Is Psychology Science?

Scientific endeavour by its very nature is generally small-minded; it focuses on a theory that it has dissected out from all of reality in order to investigate the truth or not of the theory in order to make predictions in order to control the variable/s.

As to no self, I don’t mean this on a day to day basis. I’m not going to tell the electricity company I won’t pay my bill because there is no self living at my home address. No self, I think, is an appropriate term to counteract the belief in a separate entity that acts out an existence on the stage of life, interacting or not at will (aside from the fact that both physically and mentally we do not have any fixed, permanent nature).
Take away the delusion of a separation between self and other and what are you left with? > the true self, which is the entire universe, undivided.

But this isn't something that I'll be trying on with the electricity company.

What provoked the question of the OP, which was supposed to be a poll but I screwed up, was me wondering why nobody seems to want to use the language of psychology, or psychiatry as Netti points out, to describe the experience of the self.
My comment was pretty tangential. I havent looked but I think most of the people in the psychoanalytic society are social workers.
Scientific endeavour by its very nature is generally small-minded; it focuses on a theory that it has dissected out from all of reality in order to investigate the truth or not of the theory in order to make predictions in order to control the variable/s.
The predictions follow from the theory. To test a prediction is a way to test the theory.
I havent looked but I think most of the people in the psychoanalytic society are social workers.

Unless I'm misunderstanding, in the UK "social work" is separate from psychoanalysis practitioners.

Unless I'm misunderstanding, in the UK "social work" is separate from psychoanalysis practitioners.

Two countries divided by a common language :D

Netti, I think you underestimate just how often and how much psyche-profiling goes on now. Apply for a job these days and you are as likely as not to be tested.