The meeting with the people of Mars.

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The Quran predicts a future meeting with the people of Mars

Mars is inhabited. There are people on Mars: the Martians, in addition to all other forms of life: the plant and animal.

Besides all essentials of life are available on Mars:
liquid water, clear atmosphere, day and night succession, seasons, graduation of temperature from the polar frozen regions to less cold temperate and equatorial regions;
in addition the ice present on the top of some high mountains, while the slopes and valleys have no such ice. And don't forget the cloud on Mars drifted by the wind. Inhabited

The Quran predicts a future meeting with the people of Mars: Between Inhabitants

This is in the Quran 42: 29

و مِنْ آياتِهِ خَلْقُ السماواتِ و الأرضِ و ما بَثَّ فيهِما مِنْ دابّةٍ و هو على جَمعِهم إذا يَشاءُ قديرٌ

The explanation:
(And [one] of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and what He has spread abroad therein of beasts [lit. : creatures moving on the ground]; and He is All-Able to gather them if He wills.)

The interpretation:
>> ( And [one] of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth)
It means: Among His signs that indicate His existence is the creation of the planets including the earth,

>> ( and what He has spread abroad therein of beasts [lit. : moving creatures] ) i.e. the creatures [: animals and human beings] that move on these planets including the Earth.

>> ( and He is All-Able to gather them if He wills.)

Here, there is a clear declaration about the possibility of meeting between the inhabitants of some of the planets and the inhabitants of Earth.

I am not any gambler.
See also that the plant is there on the planets, according to the Quran
27: 25
ألاّ يَسجُدُوا للهِ الّذي يُخرِجُ الخَبْءَ في السماواتِ و الأرضِ و يَعلمُ ما تُخفونَ و ما تُعلِنونَ ?
The explanation:
(Will they not adore [and obey] God Who brings forth what [plant] is hidden [under the soil] in the heavens and the earth, and knows what [secrets] you hide and what you proclaim ?)

The ‘hidden’ means the plant because the seed is hidden under the ground, then it will come out as a plant.
I know there are people on mars! I was looking through my telescope and saw them up there playing net ball, with their buddies Allah, Jehovah, Sonic the hedgehog and the toothfairy :D

Yes there are people on Mars, as are there on Earth.

But you cannot see them by your telescope now; they will be discovered in the near future, and then you may remember your present words.

Moreover, God in English is the same Allah in Arabic and Jehovah in Hebrew; all these three words are synonyms of the Creator in these languages.

And God does not play, as He said in the Quran 21: 17

... لَوْ أَرَدْنَا أَن نَّتَّخِذَ لَهْوًا لَّاتَّخَذْنَاهُ مِن لَّدُنَّا إِن كُنَّا فَاعِلِينَ ...

The explanation:
(We created not the heavens and the earth and all that is between them, merely for making fun.

Had We willed to do amusement, We would have done it of [the angels in] Our [neighborhood], if We had done [so.]

But We do hurl the true [the angel of death] against the false [the chief of disbelievers], and he will nock out his brain, and soon he will perish; but woe be to you [associaters] for [the sons, daughters, peers and falsehood] that you attribute [to Us.])

And I say: Yes there are people on Mars, as are there on Earth. to Mars
Yes there are people on Mars, as are there on Earth.

But you cannot see them by your telescope now; they will be discovered in the near future, and then you may remember your present words.
Namaste and welcome eanassir,

Now I believe there will be people discovered on mars in the near future. But they will be sent upto maintain the robots that are mining the planet or space vacationers.

You are aware we've mapped most of the planet with craft that have encircled it and had a variety of equipment land to send back data on the current conditions. There are no structures, no homes, we may yet find some bacterial life or such but there is no evidence of people if you define people as human's like us.

This being the case, this may actually be a discussion more appropriate for the Islamic board than, science.​
god doesn't play?

All work and no play makes god a dull boy :(

God – be glorified – is not any human being or any creature; He is Perfect and Unique.

God does not play, neither does He forget, neglect or become heedless. He does not sleep or become dizzy (as the dizziness before sleep.)

Otherwise, all the creation will be corrupted and destroyed.

This is in the Quran 2: 255

اللّهُ لاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ هُوَ الْحَيُّ الْقَيُّومُ لاَ تَأْخُذُهُ سِنَةٌ وَلاَ نَوْمٌ

The explanation:
(God! No god [to be worshipped in the entire universe] but He [alone], the Alive [Who dies not], the Disposer [in the affairs of the universe and creatures.]
Neither slumber [or the pre-sleep dizziness, like that overtaking souls]
nor sleep [like that overtaking alive people] can overtake Him.)

