I was wondering if you could give me your thoughts on the Zen perspective of our current economic disaster.

The Old Master was visiting the monastery kitchen. The Master noticed a rather large pie cooling on the window shelf and was prompted to ask of the cook: "if I stick my thumb into this delicious smelling pie would I also pull out a plum?"
The cook replied:
"Master, If you stuck your thumb in this pie you would indeed pull out a plum; but in so doing the four and twenty blackbirds baked in the pie would escape through the convenient oriface provided. Thus the Brothers in the monastery would all go hungry."
"Being hungry, for lack of a good meal, the Brother's work in the following days would be insufficient to the tasks before them. This lack of productivity would adversly effect the stocking of the larder."
"One can see", said the cook, "that one's attachment to plums is a desire most crippling."
The Old Master smiled and bowed low to the cook. Whereupon the cook struck the old master with a dripping ladle extracted from the tureen of hot soup, causing the Old Master to grasp his head in protection...and to let go of the smaller pies he had tried to purloin under the folds of his robes.
Morales extracted:
The authorities have absolved Benito Morales of any wrong-doing.
According to a statement provided by the Authorities:
"Senor Morales had nothing to do with the cook's actions, for he just supplies ladles to the monastery as an act of devotion."