On Karma



Hi I was wondering what peoples' thoughts are on Karma? I am thinking particularly of why bad things keep happening to good people. I am thinking of one person in particular who is kind, gentle, considerate etc but often finds themself in hellish situations.

Do you believe in karma?
If so, what can be done to make ones' situation better in this incarnation if the negative karma is coming from a past existence?

Many thanks

Hi I was wondering what peoples' thoughts are on Karma?

I think actions have consequences. Even thoughts and feelings have consequences. But I don't think that everything that happens to oneself is caused by oneself. It's a big world with lots of players- sometimes things just happen.

I am thinking particularly of why bad things keep happening to good people. I am thinking of one person in particular who is kind, gentle, considerate etc but often finds themself in hellish situations.

Does there have to be a reason? Some things just happen. I find that a lot of my own experience depends more on my interpretation of events and what I do with them than their being "bad" on their own. We can choose to learn from our situations, even if they are a source of suffering. That is my belief, anyway. I tend to not ask why something is happening to me as much as I ask what I should do in this moment.

Do you believe in karma?
If so, what can be done to make ones' situation better in this incarnation if the negative karma is coming from a past existence?

I believe in cause and effect, but not that everything is due to karma. Maybe some things are and some things are not.

I have no idea if "burning off" karma works. In religions that postulate that it does, such as some varieties of Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism, there are methods such as meditation, devotions/prayer, giving and service, ensuring no harm comes to others, ascetism. It depends on the religious framework and to be honest I think some of these things can assist in giving a better way to handle suffering, but I don't buy that any of them would offset past karma, if it exists.

Interesting question, though... and welcome to IO!

Welcome to the Forum.

Baha'is don't believe in reincarnation so we don't really subscribe to the classic definition of "karma".

I am thinking particularly of why bad things keep happening to good people.

Of course when you state this we should be aware that the "bad things" may be for a purpose we're not sure of and not because someone did something "bad" in a previous incarnation.

That which ye sow so shall ye reap...

Generally most would acknowledge I think that if you treat people "badly" in this life it will come back on you in some way or other either in the penal system or spiritually later on.

According to Abdul-Baha:

"...so likewise reward and punishment, heaven and hell, requital and retribution for actions done in this present life, will stand revealed in that other world beyond."

~ Abdu'l-Baha, Selections from the Writings of Abdu'l-Baha, p. 185

- Art:)
Sometimes we can create our own reason for negative events, and turn them to a greater good.

I remember seeing an account of a young girl in India who was scarred for life after a jilted suitor threw battery acid on her face. The real shock is that apparently this has become all too common, with a significant number of Indian men demanding a choice between marriage to them, or disfigurement and spinsterhood for life.

Rather than retreat into the shadows like many other such victims of this, instead she decided to push on publicising what had happened, and especially highlight the fact that this was happening with regularity across the region.

In doing so, she helped bring together those who had already suffered, gave them hope of crimes against them being dealt with - perhaps more importantly, though, helped bring public pressure to ensure that such practices would be less tolerated, and such men more likely to be prosecuted.

And in doing so, save the lives of so many others after her.

We can be defeated by tragedy, or else use the lesson of tragedy to fight against it happening again.

If so, what can be done to make ones' situation better in this incarnation if the negative karma is coming from a past existence?

In order to make one's situation better in this life, we need to endure difficult times with a peaceful mind. Bad karma is like a spider's web and the more we struggle against it the more it entangles us. Be patient, compassionate and live wisely and karma will change.
Namaste all and welcome Drew,

I'm just wanting to say I'm just nodding my head in agreement to so many of these responses, a lot of good thought there.

One thing I'd like to add is that I 'choose' to believe nothing just happens, that everything has a reason.

Oh and it is all about me.

My growth.

Each thing that happens is a chance for me to learn and grow, no matter how others perceive it or even I perceive it. This application has allowed me to find the lesson and appreciate more in the now...stuff that I used to have to look back upon months, years, decades later to understand I am now finding some solace in the now. (not always, not most of the time...I've still got a lot of work in this regard)

The other thing is the concept of grace. If in your last life you pushed a wrecking ball out away from you on an arc...and karma is that gravity bringing it barrelling right back toward you, your actions in this life can activate grace, which will allow you to bend over and admire a flower exactly at the time the wrecking ball swings over your head...
One thing I'd like to add is that I 'choose' to believe nothing just happens, that everything has a reason.

Oh and it is all about me.
My thought was that karma will no longer be an issue when it becomes apparent that it's not about me.
I am thinking of one person in particular who is kind, gentle, considerate etc but often finds themself in hellish situations.

Many thanks


Hello, Drew and many welcomes to the forums:)

I see what you meant by your question, esp when you refered to kind people. You meant that there the bad situation those people sometimes fell in arent the consequences of their doings.

I dont know which religion you belong to, but let me remind you that there are not kinder and more gentle persons than the prophets and the messangers peace be upon them all, and despite that, those prophets were the most people who suffered on earth.

The question is : why?

From an Islamic point of view, we are created to establish a relation of love and connection with God.

Those who are far from God are put into hardship so that they come to connect the purpose they are created for. God says: [7:168].....We tested them with prosperity and hardship, that they may return.

As far as those who are in real contact with God, they are also tested in their love to God. It is easy to declare love, but how hard it is to prove it and face hardships for the sake of the beloved. God says:

[2:155] We will surely test you through some fear, hunger, and loss of money, lives, and crops. Give good news to the steadfast.
[2:156] When an affliction befalls them, they say, "We belong to GOD, and to Him we are returning." [2:157] These have deserved blessings from their Lord and mercy. These are the guided ones.

A Muslim means a submitter. A true believer has to be a real submitter and be patient for everything he/she passes by. A true believer is sure of God's wisdom and justice. He/she submits to His Will, and keep connecting/ submitting himself/herself to God....
Hi I was wondering what peoples' thoughts are on Karma? I am thinking particularly of why bad things keep happening to good people. I am thinking of one person in particular who is kind, gentle, considerate etc but often finds themself in hellish situations.

Do you believe in karma?

As simple cause and effect, sure. Your personal dynamic, created in large part by your past deeds, will create good or bad outcomes by its very nature. However, this is never a guarantee that kind deeds will ward off bad events like magic. The events that take place in the universe, even in your vicinity, aren't all about you. How could they be?

There is a consolation, however. A good person is much better suited to deal with bad events than a not-so-good person. A good person can take lemons and make lemonaide. Isn't that fortunate? :)


Hi Drew and welcome to IO :)

Hi I was wondering what peoples' thoughts are on Karma? I am thinking particularly of why bad things keep happening to good people. I am thinking of one person in particular who is kind, gentle, considerate etc but often finds themself in hellish situations.

I think this is a matter of perception.

Do you believe in karma?
I do not think that it is something to believe in or not believe in. It means "action." Does a person believe in action?...

If so, what can be done to make ones' situation better in this incarnation if the negative karma is coming from a past existence?
...so this bit becomes redundant. :)