And God said in the Quran 23: 17

وَلَقَدْ خَلَقْنَا فَوْقَكُمْ سَبْعَ طَرَائِقَ وَمَا كُنَّا عَنِ الْخَلْقِ غَافِلِينَ

The explanation:
(And We have created above you seven passages [: heavens];
nor are We heedless of creatures.)
Must be living underground or something,:cool: hmmm.

It has become obvious that their observation of Mars and the informations they have obtained are defective.
It is only recently that they discovered some liquid drops on the foot of the Lander. The images taken and transported to us underwent some modification and the data which they get are not certain.
But seeing that the ice is restricted to the polar regions, and the top of mountains, and the different axis from that of Earth, the duration of the day and night there on Mars and the seasons, and the cloud drifted by the wind, all this point to the possibility of life on Mars. In addition the atmosphere is clear (not like that of Venus which consists of thick smoke, and not like that of Moon or Mercury which lost its atmosphere.) to Mars
It has become obvious that their observation of Mars and the informations they have obtained are defective.

Why hang yourself with this ridiculous notion?

Did you forget to take your meds?



Smiley alien face appears on Mars
Namaste and welcome eanassir,

Now I believe there will be people discovered on mars in the near future. But they will be sent upto maintain the robots that are mining the planet or space vacationers.

You are aware we've mapped most of the planet with craft that have encircled it and had a variety of equipment land to send back data on the current conditions. There are no structures, no homes, we may yet find some bacterial life or such but there is no evidence of people if you define people as human's like us.

This being the case, this may actually be a discussion more appropriate for the Islamic board than, science.

Welcome Wili,
I know that you circled Mars with your craft, but the images received were not that precise and did not give every detail; when we do more resolution, they will become obscure.
Moreover, the crafts circled at high altitudes, while the rovers and the lander were landed in inappropriate places: in the desert and near the polar region.
This was because such plain deserts were chosen to ensure safe landing.
Had they gone to the mountainous regions where the snow covers the tops of some high mountains, they might have found life lower down the slopes and in the valleys inbetween the mountains; because the snow percolate to form water springs and then water streams then tributaries then rivers; and here life will certainly exist.
Google Image Result for

The global mapping of Mars is complete at 18 meters per this level we would see roads, paths etc.

For man to exist we need to eat yeah? And some animal life around, plant life, etc.?

Sorry none to be found...micro-organisms I suspect may exist. But you've got access to the web...the old face on mars has now been debunked and all those have moved on. Time for you to look critically at this before you go down the path to far.
The image that "wil" cited

Is this picture so clear? If you do the possible zoom, can you see the details required that you may debunk any possibility of important surface feature?
Then refer to the Comment just following the subject of: The emigration to Mars here [after adding the required web letters at the start of this]: to Mars
Or open the main page then go to the list of Contents then see the subject of The emigration to Mars and read the Comment just following it.
If the reader sees the main page then go to the list of Contents then see the subject of The planets are inhabited, then the subject will be clear to him.
If one is interested, he may go to the main page then go to the list of Contents then see the subject:

Traveling to Mars is successful

The emigration to Mars

An anticipated meeting between the inhabitants of Earth and the inhabitants of some other planets
In that large (main/center-ish) crater(sp) on the left hand side of the circle near middle top.. There is a box like shape with a "path" leading away from it... The path is the drive way and the box could be some form of garage/lift device which lowers you down to like an underground city...

Well, it could be.

Far right of said crater(sp) Near the right hand edge in the middle there... That could be a village! COULD BE!

Same height far edge left.... That looks like the complex from "space chimps"!!!! The castle at the top and the grounds encricling below it! And looking carefully looks like they too have a lake with some kind of hatch/island in the middle....

Looking back at the largest/main crater(sp) where the vehicle lift system is! if you look at the smallest and last crater (of the three) which is linked to it. There is a large face coming out from the ground! It's like an old ass statue from their previous surface cities (a bit like the statue of liberty, you get the idea...) And before the Third world war on mars it stood high and proud above it's city's sky line! Now it is but a reminder of their total destruction..... Cast aside and consumed by time........

There could be people there! like us here, and once lived like us here! but they have seen it all before!! now a loving humble few they grow and learn and live and love! There is a motopolis of nature down there... The children having to build what the generations of old destroyed! Oh I bet they have some stories!
04-01-2009, 06:04 PM ie April fools day.
I missed it and am surprised you all fell for that!!!
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