This is how Islam will end....

There are not going to be any more al-Thalabis or al-Ghazalis, this time... they will win.

nonsense! :):p, for we allready have it in the hadith that the mainstream Muslims will allways remain supreme till the last day :), and near the end of time, there may not be a Ghazali, but there will be the Mahdi [as] and he will get the khilafa ball rolling :) and Isa [as] will come and finish the job :)

... I heard the Prophet (Peace be upon him) say: A group of people from my Ummah will continue to fight [strive] in obedience to the Command of Allah, remaining dominant over their enemies. Those who will opose them shall not do them any harm. They will remain in this condition until the Hour over takes them'. ... (Muslim)

Imam Nawawi (d. 676/1277, Rahimahullah) said in his Sharh Muslim (vol. 2, pg. 143):

"The group of people (mentioned in the above Hadith) consists of scholars, jurisprudents, authorities on Hadith, those who enjoin Good (Maroof) and forbid Evil (Munkar) and all such persons who do good deeds. Such righteous persons may be found spread all over the world."

Imam Bukhari (Rahimahullah) stated in his Sahih (vol. 9, chapter. 10, English ed'n),
"The statement of the Prophet (Peace be upon him): 'A group of my followers will remain victorious in their struggle in the cause of the Truth.' Those are the religious(ly) learned men (Ahl ul-Ilm)."
Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal (Rahimahullah) said about this group:
"If it is not the people of Hadith, then I do not know who they may be." (Sahih Muslim Sharif-Mukhtasar Sharh Nawawi, vol. 5, pg. 183, W. Zaman)
Qadi Iyad (Rahimahullah) said in ash-Shifa (pg. 188):
"In a Hadith from Abu Umama (Allah be pleased with him), the Prophet (Peace be upon him) said, `A group of my community will remain constant to the truth, conquering their enemy until the command of Allah comes to them while they are still in that condition.' ...


... I said, `Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him), what do you suggest if I happen to live in their time [the time of deviant sects]?' He said, 'You should stick to the main body of the Muslims and their leader' I said, 'If they have no (such thing as the) main body of the Muslims and have no leader?' He said, 'Separate yourself from all these factions, though you may have to eat the roots of trees until death comes to you and you are in this state.'"

(NB-It is not likely that there will be an absence of a Jama'ah, since I have already quoted the Prophet, peace be upon him, as saying: 'A group of people from my Ummah will continue to fight in obedience to the command of Allah, remaining dominant over their enemies. Those who will oppose them shall not do them any harm. They will remain in this condition until the Hour overtakes them.')

Who are the Ahl al-Sunnah?

so not even an astray Muslim sect will dominate, let alone a kuffar one :D

Hey Brian,

i wander through the vicinity every now and then ;)
C0de, I do not understand. You have 1200 years of Islamic history, and that doesn't just go away. Plus, isn't it a good thing that Muslim people want to understand the Koran? What is so wrong about Koran-Aloners? I thought you were all about the Koran yourself. You had a discussion in the forum once with somebody about how they were relying too much upon Hadith, or unreliable Hadith. I think you were saying that Koran was more important than Hadith. Plus you are a staunch believer, so how is that consistent with thinking Islam could end? I don't get it.

@ Dream

I have faith in God, not humanity....

Last week, I was passing time in some bookstore in downtown
saw a book (cant remember the name) by some dude from Stratfor,
with his political "predictions" for the century...

This guy isn't just some columnist, he's stratfor... a thinktank
with major links in the intell establishment... i quickly flipped
through the chapters to find what I was looking for. (didnt take long)

People like this are useful. You know why? So people like me can say:
"if you dont believe me, go take a look at what that expert is sayin'..."

cuz why would anyone listen to me ... ?

after all, i dont have a phd.

So pick up his book...

just so you can read, in a more academic tone the following words:

Faith will end, with my generation.

