Entangled atoms!

People are so easily distracted. The most important problem in our lives is not divining other peoples pasts or futures, it's seeing ego for what it is, eradicating ignorance, cultivating wisdom and compassion in our thoughts and actions. Do that first and then tell me how important it is that you feel odd standing here, or there. Do that first and then tell me how important it is that my aura is blue or green.

Wisdom comes not from reading, but from experiencing.

Whatever our motivations and beliefs, it is from experiencing the world that we better understand it, and thus are better able to tread a path of wisdom.

There is a huge gulf between understanding and comprehending. I can understand that a mountain is big, study its geology and ecosystem, read about the history and cultures that experienced it - but absolutely none of that will ever prepare me for the experience of standing by the mountain, looking up at it, and comprehending the sheer experience of it's intricacies and diversities.

People often rationalise that they understand that they need to be compassionate - but it pales before the experience that allows us to comprehend just how important this is.

Experience and observation are two of humanity's most powerful learning tools.

2c. :)
Thank you Earl.
"Instrumental Transcommunication (ITC), a term used to cover all the supposedly paranormal messages received through electronic media such as tape recorders, radios and computers, is a more objective way – in keeping with the modern technological age - of communicating with other levels of existence. However, it is not only its strong technological component that makes ITC more valid than other methods of communicating with these levels, it is because the proof it offers of their existence comes in a material concrete form that renders it particularly appropriate for our material physical world. We can say in fact that ITC allows those in the next world to communicate with us in a language that the majority of the people of this world – particularly the people of the Western world who have been taught by modern science to accept only material realities – can understand."
Earl, I checked out the site and listened to some samples. Let's just say that I'm unconvinced and leave it at that.

I like how they say in the paragraph included above: "We can say in fact that ITC allows those in the next world to communicate with us..."

They certainly sound pretty sure of themselves.

I'll bet they've already prepared their Nobel Prize acceptance speeches. It's such an honor.
Oh, CZ, you're so Tao-like.:D The following is a posting about David Fontana's observations of this gal's works. He is a long-time British psychologist and paranormal investigator:
Netscape Search

What's interesting to me is that some of the info these "folks on the other side" have communicated seems very similar to some of the insights gleaned from NDE's. I also found it fascinating that these "comunicators" seem to be saying that they "Step into" a "river of time" to communicate with us. So, that realm appears to be entirely outside of time as we know it. Perhaps, the Buddha wasn't whistling Dixie when he used the well known metaphor of crossing the stream to get to enlightenment.;) earl
Wisdom comes not from reading, but from experiencing.

Experience and observation are two of humanity's most powerful learning tools.

And I completely agree with you. I'm not sure where the "reading" part comes from, but I'll take that as a general caveat.

Experience and observation are two of humanity's most powerful learning tools, and I always encourage people in these posts to not get lost in scripture, but to experience enlightenment or a connection with God directly for themselves.

What I'm trying to point out here is how easily people become distracted by peripheral issues. Power places don't follow you to work, or accompany you on your commute, or your trip to the grocery store. Yet in each of those places you can live in an enlightened state.

So what's more important? Power places and aura changes? Enlightenment can change your entire life and being. It's up to each person to focus on what they feel is important and valuable in this short life we're privileged to experience.

I'll shoot for enlightenment first. Then, when I'm in a power place, I'll say, "This is a place of power." And when I see my aura change color, I'll say, "I see my aura is now blue." And when I see a fat woman wearing spandex, I'll say, "That is an unfortunate fashion choice." — just checking if your still reading.

Peace out dawgs!
I would suggest a "power place" can potentially offer something insightful, and therefore an experience that can be used.

It's not so much that I can recommend the world converge on such places as I've described, as much as recommend that if you feel like you are in such a place, to use it.

Some people climb high mountains to meditate, some people prefer to do so in a bedsit by a railway bridge. Could there be a different experience in both places that can be used positively?
I would suggest a "power place" can potentially offer something insightful, and therefore an experience that can be used.

I absolutely believe that one should be open to insight.

If you are able to discern the source of insight as coming from a location, as opposed to coming from one's mind, then you are a more sensitive and aware person than me.

But I will admit, that I am not the most sensitive person walking this earth.
I absolutely believe that one should be open to insight.

If you are able to discern the source of insight as coming from a location, as opposed to coming from one's mind, then you are a more sensitive and aware person than me.

But I will admit, that I am not the most sensitive person walking this earth.
Try an isolation chamber for a few hours. At first your insight does come from your mind. But then your mind begins to crave senory input from "outside". And when you do step outside, what you thought was the physical world, is nothing compared to how you perceive it, after...talk about becoming sensitive and aware...
Try an isolation chamber for a few hours. At first your insight does come from your mind. But then your mind begins to crave senory input from "outside". And when you do step outside, what you thought was the physical world, is nothing compared to how you perceive it, after...talk about becoming sensitive and aware...

I would suppose, Q, that this is something like a modern equivalent of the old Celtic Bardic practice of entombing oneself in the earth in a dark cave for a day or two, then emerging at sunrise. It provides a sense of rebirth, of stripping away the noise that usually dulls our sensitivity to the world, and then re-releasing us into the world.

As for NDE... they are called "near" because the people did not stay dead, not necessarily because they did not clinically die.

That's a whole other question to ponder-- if clinical death is "real" death and how long it takes to "really" die after the ending of brainwaves, breathing, and heart rate. I know a few people personally who had NDEs. One was clinically dead for 11 minutes after a massive hemorrage during childbirth; when she came to all the medical staff had left the room and the morgue team was on its way. Either the medical establishment can't really measure death as a cease of heartrate, breathing, and brain activity... or something else happens after this. Either way, science has some room for improvement.
Try an isolation chamber for a few hours. At first your insight does come from your mind. But then your mind begins to crave senory input from "outside". And when you do step outside, what you thought was the physical world, is nothing compared to how you perceive it, after...talk about becoming sensitive and aware...

Since I believe—and have experienced—that my mind is infinite, that "inside" and "outside" are artificial constructs of our limited physical perception and cultural upbringing, I have little doubt in what you're saying.

As I don't have access to an isolation chamber, I'll remain content experiencing this, as I do, in the "real world".

Either the medical establishment can't really measure death as a cease of heartrate, breathing, and brain activity... or something else happens after this. Either way, science has some room for improvement.

Science has an infinite need for improvement. I would never suggest that science knows everything or could know everything.

I might suggest that anything people can know or feel should be within the scientific realm to study or measure... but that is just an idle supposition.
Sidenote: Here's another example why a healthy dose of skepticism will serve you well in life.
citizenzen said:
Science has an infinite need for improvement. I would never suggest that science knows everything or could know everything.

I might suggest that anything people can know or feel should be within the scientific realm to study or measure... but that is just an idle supposition.

There is such a study in regards to near-death experiences being currently conducted:

Study into Near Death Experiences

Of course you know that no one has come back from permanent death. So until we start seeing full scale resurrections (as opposed to resuscitations) we have to work with what we have. A common theme in these NDEs is the idea that someone or something is telling the person to 'go back, it's not your time'. So if we follow through with this reasoning, it's clear that apparently there is a point of no return, a threshold where if crossed, the person will not come back. As limited in scope this is, it's all we have, really.