Hello everyone,
This is a long post but maybe some will read it.
one should decide on issues such as this how to label themselves. either you are a christian (by definition a follower of jesus's teachings) - in which case you would have no issues with homosexuals, since jesus never mentions it. or are you a biblican (my definition a follower of the bible's other "teachings"), in which case you likely would find homosexuality a sin. it might explain why so many gays/lesbians/et al find jesus such a loving savior and worthy of following - but they don't tend to frequent the biblican-type churches.
Jesus is quoted in Mark 19 about marriage. Specificly verse 12 is very enlightening about who can marry. Homosexual partnership cannot have anything to do with matrimony of God because the Holy Matrimony is the bond between three aspects (trimony->Trinity). Those aspects are the Polar Opposites and the Reconciliation between them. In the physical, this is Man, Woman, and God (as the Holy Spirit). This is the Holy Ma
trimony. In my opinion the scriputre, and Jesus, is very clear.
as to the genitalia not matching up...i assure you they match up quite nicely over a passionate evening's dance. as a matter of fact, they match up much better than heterosexual pairings in some cases.
A fork fits well in an electrical outlet too, however that doesn't lead to anything but
physical sensorial pheonmena, where as if we plug in a toaster, we'll get
proper use of the energy and as a bonus, some
toast. It is self evident that man and woman are made for each other. Nature is intellegent in its designs.
An atom needs the three forces in order to exist. That is positive, negative, and neutral. These three forces are present in any mental, emotional or physical relationship. So, mentally and emotionally we can love everyone, because love within these planes are the same regardless of the sex. The physical, however, is obviously different.
Love does not discriminate. We need to love everyone.
Sexual desire discriminates. We need to remove all sexual desire in order to rebalance the scales.
In conclusion, everyone in society is incorrect, not just homosexuals, because everyone has sexual desire. Sexual desire is root of all failure. All relationships based on desire are failures. Anyone who cannot find beauty in both sexes must overcome thier social conditioning and lust. Those who justify thier sexual desire, for either the opposite sex or the same sex, are incorrect. When the
desire for sexual sensation (orgasm) is gone, then true love reigns, the realm of God begins to open, and the
Perfect Matrimony begins. This Matrimony begins with a Man and Woman and God.
Today, the only difference between homosexuals and heterosexuals today is who they lust after. This is because society is dengerate and has lost the ability to Understand (Binah, Holy Spirit, Sex). However, it is very clear that God is the Father-Son-Mother. It is very clear that no atom can exist without the Three Forces. The Spirit knows this, it is the
mind ensnared in desire that
justifies lust and claims that it can only love conditionally. This is false because the only love is unconditional love. Because no one considers the sexual act to be divine, we have found nothing wrong with our sexual desire, however, the sexual act is extremely powerful and it is only correct to state that it transforms everyone according to how it is used. So it must be used correctly, because this force creates, it creates
Good and Evil, because it is the
blind fohatic force, it must be used wisely. The wise use of the creative-sexual energy has nothing to do with desire (craving to repeat sensation) of the flesh, in fact is the misuse that kicked us out of Eden.
This quote explains it in Kabbalahistic terms: (
We have to realize in synthesis, Adam=Brain, Eve=Sex. Hence "Eve's" temptation is fornication. Comments are in parentheses.)
When Eve was still with Adam, death did not exist. When she was separated from him (because the Eve-Sexual aspect in humanity ate the Fruit of the Tree of Good and Evil,) death came into being. If he (the Adam Kadmon) enters again (into Eden, where Daath-Sexuality is located) and attains his former self, death will be no more (because Adam-Eve, reunited, will be allowed to eat the Fruit of the Tree of Life).
A bridal chamber (of sexual super dynamics) is not for the animals (because animals fornicate), nor is it for the slaves (of sensorial phenomena, of lust), nor for defiled women (Lilith, degenerate sexual values justified through intellectual sophisms, and Nahemah, abuse of the Sexual-Creative Force, the two whores of the Abyss); but it is for (those) free (of sexual lust,) men (the True Human, the Warrior Arjuna, the Innermost who must fight the animal ego, his own blood) and virgins (Mary, Ram-IO, Kundalini, our Divine Mother who we must venerate and beg for our ego death in the supreme volatile moments of transcendental sexual-electrical movement).
Through the Holy Spirit we are indeed begotten again, but we are begotten through Christ in the two (the Cross of Man and Woman, also the Fire and Water, Solar and Lunar, Yin and Yang, etc.). We are anointed through the Spirit. When we were begotten (by our Father-Mother, Jah-Hava or Jehova in Heaven), we were united (with our Adam-Intellect-Solar and Eve-Sexual-Lunar aspects together in harmony). None can see himself either in water or in a mirror without light (of Atman, the First Begotten Spark of God, the True Human). Nor again can you see in light without mirror or water (of the Holy Spirit, the Ens Seminus). For this reason, it is fitting to baptize in the two, in the light and the water. Now the light is the chrism.
If the woman (the Eve aspect of The Holy Spirit or Binah in every man and woman that represents the life giving force, the sexuality,) had not separated from the man (the Adam aspect of Binah, correct understanding or intelligence,) she should not die with the man (because only the Elohim, the Man-Woman can eat the Fruits of the Tree of Everlasting Life). His separation became the beginning of death. Because of this, Christ came to repair the separation, which was from the beginning, and again unite the two (in a positive aspect as conscious sexuality, Eve, with conscious intelligence, Adam), and to give life (again) to those who died (to their Spirit) as a result of the separation (negative polarization of the mind and sex), and unite them (in Eden, under the Tree of Good and Evil, the place of departure). But the woman (the Divine Sexuality in man and woman) is united to her husband (Divine Intelligence in man and woman) in the bridal chamber (of Sexual Magic because the Alchemical Wedding is the result of transformation of impressions and the transmutation of the libido). Indeed, those who have united in the bridal chamber (of Sexual Magic) will no longer be separated (because Sexual Magic transforms the Man and Woman into the Divine Androgyny). Thus Eve (sexuality, who became a whore) separated from Adam (intelligence, to become subjective egocentric intelligence) because it was not in the bridal chamber (of Sexual Magic, but instead in the Houses of Lilith who ejaculates and fornicates like the beasts, and Nahemah, who uses Sexual Force to commit Crimes Against Nature) that she (degenerate sexuality) united (in fornication to become negatively polarized) with him (as subjective egocentric intelligence).
[font="]– The Gospel of Philip