And if it happens, it will be by God's will.

p.s. Here's a picture of the new (planned) Mecca....


pretty... isn't it?
Its pretty. The buildings are in the shape of books. There is a huge courtyard in front of the low, flat mosque; and behind that is a smaller courtyard enclosed by some more book-buildings. Maybe it is a way of making the smaller mosque part of a much bigger structure? Also, I can't decide whether its Hu-mongous or Gi-normous. Everything is so tall that I think that gravity has just been rebuked. Maybe if you let one country build each building you can internationalize the city and make it a sort of unifying city.
my compliment, was based in bitterness....

(.... misunderstood, as always....)

... ill c u guys later
Never mind, brother... Capiltalism is eating everything beautiful...Yet, as Gramchi said: we should be endowed with the pissimism of reason, and the optimism of will...

My salutation

You already know that this is not about capitalism or communism, sis.

The problem is people like Gramchi, the materialistic messiahs of this Brave New World.

But even that is an incomplete description... For the real problem lies in everyone like me, and you.
You already know that this is not about capitalism or communism, sis.

The problem is people like Gramchi, the materialistic messiahs of this Brave New World.

But even that is an incomplete description... For the real problem lies in everyone like me, and you.

whos gramchi?
I wonder how much this posche apartments n future Mecca are going to cost? This is an attempt to change the face of haj into a class system so the princes and oil sheikhs and rich wahhabis don't have to rub shoulders with the masses. Soon this Wahhabis will seperate the sexes also.

Anyways we Koranist will come and save the whole situation. Once we arrive everything will be back to basics. But God is not confined to a place or a people. The Koran says regarding the qibla:

2.177 It is not righteousness that ye turn your faces Towards east or West; but it is righteousness- to believe in Allah and the Last Day, and the Angels, and the Book, and the Messengers; to spend of your substance, out of love for Him, for your kin, for orphans, for the needy, for the wayfarer, for those who ask, and for the ransom of slaves; to be steadfast in prayer, and practice regular charity; to fulfil the contracts which ye have made; and to be firm and patient, in pain (or suffering) and adversity, and throughout all periods of panic. Such are the people of truth, the Allah.fearing.

And that part in the red is something money can't buy and to me it represents the national anthem of the Koranist movement and to me its about going back to basics. :D

Christianity is quickly changing, despite what the officials like to say. People thought it would disappear in the USA, but its just that Christians are having to come to terms with lots of outside ideas all of a sudden. A year ago, I thought Christianity might disappear but I have changed my mind.

You talk about Islam disappearing. I think the only real thing that could ever cause Muslims (the English word) to disappear is if Christianity were to 'disappear'. Correct me, but Christians are mentioned in the Koran and Muslims convert Christians. So, as long as there are unconverted Christians, then Muslims have someone to convert. Then Muslim preachers always have a cause, and as long as there is a cause there is a movement. You can believe that I know how preachers work, and not every bright and shining thing is made of gold. A lot of people know this, and there is debate about what to do. Many say that God works in between, in spite of, those that are false. I say that false preachers and prophets will not always thrive, that their time will come to an end.

If somebody were to ask me what Islam was, I'd really not know other than by the history of Islam. I don't get how to read the Koran. I'm not sure how one reads the Koran, and until I know that I just won't feel like I have any grasp of who Muslims are. I started talking about Koran in one thread, but there is an art to balancing the verses. I found it was not so easy, and my experiences did not aid me in the reading. I thought it would be like reading the Bible, but the way to read it is not the same.

I don't understand the particulars of the problems that Muslims face; but I know the disappointment of seeing money and lives wasted on buildings. I think that if there is one c0de then more are on the way.
I don't get how to read the Koran. I'm not sure how one reads the Koran, and until I know that I just won't feel like I have any grasp of who Muslims are. I started talking about Koran in one thread, but there is an art to balancing the verses. I found it was not so easy, and my experiences did not aid me in the reading. I thought it would be like reading the Bible, but the way to read it is not the same.

Here is a simple rule of thumb when conducting research on Quranic matters: whatever subject you are researching, locate and collect all the verses on that subject and look at them together.

