How much interfaith?

hee hee, could be interesting huh? If we swore before the lord in sickness and health forever, could be we have our first betrothed back in heaven....forever after...

Not to mention our mistresses who considered themselves married. Heaven will be a place where all wives, ex wives and mistresses will all get along in mutual love content with sharing and pleasing the various men honored to be with them in heaven.

If God can pull this off he is indeed God.
hee hee, could be interesting huh? If we swore before the lord in sickness and health forever, could be we have our first betrothed back in heaven....forever after...
No thankyou. I would not be able to handle the pain of the memories, and the heart break...

What is the saying...better to enter into heaven minus a part, then to enter into hell, whole?...
But if we have conscious spiritual bodies, we can seek to communicate and influence good actions in the physical realm, as do guardian angels, and angels generally. Miracles are often attributed to saints, and one of the tests of a saint is the witness of a miracle attributed to him or her.

The higher we are in the spirit world, the more free we are. My experience after meeting with several mediums is that the people in the spirit world who were around me were the ones that were in my heart and people who were educated in the type of activities, I was doing at the moment. These people said many times through the medium that I should ask for help from them more often. My conclusion is that saints or Jesus can intervine much more when we seek their help. They are willing to help us. We have to make the connection

I also believe that in order to restore our ancestral sins, we will be tested for the same mistakes our ancestors made. If we overcome them they can make progress in the spiritual world. If someone's ancestor was struggling with alcooholism, their chidlren or grand children etc.. will be tested for the same issue.
We also need to restore the resentment that other people have against our descendants. In a way, they want us to suffer for our own descendant because of the crimes they commited against them.

It is our view that there is a difference between spiritual life (angelic orders) and human life. As man is both body and soul, spirit and matter, in the spiritual life man is 'incomplete' — is less than he was created to be.
In the General resurrection, we shall be reborn, in the flesh, as man in spirit and body, bit what form precisely the body will take, we do not know, except that it will replicate the soul perfectly, and be immortal and inocorruptible.

I believe, we have a physical mind and a physical body, and we also have a spirit body and a spirit mind. I do not believe, we are reborn in the earthly flesh in the spirit world. That does not make any sense to me
I hear that in the spirit world we look like in our young adult age. I forgot from where I learn that.

Many of the walls we have created on earth between the religions, the races are also in the spirit world. It is very good to break through many walls while we are here on earth.

Jesus' resurrection body, which was physical, is the best evidence we have to speculate on this. He was a physical body who could eat and drink and touch ... but also pass through walls, etc., and even pass into and out of man's vision.

That is an interesting question
Which Wife? Some of us have had more than one.

God could not bless Adam and Eve's marriage because they fell before reaching maturity. Satan invaded their marriage, their family and their descendance. The original sin continues through the blood lineage. Jesus said that we are from Satan our father.

At that point the need for a Messiah was created. God spent so many year to reverse the process of the fall of Adam's family so one mother could give birth to a sinless child completely separated from the fall and from Satan.

All the storis of Tamar, Noah, Jacob Esau, Abraham etc can be explained in the light of what was needed to restore the fall so Jesus can be born.

Jesus who came as the second Adam was killed before he could marry and start God's lineage that mankind could be engrafted to.
He will come back again for the marriage of the lamb. At that point we can be engrafted not just spiritually through the resurrection but physically.

This is why in Christian Marriages we say until death and not eternity.
Marriage on earth are not eternal. Jesus himself could not marry.
Often people believed that you could be closer to God if you do not marry.

This is why Xstianity has a hard time to promote a clear image of the family based misunderstanding Jesus's life and what St Paul said.

Teen pregnancy, homosexuality etc are directly connected to the issue of the fall.
Hoops !!I need to make a correction

Instead of:
[We also need to restore the resentment that other people have against our descendants. In a way, they want us to suffer for our own descendant because of the crimes they commited against them.]

It should say:
We also need to restore the resentment that other people may have against us for the crimes some of our ancestors commited against them. As their descendants they do not want to see us happy.
This is very common especially in resentment due to wars, murders, abuses
I do not believe, we are reborn in the earthly flesh in the spirit world. That does not make any sense to me.
That's not quite it.

