Interesting coverage on the BBC on how Wahhabis' from Saudi who are fighting in Somalia are alienating the Sufi majority by digging up their graves and demolishing their mosques:
BBC NEWS | World | Africa | Somali rage at grave desecration
there could be more to this story than meets the eye, like tons of propaganda
sufism is an integral part of traditional islam, but some groups who pretend to be sufi's, have gone astray, such as those that listen to music and dance, and give too much reverence to graves... etc,; great saint/s of the past have listened to religious music for devotional reasons?, but only such great saints have the required level of faith and knolwedge to use it in a way that causes no harm and such saints are rare..., thus music is not meant for any common person that considers himself on the sufi-path
deviancy amongst some who call themselves 'sufi's' does even amount to polythiesm and idolatry, the very anti-thesis of Islam, hence it could be such groups that this party is taking a firm stance on, and such groups will number in a verry few minority
not sure about removing tomb stones, etc, but if specific graves are being used by 'fake sufi's' for saint worship, then it may be wise to remove signs of importance from such graves and stop such activities, alberint it should be done in a rewspectfull way [just guessing here so this is no opinion or ruling from me
]; many a fake sufi groups are known to hold music and dance festivals at the graves of saints too, and this is a major disrespect to the dead
so really peeps, what i'm trying to say is, this maybe, mostly some prop and spin from the bbc, in collusion with some pro-gov parties in Somalia, to try and manipulate the somalian masses to think that it is the real Islamic sufism that this group have turned against ,and thus against all traditional muslims, whereas the reality may be that some activities to prevent/ restrict the immoralites which could include mortal and heretical sins, such as grave worship are being undertaken, only effecting a tiny minority of such deviants
in other words, we really cannot trust what the bbc says without verification, so we could be getting our feathers in a twist, over some imaginary scenariao really
here is a link that shows the idolatrous innovations of some groups who call themselves sufi's:
The Sufi Order International --- North America [this link is full of stuff saying that the man himself is 'god' [naudhubillah]
And here is a link that explains the Islamic sufism:
The Place of Tasawwuf in Traditional Islam
ps: there ofcourse is a possibilty that it could be aspects of true sufism that they have turned against, but in this context, is it enough to want to take up arms against fellow Muslims?