I think that if there is one c0de then more are on the way.


... and I thought you were an optimist (lol)


I respect your opinion dude... I guess we will just see what happens. Hopefully, I am wrong.
Here is a simple rule of thumb when conducting research on Quranic matters: whatever subject you are researching, locate and collect all the verses on that subject and look at them together.

Good rule of thumb.
Greetings and peace to all,

Regarding fasting in Islam, compared to the original teachings of Jesus, one can find information in the gospel of Matthew and also in an early text called the 'Didache' (Greek work for Teaching). This Didaché (pronounced dee-da-kay) reveals the orignal Christianity which was corrupted after Emperor Constantine in 303. It has been 'lost' from 360s until found in Constantinople, of all places, 1873.

The Didaché reveals several remarkable parallels with Islam, for example, 4 pillars of the faith instead of 5 (lacking Hajj) and thrice-daily prayer rather than 5, and others besides.

Regarding fasting, in Islam, besides mandatory Ramadan fast, a 'recommended' fast is given, to occur on Mondays and Thursdays. By comparison the Didache says that Christians should fast on Wednesday and Friday but avoid fasting on Monday and Thursday –the very days that Islam recommends fasting! The Didaché shuns those days because they are the days of fasting by the 'hypocrites' (obviously referring to Jewish fasting customs of 1st century Palestine). ‘Hypocrites’ is of course the word Jesus uses for his sectarian rivals.

First-century Christians were told to change the twice-weekly fast days in order for the larger community of Palestine to recognize that Christians (who were then a brand new sect in the area) were not the same as Jews.

This fasting practice originated with John the Baptizer (Mat. 9.14) and was not practiced by Jesus' disciples until after Jesus was dead and gone (9.15). So, this text represents very early practice.

In the understanding of those times, fasting had nothing to do with self-discipline or willpower, but it was done as a sign of mourning (for a departed one). The Baptizer adapted this into a sign of mourning for sins, performed as a gesture to God.

In Mark's gospel, fasting becomes a spiritual weapon against demons (but I reject Mark's Gospel and that of Luke, and encourage others to do so as well--and that's another story).

The correct understanding of fasting is in the Didache and it continues the Baptizer's original teaching found in Matthew: we fast in repentance.

In the Gospel of Thomas we also learn that fasting expresses our larger rejection of the world of sin and sensual dependence. This is probably an authentic teaching of Jesus. His most authoritative teaching is Matthew 6:18 – when you fast, if you do not let anyone else know you're do it, you will receive God's reward. Also you should fast on behalf of others, meaning that God blesses others with your blessing, which you generously donate in prayer.

Jesus famously fasted 40 days and 40 nights, which sounds like an impossibility and exaggeration, but if you read the Wikipedia article on fasting you will find that this is accomplished by many holy men and women. Such fasting empties the body and soul of worldly consciousness in order that one's spirit can directly interact with the unseen spiritual beings e.g. Satan.

The Islamic fasting instructions are probably imported from both Judaism and this early Christianity. Note again that the recommended fasting days in Islam and Judaism are identical, i.e., Monday and Thursday. And the 30 day fast of Ramadan may have been inspired by Christ's fast.

Another curious parallel between Islam and pertinent Jewish sectarianism is the focus on the lunar calendar (which gives us Ramadan). This shift was originally constructed by the so-called returning Exiles in the 400s BC; prior to that time, the local Palestinian cult followed the solar calendar. In the later centuries B.C. a sectarian group at Qumran 'fought back' and reasserted a solar calendar, in order to distinguish themselves from the rival sectarian Jews (whose Temple administration was rejected by the Qumran sect).

In all likelihood, the Baptizer and Jesus were members of this Essene-like Qumran sect, or at least were heavily influenced by it. Both men despised the Temple rulers as a brood of vipers.

This new information has been painstakingly reconstructed since about 1990, when the Qumran texts were finally brought into full scholarly scrutiny after they had been hoarded and secreted since the 1940s.
