Zen and the Economy

(Parking the "definition" of God)... If pressed, I would perhaps say that the former is more compatible with Zen (where buddha nature may be the "equivalent" term), than the latter. But not if it causes an argument!
Coward! You Soto types! :p
{Let's see, can we start a sectarian war?}:D

Sure, why not. It is said that a Zen Master will tell you that black is white if it helps you. Word games are fun but sometimes you should put the Scrabble board away :)

Drat! And I was so looking forward to a sectarian war! :)
In my time with the Zen Center of Los Angeles, and Great Vow Zen Monastery, the concept of God or Gods was never part of any teaching that I received.

While Zen can be many things to different people, I personally think it's incompatible with the Christian concept of a personal God and Jesus Christ as a savior.

Zen is about stripping away delusional thought and residing in this simple, present moment. No Gods are required to achieve this.
Only if you bring the pastries. :)


In my time with the Zen Center of Los Angeles, and Great Vow Zen Monastery, the concept of God or Gods was never part of any teaching that I received.

While Zen can be many things to different people, I personally think it's incompatible with the Christian concept of a personal God and Jesus Christ as a savior.

Zen is about stripping away delusional thought and residing in this simple, present moment. No Gods are required to achieve this.
Are you sure that is not a delusional thought that needs stripping away? :p
{Have a pastry, CZ. :)}
Thanks very much for these links, they have pointed me in the direction of some interesting reading.

Word games are fun but sometimes you should put the Scrabble board away :)

And this is quite a challenge, especially when interacting on an internet forum !!
Alright, what else does everyone like for breakfast?
I like cold steamed asparagus with mayonnaise.

{Hehe! Soon we should have enough food to have a good food fight--err--I mean sectarian war. Just don't throw the hot coffee at each other--that would be like sinning against the Spirit.} :cool:
Alright, what else does everyone like for breakfast?
I like cold steamed asparagus with mayonnaise.

Cold Steam? Is that like, uh, cold fusion?:confused:

{Hehe! Soon we should have enough food to have a good food fight--err--I mean sectarian war. Just don't throw the hot coffee at each other--that would be like sinning against the Spirit.} :cool:

Another true believer.
Tell me, SeattleGal, do you follow the Path of Sweetness and Light (cream and sugar) or do you really Know the Power of the Dark Side? (Triple espresso, black and make it a double!!):rolleyes:
Another true believer.
Tell me, SeattleGal, do you follow the Path of Sweetness and Light (cream and sugar) or do you really Know the Power of the Dark Side? (Triple espresso, black and make it a double!!):rolleyes:

Dark roast, extra strong brew, (possibly spiked with a few extra shots of espresso,) no sugar, with non-dairy creamer (not soy! :mad:)

I was wondering if you could give me your thoughts on the Zen perspective of our current economic disaster. :eek:

The Old Master was visiting the monastery kitchen. The Master noticed a rather large pie cooling on the window shelf and was prompted to ask of the cook: "if I stick my thumb into this delicious smelling pie would I also pull out a plum?"

The cook replied:
"Master, If you stuck your thumb in this pie you would indeed pull out a plum; but in so doing the four and twenty blackbirds baked in the pie would escape through the convenient oriface provided. Thus the Brothers in the monastery would all go hungry."

"Being hungry, for lack of a good meal, the Brother's work in the following days would be insufficient to the tasks before them. This lack of productivity would adversly effect the stocking of the larder."

"One can see", said the cook, "that one's attachment to plums is a desire most crippling."

The Old Master smiled and bowed low to the cook. Whereupon the cook struck the old master with a dripping ladle extracted from the tureen of hot soup, causing the Old Master to grasp his head in protection...and to let go of the smaller pies he had tried to purloin under the folds of his robes.

Morales extracted:
The authorities have absolved Benito Morales of any wrong-doing.

According to a statement provided by the Authorities:
"Senor Morales had nothing to do with the cook's actions, for he just supplies ladles to the monastery as an act of devotion."
The Old Master smiled and bowed low to the cook. Whereupon the cook struck the old master with a dripping ladle extracted from the tureen of hot soup, causing the Old Master to grasp his head in protection...and to let go of the smaller pies he had tried to purloin under the folds of his robes.

Now that was the answer I was looking for :D !! Thanks !!

(Only don't tell me whether Obama is the master or cook, we are not allowed to talk politics in this sub-forum :)).

....what is the Zen way of dealing with this situation ? What are your expections of what Obama's accomplishments might include ? Any other observations about the Zen perspective here.


In one of the earlier teachings in Zen one may happen across the dialogs between the eager wannabe student and the Master regarding the time it would take to learn Zen. I believe that this would be an appropriate starting point and when coupled with the dialog of the prospective student of Zen who busily pontificated about all he knew to the Master provide the insight sought after. Have a cup of tea, Avi.:)