Kindest Regards, IlluSionS667!
Thank you for your post!
IlluSionS667 said:
- There have been mummies in Egypt, containing coca extracts. The coca plant can only be found in Egypt. how did it get there?
I presume you mean that coca comes from South America, not Egypt. We did consider this earlier, and I cannot help but wonder if this may have been a driving consideration in Thor Heyrdahl's adventures concerning the Ra expeditions.
- The Gods of the South-American people were bearded. Native Americans can not grow a beard. This means these Gods were from another race. One possibility is that the South-American Gods were vikings. But that's only one possibility.
Certainly, there are many possibilities. Facial hair, in my understanding, was not preferred among Native Americans, so the tradition and cultural way of dealing with facial hair was to pluck it. It is a more thorough way of dealing with it.
I have also seen pictures of relics from Central America with distinctly African features, broad noses and kinky hair, not typical of Native American cultures (or European, for that matter).
And you are correct in that, using the Aztecs as an example, white skinned peoples (especially those with red hair) were sometimes viewed with a form of reverence, which made the Spanish conquest that much easier.
-What techniques were used to make diorite vases for the Giza pyramid?
I am not familiar with these, do you have any examples?
How did the Mayas and Egyptians gain their knowlegde about the universe?
Yes, an intriguing question. Likewise, how were the Aztecs able to create such an accurate calendar? For that matter, how were the Babylonians able to do the same?
- The Veda's speak of Gods fighting wars against each other, flying in their vimanas. Who were these Gods? Were they imaginative creatures? What are Vimanas?
- What was the intention of the symbols in the Nazca plain? Who were they meant for?
Ah yes, I believe it was Von Danken who posed these questions in Chariots of the Gods. Of course, he is usually dismissed by mainstream science. I would like to have the privilege of one day seeing Nazca for myself. Besides which, there are other large scale drawings in various corners of the world. I seem to recall a chalk horse several stories tall somewhere in the South of England, as well as a "giant" in the SW desert of California.
I could add to the Vedic lore with the story in Ezekiel of the "wheel within a wheel", some claim to be some type of flying device.
- The Eddas and the Greek-Roman myths speak of Gods fighting wars with 'titans' or 'giants'. Who were these Gods and who were these titans or giants? Were they imaginative creatures?
I am not familiar with the Eddas, and only cursory info about the Romans, but "giants" seem to be a recurring concept in several cultures, not least the race of giants from which Goliath was decended. There would seem to be a thread drawn between this race and the fallen "Nephilim."
- According to hieroglyphs, Egypt was rules by demi-Gods before the Egyptian dynasties (= during Tep-Zepi). Who were these demi-Gods? Were they imaginative creatures?
Ah, my ignorance is showing. I am not familiar enough with ancient Egypt to address this.
- Why were the Elohim or the angels in the old testament? Were they imaginative creatures?
- Was it really God who destroyed Sodom and Gomora, and how and when did he do it? Or is this story not to take literally?
I can answer from my religious tradition, but not from historical or archeological fact.
- The oldest stone man-made stucture we know of is much older than 3000. It's the Giza sfynx. It shows severe erosion marks caused by lost of falling water ( ! ). Who built it and why?
- The pyramid of Cheops and the sphynx both seem to have something with 10.500 BC, which is around the time of a great cataclysm (the end of the so-called Ice age)
I understand this puzzle to be a source of academic conflict. The date I have seen places the Sphinx construction at or near the construction date of the Great Pyramid, 2500 BC +/-. I also understand that some of the Sumerian ziggurats predate this, walled cities in general and pyramids in particular having originated there (oldest known structures, anyway). There is much in Central and South America that is as of yet insufficiently explored or catalogued. I still wonder if there are not yet things to be found in Africa and SE Asia that may further challenge the established timeline.
- What about strange old maps, such as the Piri Reis map?
I have long been facinated with the Piri Re'is map.
- What was up with the Mayas? What was the intention of their "big plan"?
I have not heard of this before, can you provide anything to demonstrate?
Could this be the great flood mentioned in so many ancient writings around the world?
I understand Charles Berlitz wrote a book addressing this, but I have not yet found a copy. It is my understanding that a flood fable or myth is to be found in many cultures and places throughout the world, a great many of them having striking similarities, but I have not had the opportunity to go over the material that makes these claims.
There's a lot more to this, but it's been quite a while since I was into this whole Atlantis deal. My memory has faded. But I know that some things just don't fit. There seems to be a hell of a lot of ancient knowledge coming from nowhere.
Likewise. The subject has been a source of fascination for a long time, but struggling through the flaky stuff to get to the core material kinda put me off for a while.
It's perhaps a bit farfetched to assume that there was an Atlantis, located on what now is called Antarctica, with highly evolved knowledge.
I understand the plate tectonics/continental drift concept, but Antarctica is a bit of a puzzle in this. If the current thinking is correct, Antarctica drifted from the eastern side of Africa, which would seem to me the opposite direction from the place Plato suggested.
I have my own thinking in this that contradicts the current thinking, considering the drift associated with the Indian subcontinent and its source from Antarctica, which if it could be showed correct would allow for your possibility.
The big question is : IF Atlantis existed, what happened to them between the cataclysm and the start of some of the greatest known human civilisations around 3500 BC? What has happened with this ancient knowledge? And what has happened to the descencents of the Gods?
We know barely anything of what happened in human civilisation before 3500 BC. Will we ever know an answer to all the questions stated above? Who knows?!
This, of course, returns us to our multi-million dollar question.