The Quran predicts a future meeting with the people of Mars
Mars is inhabited. There are people on Mars: the Martians, in addition to all other forms of life: the plant and animal.
Besides all essentials of life are available on Mars:
liquid water, clear atmosphere, day and night succession, seasons, graduation of temperature from the polar frozen regions to less cold temperate and equatorial regions;
in addition the ice present on the top of some high mountains, while the slopes and valleys have no such ice. And don't forget the cloud on Mars drifted by the wind.
universeandquran.741.com/#Planets Inhabited
The Quran predicts a future meeting with the people of Mars:
universeandquran.741.com/My%20Webs/new_page_2.htm#Meeting Between Inhabitants
This is in the Quran 42: 29
universeandquran.741.com/My%20Webs/new_page_2.htm#Meeting Between Inhabitants
This is in the Quran 42: 29
و مِنْ آياتِهِ خَلْقُ السماواتِ و الأرضِ و ما بَثَّ فيهِما مِنْ دابّةٍ و هو على جَمعِهم إذا يَشاءُ قديرٌ
The explanation:
(And [one] of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and what He has spread abroad therein of beasts [lit. : creatures moving on the ground]; and He is All-Able to gather them if He wills.)
(And [one] of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and what He has spread abroad therein of beasts [lit. : creatures moving on the ground]; and He is All-Able to gather them if He wills.)
The interpretation:
>> ( And [one] of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth)
It means: Among His signs that indicate His existence is the creation of the planets including the earth,
>> ( And [one] of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth)
It means: Among His signs that indicate His existence is the creation of the planets including the earth,
>> ( and what He has spread abroad therein of beasts [lit. : moving creatures] ) i.e. the creatures [: animals and human beings] that move on these planets including the Earth.
>> ( and He is All-Able to gather them if He wills.)
Here, there is a clear declaration about the possibility of meeting between the inhabitants of some of the planets and the inhabitants of Earth.