Your Behaviour: Time to calm it down

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Peace, Love and Unity
Veteran Member
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It seems every few days I check in here there's childish fighting going on somewhere, and I'm getting pretty tired of it.

My theological position is someone who sees God as similar to Tao - beyond comprehension, with all facets of the universe and beyond as expression of God, and that all human religious and spiritual belief systems as personal and cultural explorations of this, usually communicated in an anthropomorphic manner that it more digestible.

Because of this viewpoint, gained through various ascetic experiences, not least NDE, communion with God, etc, I very much take the view that all religious and spiritual systems therefore have something of interest to offer in their learnings, not least in terms of the human condition and how this is projected in the writings.

I consider a persons actions to be far more important than their beliefs, and therefore have no real problem with the majority of mainstream religious beliefs.

CR and now IO exists to therefore allow for people of all religions to come together, and engage in interested discussion, with an open public forum for interested parties to ask interested questions - thus the forums as a learning experience.

I earn nothing from this - the ads were removed a long time ago, and they paid poorly anyway - the site has literally cost me thousands of dollars all the time that it's been running.

That's why I'm increasingly pissed off when I come here recently to find that a large number of members are actually treating the place as somewhere to vent and kick about other members. This is not what the place is for, and it won't be tolerated any further.

My free time is also extremely limited, so it's pretty tiring and sad to find myself having to waste what I have babysitting grown adults.

So I'm going to make the point clear here - all I have ever asked for on these forums is civility, and anyone not capable of that single, brief, and unchallenging condition of membership has no place here.

If you want somewhere to fight, to posture, to be a keyboard warrior, then there are plenty of unmoderated communities online where you can cuss and swear and fight to your heart's content.

Not here.

I'm going to be coming down pretty hard on anybody who appears disruptive - no I don't expect Mary Poppins, yes I expect and can allow for heated passion - but the level of personal attacks on this site has gone beyond any degree of acceptability, and there will absolutely be no further tolerance to it.

If you feel you cannot react to a post without feeling aggressive, then step away from the keyword, do something else, and then come back to it when you've calmed down.

If you feel a post breaks the basic rules of the forum, then please use the "report post" function.

In the meantime, be clear - bad behaviour was never welcome here and is no longer tolerated, so decide if you want to fit in to the community or not.
I realize that I am a guilty party here... and have contributed
to a lot of the pollution recently... 4 my part, I will promise that I
will never contribute to any personal attacks or even respond
to any attacks launched on myself ever again.

btw, for what its worth, IMO this is definitely the best forum
on the net.. like ever !! ... hands down man :)

Here's 2 ya Brian



This non-aggression pact of mine only applies to this forum!!!
I'm lookin at you evil demon who lives in my closet !!!!
no non-violence 4 u!!
“Happy are the mild-tempered ones, since they will inherit the earth.
well heck maybe im guilty of this too..
Brian hats off to you for bringing this forum to the world.
Keep up the good work.
Daps on all of that!!!
This is not what the place is for, and it won't be tolerated any further.
Why not close the forum down at least once a month to give people a chance to think about what they want to say - and whether it's even worth saying? The amount of wordiness is a problem, IMHO.
My suggestion had religious intent. So does this one: How about silence vow, such that all male forum members are forbidden to speak with women members?
Compulsary religion?

Why not close the forum down at least once a month to give people a chance to think about what they want to say - and whether it's even worth saying? The amount of wordiness is a problem, IMHO.

Women will naturally withdraw once a month while they are having PMS, so there is no need to enforce a rule regulating a natural process. :p
Compulsary religion?
It was just a suggestion.

Women will naturally withdraw once a month while they are having PMS, so there is no need to enforce a rule regulating a natural process. :p
How about a permanent arrangement where there are no opposite-gender exchanges? Not unheard of in Buddhism, for example.
It was just a suggestion.

How about a permanent arrangement where there are no opposite-gender exchanges? Not unheard of in Buddhism, for example.
Wouldn't that cause the population of cross-dressing sock puppets to dramatically increase?

{I would have had Lab Assistant post this to make a point, but I promised Brian that I wouldn't do that.}
Netti Netti said:
My suggestion had religious intent. So does this one: How about silence vow, such that all male forum members are forbidden to speak with women members?
Absolutely, except that the male members should be allowed to speak, and we just won't allow the females to reply.
Well had'nt you all better behave!! Our great and sagacious leader has rumbled down the command from on high!! We must all be honoured to have heard his voice!! His £'s (not dollars), are so generous!! He has several sites and since he started this has cost him only at the very most about $100 but this is offset, (as part of a 'bundle package'), by the business ones where he does charge people for poor advice. But lets not question Master Brian!! As he says, it is his site.... it does not belong to those that fill its pages!! And if you dont behave as commanded you might even have the rules changed without warning just for you!! (Re tao).

PS: Brown noses are as inevitable as they are predictable.
Brian's just doing what everybody else wants him to. Gee whiz, sometimes it is nice to just talk about things instead of kicking tires.
Brian's just doing what everybody else wants him to. Gee whiz, sometimes it is nice to just talk about things instead of kicking tires.

You mean he wants to stop people responding to crap by calling it crap? Hmmm... interesting. Now what views have you seen roundly rebutted to warrant that? Ohhhhhhh yeh. Brown nose day!!
As many of you know, well I never tried very hard to keep it secret, I am Tao.
As Tao I was banned by a rule change made especially for me after how many 1000s of contributing words to our mutual debate? But it seems debate is not really wanted here. It is self-serving navel gazing. I have been a party to it, I am not blameless. But I just do not see the point any more. Masturbation has limited appeal after all. So I am leaving in this guise too. I will leave my online discussion wants to pages in the science journals where I am better suited. I realise that my words seem to insult the majority here and in a sense they do. I believe you are all 'fiddling while Rome burns'. But that does not mean I do not respect the majority of you as individuals. So I take this opportunity to thank you for the many hours of reading I enjoyed here over the years. Special mention goes (not in any particular order) to Juantoo, Dauer, Andrew, Greymare, Quaholm, Wil, SG, PoO, Mee, Alex, MW, China, Snoopy, Paladin and many of the longer term members that helped me develop my current worldview.

Farewell and best wishes to you all.
As many of you know, well I never tried very hard to keep it secret, I am Tao.
As Tao I was banned by a rule change made especially for me after how many 1000s of contributing words to our mutual debate? But it seems debate is not really wanted here. It is self-serving navel gazing. I have been a party to it, I am not blameless. But I just do not see the point any more. Masturbation has limited appeal after all. So I am leaving in this guise too. I will leave my online discussion wants to pages in the science journals where I am better suited. I realise that my words seem to insult the majority here and in a sense they do. I believe you are all 'fiddling while Rome burns'. But that does not mean I do not respect the majority of you as individuals. So I take this opportunity to thank you for the many hours of reading I enjoyed here over the years. Special mention goes (not in any particular order) to Juantoo, Dauer, Andrew, Greymare, Quaholm, Wil, SG, PoO, Mee, Alex, MW, China, Snoopy, Paladin and many of the longer term members that helped me develop my current worldview.

Farewell and best wishes to you all.
Take care, David.
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