reason to become a believer in Christ was established. Whereas the dynamics of salvation were set in motion from the day he rose and sealed on the day of Pentecost, the most compelling reason to come to Christ was established on the day he was nailed to the cross: Jesus died for me.

“God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son. . .” Through the cross, God declares the true value He finds in each person. God offered his beloved Son as a ransom for all.

While Satan uses his power to kill, God uses His power to bring the dead to life. As compensation for Satan's exercise of his maximum power in killing Jesus, God exercised His maximum power and resurrected Jesus. God thus opened the way for all humanity to be engrafted with the resurrected Jesus and thereby receive salvation and rebirth.

