Getting Healthy

I haven't been posting because I sorta hit the existential wall of despair. A number of things have been converging: like mid-life crisis stuff coupled with still trying to work through my grief over my brother's death, and some anger issues that go way back to childhood.

I'm so sorry to hear that. I know from personal experience that there is nothing more devastating than the death of a sibling, except maybe the death of a child. But that's something I avoid thinking about as much as possible.

I remember that practically my first reaction to the news of my sister's death in 1984 was to tell my children how much I love them. I told them that no matter how angry they made me at times, that they should never think I didn't want them. I think it was just the fact that they existed, that I *HAD* children, that made it possible for me to get through that period at all. True, I was often distracted and ignored them for long periods of time, lost in my own projects. But that comes with the territory (ADD/ADHD) and never meant I didn't care about them, although I'm sure they often perceived it that way.

An aside: I looked at the ADHD/Ritalin topic on this board a few minutes ago. It made me very, VERY angry and I have no desire whatsoever to post there. The amount of ignorant pontificating is so overwhelming that I couldn't post anything coherent anyway. And the worst thing is that I've seen it all before, but that doesn't make it any easier to deal with.

I'll continue in another post. I need to cool down after writing that!

I'm trying to educate myself about nutrition. I was raised lacto vegetarian, so I've never really had a horrible diet, but I've started taking a multi-vitamin and salmon oil capsules for omega whatchamacallits.



If you've got a decent diet, could I suggest that buying supplements is just giving you expensive piss?

On a different topic...:)...with the wonders of the C2 rower I've lost a stone. Now just got to lose a stone off the other leg. :rolleyes:

