Jesus from the age of 12 to 30/Healing techniques


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Pardon me if there has already been a thread on this, but what are everyone's thoughts on the 17 years in Jesus's life that were not recorded in the Bible?

I kinda support the theory of him studying and learning in India, which may have been where he became proficient in his ability to heal. That being said, do you think that the healing techniques he possessed were natural or that they were learned? In my understanding, healing was more of an Eastern concept, being a kinda "manipulation" of Reality - anyone want to shed some light on this? :)
I always looked at it as why people in old movies never went to the bathroom. It just wasn't part of the plot. As an amatuer apologist, I'd make the argument that he followed the ascetic nazarite training and was sheltered until that point.
I have to admit, I take a more cynical historian view fo the healing miracles - for example, here: Are miracles real?.

As for the missing years - I seem to remember there's a tradition of his studying in Egypt for a while. There's also a (probably more Anglo-centric) claim of Jesus sailing with Joseph of Aramathea to the various business investments he held - such as the Cornish tin mines.
LOL I love how tradition can manage to put Jesus all over the map. Like in Tibet or Glastonbury. That just goes to show the limitlessness of the imagination. First Century Palestinian Jew getting rained on in Britannia. That's probably no more ridiculous than Bethlehem, though.
That;s politics, though. :)

I remember an Anglican vicar introduced me to the whole Glastonbury-Jesus mythology. And one of the cornerstones of the politics involved, is that if a Christian shrine was founded at Glastonbury, by Joseph of Aramathea, as per the legend, then that would give the Anglican Church some form of theoretical primacy over the the Roman branch of "the Chruch". (Conveniently forgetting, of course, that British Christianity was pretty unique and heavily Celtic, until the Synod of Whitby saw the Catholic Irish succeed in winning over the British to Rome.) :)
Namaste all,

interestingly enough... though i don't find the evidence that Jesus went to India all that compelling, the evidence that Buddhist monks went to the Middle East, by contrast, is quite compelling.

King Asoka sent Buddhist emmisaries (monks, don't ya know) to all the lands known to them at the time. at this point in history, the Indian subcontient was trading with the Middle Eastern countries and, of course, folks from the European and Middle Eastern areas were travelling through the area along the Silk Road... depending on where you came from and where you were going.
Mus Zibii said:
LOL I love how tradition can manage to put Jesus all over the map. Like in Tibet or Glastonbury. That just goes to show the limitlessness of the imagination. First Century Palestinian Jew getting rained on in Britannia. That's probably no more ridiculous than Bethlehem, though.
I imagine a good map to start with would be one featuring the main roads leading to and from Palestine. Of course, those maps were all redrawn after Al3xezbRia (HellO?) ... was destroyed the Romans.

Some modern reconstructions of history even go so far as to place the real Jerusalem in Turkey:
Huh, I've heard of that, but never looked into it. I always found the theory that the mountain Moses sat on (for lack of a neutral term) was not... where it use to be, or something.
Vajradhara said:
Namaste all,

interestingly enough... though i don't find the evidence that Jesus went to India all that compelling, the evidence that Buddhist monks went to the Middle East, by contrast, is quite compelling.

King Asoka sent Buddhist emmisaries (monks, don't ya know) to all the lands known to them at the time. at this point in history, the Indian subcontient was trading with the Middle Eastern countries and, of course, folks from the European and Middle Eastern areas were travelling through the area along the Silk Road... depending on where you came from and where you were going.

I also came across some marterial that might interest you about early Moslem attitudes towards Buddhism...

"Al-Biruni, the Persian historian who accompanied Mahmud’s invasion of the Indian subcontinent, spoke favorably of Buddhism and referred to Buddha as a "Prophet." Perhaps this indicates his familiarity with the Middle Persian term burxan, meaning prophet, used for "Buddha" in Sogdian and Uighur Buddhist texts, and earlier in Manichaean texts for all prophets. It may also indicate, however, that the Buddhists were accepted as "people of the Book" and, along with the Hindus and Jains, afforded protected subject dhimmi status after the initial destruction."


- Art
Siberia said:
I kinda support the theory of him studying and learning in India, which may have been where he became proficient in his ability to heal. That being said, do you think that the healing techniques he possessed were natural or that they were learned? In my understanding, healing was more of an Eastern concept, being a kinda "manipulation" of Reality - anyone want to shed some light on this? :)

What is reality ? It depends of the perception of each of us.

When you employ a technique, there is no place for natural !

I belive Jesus had natural gifts to heal people. He was not the only one, but this canot place him in India. If the theory of him studying and learning in India was true, how come we cannot find any influence of hinduism in his teachings ?

Jesus didn't heel from his childhod. The Bible wrote about it only after his baptem in Jordan's water by John. Or John was his cousin. And John admitted he cannot heel as Jesus did. Why ? Because Jesus found another way to belive in God. When you realise what Jesus tried to learn us, you do not need to go to church any more. Our priests are like perokees. You have to go to the source, inside of yourself to purify your body and thoughts. Jesus was hot the Christ form the beginning. He became Christ with a lot of discipline and will. His power to heel is one of the results of this life of devotion and abnegation for God.

LOL I love how tradition can manage to put Jesus all over the map. Like in Tibet or Glastonbury. That just goes to show the limitlessness of the imagination. First Century Palestinian Jew getting rained on in Britannia. That's probably no more ridiculous than Bethlehem, though.
Aren't you the same person that compared Jesus' mysterious and historical disapearance with "people (actors) in old movies not going to the bathroom?" How can you take yourself serious??
Namaste Simple Man,

great to see you back around again...and digging up old threads even!!

Mus Zibii probably won't be responding soon....would be a 'miracle' if he did, as he hasn't logged in for over two years...

interesting stuff you found though and some good links to follow...