In the Christian view, there is no radical discontinuity between spirit and matter than dualism implies. The physical is manifest according to the spiritual, but being physical it manifests according to necessary conditions for its integrity and continuity, 'time' and 'space' being principle determining factors.

Man then is greater than the angels because he possesses both spirit and matter in his own nature, whereas angels are greater than men because they are pure intellect.

In human nature, uniquely, the whole cosmos of spirit and matter is united. A purely spiritual resurrection would render the physical abandoned and desolate of God ... this would be a tragic outcome for a creation which has God Himself for its architect, and which He saw as 'good'.

Why the 'exalted' human cannot manifest himself according to the flesh, when even the lowly fallen human can, escapes me. Without a presence in the physical world, such a man is lesser than his human nature and has not realised his full potentiality of being.

We do not believe, as the dualists hold, that the spirit 'fell' into matter, but rather, according to the will of God, spirit and matter were unified in man.

Many of the walls we have created on earth between the religions, the races are also in the spirit world. It is very good to break through many walls while we are here on earth.
I would say that the purpose of man is to unite all to himself, whilst himself is united to God. I'm afraid I see dualist traditions as maintaining these 'walls' by ignoring and excluding the physical from the Glory of God.

That is an interesting question
It most certainly is.

That's not quite it.
In the Christian view, there is no radical discontinuity between spirit and matter than dualism implies. The physical is manifest according to the spiritual, but being physical it manifests according to necessary conditions for its integrity and continuity, 'time' and 'space' being principle determining factors.

Can you explain this one more time ? I am not sure I understand what you are saying

Man then is greater than the angels because he possesses both spirit and matter in his own nature, whereas angels are greater than men because they are pure intellect.

Yes man is the microcosm of the physical world and the spirit world.
We were created to be God's children and command the angels.
The angels were created before us. Lucifer was more knowlegeable than Adam and Eve when they were babies and was their teacher.

Unfortunately as they grew, he became jealous because of God's love for them. He did not receive less love from God but his jealousy became the seed for the spiritual fall with Eve. The teacher is greater than the students but when the students are the son and daugther of the owner, they are called to become the owner themselves. Angels are helpers

In human nature, uniquely, the whole cosmos of spirit and matter is united. A purely spiritual resurrection would render the physical abandoned and desolate of God ... this would be a tragic outcome for a creation which has God Himself for its architect, and which He saw as 'good'.

The physical carry our spirit and goes back to dust. It was created in this world and stay in this world. Our spirit is like the butterfly. Our children continue our presence on earth. In the womb, we live in a water environment. After we are born, we breathe air and when our physical body dies we go to the SW where we breathe love. I do not see a problem for our physical body going back to the earth. It is not equiped for the physical world. We do have a spirit body for the spirit world.

Why the 'exalted' human cannot manifest himself according to the flesh, when even the lowly fallen human can, escapes me. Without a presence in the physical world, such a man is lesser than his human nature and has not realised his full potentiality of being.
What do you call the exalted human ?

We do not believe, as the dualists hold, that the spirit 'fell' into matter, but rather, according to the will of God, spirit and matter were unified in man.

I agree.
by the way. who are you calling dualists/ What do you mean by that?

I would say that the purpose of man is to unite all to himself, whilst himself is united to God. I'm afraid I see dualist traditions as maintaining these 'walls' by ignoring and excluding the physical from the Glory of God.

You wrote "The purpose of man is to unite all to himself, while himself is united to God"

Man is a created being. His true purpose is determined by his creator. Therefore we must know God's purpose for the Creation in order to understand the true purpose for man and the cosmos.

For the sake of time since I have to run, I would like to keep God's purpose for the creation for a different comment.

Concerning the purpose for man, Genesis is very clear. God gave 3 blessings to Adam and Eve. 1)Be fruitful 2)Multiply 3)Dominate the earth.

A&E did not accomplish the first blessing (even God gave them a commandment to protect them while they grew to perfection).
They multiplied fallen chidren.

To become one with God and his commandement is only part of the first blessing but to mature as an individual is a preparation to become a couple and create a family. There are 4 realms of the heart that we can develop in a family (first we receive love form our parents, 2nd we learn brother and sisters love,3rd when we marry, we experience congugal love and 4th, when we have our children, we learn parental love.) The family is the school of love. It is a preparation for Heaven