Occasional errors in loading


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I've been getting occasional latency when pages load, sometimes leading to inability to connect. I've also seen one 404 error. It's not something that's effected my ability to use the site but it's noticeable. Anyone else been having issues with the site lately? Brian? Beuler?
I was having trouble when I had google scripts disabled. I am not sure if that was the isues, but 'They' might have integrated the goog scrip in a little bit tighter than before. Do you have scripts enabled?
You mean adsense? I'm using the adblock plus plugin for firefox. Must be it. Thanks!
Nu uh! I get sweet plugins like um... better GReader and uh... better gmail 2 and lazarus form recovery and surf canyone and better youtube and autopager (I can't live without autopager. It automatically loads the next page underneath the previous one on forums and web searches and blogs and such.) and stuffs.
..... :/

*restraints himself*

Recovery software called Lazarus? I just lol'd myself...... Who is the freaking Author? Jebus of Nazareth?


On another note.... O Big daddy D!! Why do thou hideth! thy face from us!?!? Why hath we fallens from thy grace!! Showth us mercy....th! and lighten our darkest hour with the divine presence...th!
Recovery software called Lazarus? I just lol'd myself...... Who is the freaking Author? Jebus of Nazareth?

Yeah. It's teh awesome.

On another note.... O Big daddy D!! Why do thou hideth! thy face from us!?!? Why hath we fallens from thy grace!! Showth us mercy....th! and lighten our darkest hour with the divine presence...th!

What whaaaat?