Locking the Theosophy Thread

in this article the importance and influence of Blavatsky is disputed concerning nazism, it seems they were influenced by many other occult and aryan societies [eg rosicrusian and thule] and by the theories of marxism [himself a jew]; enjoying the youtube vids posted by snoopy.


NA, it seems that Theosophy was linked to Ariosophy which was then connected to the Thule society:


Also, from my reading, the only new ideas which could be attributed to Theosophy were related to their strange racial ideas, but if I understand your point, you are saying even these ideas were not original to Theosophy.

Oh, and I am pretty sure you are right, Nietzsche would not be nominated for any awards by the Anti-defamation League !! That could make a fun thread too !!
hi avi
yes l am saying these ideas were prevalent in other groups; looking into the Thule society it seemed as much a class thing as a race thing, populated by aristocrats worried about the state of and upsurge of the proletariat at the time so looking for scapegoats, and guess who? Particularly post WWl poverty was bad and Germany needed to recreate a strong nation so they looked to the romantic teutonic past which obviously didn't include the jews [who must has been a sizable population] since they would not have taken part in this new myth. Like what the Romans did in taking the wealth of the patricians when changing over emperors the Germans wanted their hands on the wealth of those who didn't subscribe to this new aryan vision....

'The secret of our existence is in our being “a people that dwells alone” (Numbers 23:9), every one of us, man or woman, believing in the One G–d, leading a life according to the one Torah, which is eternal and unchangeable. Our “otherness”, independence of thought and conduct are not our weakness but our strength. Only in this way can we fulfil the function imposed on us by the Creator, to be to G–d a “kingdom of priests and a holy nation”, thereby being also a segulah (G–d’s treasure) for all humanity.'

What is the Secret of Jewish Survival? - Key Jewish FAQ's

So in a situation like that the results were horribly inevitable, just as now in Israel those antithetical to the holy nation are not welcome so must be evicted...strange as both countries in their own way sought to be a light unto all nations.
yes and neitzche was a huge influence in his will to power and superman ideology, he too looked at the greeks rather than any theosophical writings

Nietzsche, Prophet of Nazism: The ... - Google Books

NA, I think I may have accepted your earlier assumptions about Nietzsche more readily than I should have. I reviewed the SEP and wiki entries and one of the quotes I found is:

In 1886 Nietzsche broke with his editor, Ernst Schmeitzner, disgusted by his anti-Semitic opinions. Nietzsche saw his own writings as "completely buried and unexhumeable in this anti-Semitic dump" of Schmeitzner — associating the editor with a movement that should be "utterly rejected with cold contempt by every sensible mind".[15

Friedrich Nietzsche - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And my reading of the SEP for Nietzsche did not indicate anything which was anti-semitic and only a passing comment about Nazism.

In the link that you provided, Taha certainly looks highly critical of Nietzsche, why do you believe it is reliable ?

It has been a long time since I read Nietzsche's work, it might be interesting to go back and take a look.
My point was that Hitler cherry picked as necessary from various sources [including judeo-christian teleological beliefs] to formulate his own agenda with an obvious and essential need to have the current German hob nobs on his side, who obviously wanted to regain/accumulate as much as possible [power and money and land] since they were on their knees post WWl.
My point was that Hitler cherry picked as necessary from various sources [including judeo-christian teleological beliefs] to formulate his own agenda with an obvious and essential need to have the current German hob nobs on his side, who obviously wanted to regain/accumulate as much as possible [power and money and land] since they were on their knees post WWl.

Hi NA, I understood your point and agree with part of it.

The part I view differently relates to Nietzsche and Madame Blatavsky. I believe that Nietzsche towers over the Madame like a 60 ft. human over a grasshopper :D.

Also, an evil guy like Hitler grasped to find connections to Nietzsche's philosophy because Nietzsche was such an all star while he could relate as a colleague to the Madame's mediocre approach to religious philosophy. A very different connection.

Anyway, I am interested in delving further into the ideas of Nietzsche:

yes and neitzche was a huge influence in his will to power and superman ideology, he too looked at the greeks rather than any theosophical writings

And somehow I am not surprised that he looked for insight to the Greeks rather than Theosophy !!
Brian, I was going to drop this discussion, but it looks like you are trying to rationalize the Theosophical position, and this is just not correct. So I am sorry, but I have to disagree:

And whom, might I ask, do you think these inferior folks were ???

Lets take a look at the Merriam Webster definition of "racism":

When I started studying Thesophy, I had no pre-existing views about it. The more I read about it the more concerns I have.

Nick, am I missing something here ???

Hi Avi,
Note the date- 1933- racism is a new word and a new concept that didn't exist in the nineteenth century. The racial superiority idea comes from India, where even today they still have remnants of the caste system. Of course the way out was through reincarnation.
I have never read any theosophical author that promotes war, murder, selfishness, greed, torture or any of those things. Hitler didn't get those ideas there. In fact to be a theosophist you have to subscribe to the aims:
1. To form a nucleus of the Universal Brotherhood of Humanity, without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste or colour.
In fact the Theosophical Society was going to be called the Universal Brotherhood.
Hi Avi,
Note the date- 1933- racism is a new word and a new concept that didn't exist in the nineteenth century.

Racism existed much before the nineteenth century. There was no racism in South America when the Spanish invaded ? No racism when the Europeans spread out through North America ?

The racial superiority idea comes from India, where even today they still have remnants of the caste system.

I believe racism has been all over the world. I do not think it is fair to blame India for this.

I have never read any theosophical author that promotes war, murder, selfishness, greed, torture or any of those things. Hitler didn't get those ideas there. In fact to be a theosophist you have to subscribe to the aims:
1. To form a nucleus of the Universal Brotherhood of Humanity, without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste or colour.
In fact the Theosophical Society was going to be called the Universal Brotherhood.

Thank you for at least trying to deal with my concerns, Bruce, lets continue to look at the earlier threads and see where the discuss led us.
Racism existed much before the nineteenth century. There was no racism in South America when the Spanish invaded ? No racism when the Europeans spread out through North America ?
I'm saying the concept didn't exist then, the word didn't exist - after all there was still slavery.
And of course it (racism) was all over the world- Blavatsky challenged it in India (where it still exists today).

Racism studies are a 20th century phenomenon.
And really, these concerns didn't kick off in a big way till the 60s and 70s.