What is Marriage ?



Prior to marriage, a man is a mystery to a woman.

Through marriage, a man becomes part of his wife's world, the woman's world which he was previously ignorant about. It is the same for her. She discovers the mysterious world of a man.

Through marriage they end up possessing both worlds

In a God's centered marriage, a man and woman can be united before God, who is the original subject of masculinity and femininity.

By becoming one with Him, God will be in the fruit of their love as they strive to build an ideal family
Prior to marriage, a man is a mystery to a woman.

Through marriage, a man becomes part of his wife's world, the woman's world which he was previously ignorant about. It is the same for her. She discovers the mysterious world of a man.

Through marriage they end up possessing both worlds.

Errr... no they don't.

My 16 year marriage has given me greater insight into my wife, but she is still very much a mystery to me.

I think it's safe to say that she feels the same way about me.

Some mysteries are never solved. That's what makes them so intriguing.
Errr... no they don't.
My 16 year marriage has given me greater insight into my wife, but she is still very much a mystery to me.
I think it's safe to say that she feels the same way about me.
Some mysteries are never solved. That's what makes them so intriguing.
That is the plan. We will never be bored eternally. You got it Citizen
soleil10, what do you mean by "marriage"? What defines marriage by your use of the term?

Simply that what you're describing is a relationship, rather than any specifics of what form of relationship or under what conditions.
soleil10, what do you mean by "marriage"? What defines marriage by your use of the term?Simply that what you're describing is a relationship, rather than any specifics of what form of relationship or under what conditions.
I am talking of biblical marriage, the eternal union of one man and one woman centered on God.
Prior to marriage, a man is a mystery to a woman.

Through marriage, a man becomes part of his wife's world, the woman's world which he was previously ignorant about. It is the same for her. She discovers the mysterious world of a man.

Through marriage they end up possessing both worlds

I have to say that women are still a mystery to me after several years of marriage.

After spending several years in Sweden, I am wondering what the point of marriage is anymore. Swedes seem to raise children fine without becoming married. And relationships seem to be happier outside of marriage -- marriage often seems to kill them. Maybe marriage only has meaning in a religious context.


I have to say that women are still a mystery to me after several years of marriage.

After spending several years in Sweden, I am wondering what the point of marriage is anymore. Swedes seem to raise children fine without becoming married. And relationships seem to be happier outside of marriage -- marriage often seems to kill them. Maybe marriage only has meaning in a religious context.


Like how we cannot live up to perfectly practicing the law, which condemns sin, because we are flawed? However, grace is forgiving, and the fruits of the Spirit are not condemned as sinful under the law?

Isn't marriage a legal contract, and therefore more like the Law, rather than like grace? ;)
I am talking of biblical marriage, the eternal union of one man and one woman centered on God.

So what is biblical marriage? What would constitute Biblical marriage today?
Isn't marriage a legal contract, and therefore more like the Law, rather than like grace? ;)

Yes, I think you have the right of it. Perhaps a loving relationship is what a "marriage" really is in its essence, regardless of whether one is legally married or not.


Ive had a few 'relationships' and zero marriages. But having 3 boys has certainly opened my eyes to the world of "men".
Men are a mystery to me, some Id prefer to not know about, some (Ok, 1 in particular) that I cant get enough of. LOL.
thats the wonderful thing about life, you just keep learning til you stop breathing.
So what is biblical marriage? What would constitute Biblical marriage today?
Oh man, you walked right into that one...(lol):D

Gen. 2:18, 21-24

  • The Lord God said, 'It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him'...and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man's ribs and closed up the place with flesh. Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. The man said, 'This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called 'woman,' for she was taken out of man.' For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.
a marriage, a loving live-in relationship has three entities, the couples themselves and the relationship itself [otherwise it easily becomes a relationshi#!]; unconditional love is a neverending project with or without a belief in g#d.
a marriage, a loving live-in relationship has three entities, the couples themselves and the relationship itself [otherwise it easily becomes a relationshi#!]; unconditional love is a neverending project with or without a belief in g#d.
actually the way I was taught was him, her, and God...

"What about those with no god?" I suspect they're missing an element...
As La place says to Napoleon, 'l have no need for that hypothesis'; theres plenty of athiests who enjoy long years of reciprocal love and respect but l would agree that a shared spiritual outlook would solder the bond more.
So...no need for a marriage certificate then? :)

This is what I mean - the regarding of a union as effectively a marriage. I would suggest to soliel10 that if relationships were recognised as marriage regardless of certification, we may find ourselves in more constructive territory from the view of society. Perhaps. :)
The longer that I am married, the less I know about marriage and since my hubby is NOT your typical "masculine type" and I am NOT very "ladylike," the more I believe that mystery is in the eyes of the beholder or is it a constant? :confused:
So...no need for a marriage certificate then? :)
This is what I mean - the regarding of a union as effectively a marriage. I would suggest to soliel10 that if relationships were recognised as marriage regardless of certification, we may find ourselves in more constructive territory from the view of society. Perhaps. :)
What we need is God's certificate. Since the human fall when our first ancestors rejected God and put Lucifer in his position, God cannot really recognise our marriage since we are not part of his lineage. It is not His blood that run into our veins.
God can have only one lineage.
We are the wild branches that need to be regrafted to the Tree of life.
Jesus came as the second Adam and fulfilled the first blessing "Be fruitful".

He was stopped from creating the first marriage or family with God's lineage. We are still waiting for the marriage of the lamb as explained in revelation.
So what is biblical marriage? What would constitute Biblical marriage today?

I was just viewing the video posted by Dauer in the comparative section - the dialogue between Rabbi Zalman and Father Thomas Keating - I like Rabbi Zalman's brief discussion about the "Song of Songs" and he says that the "soul and G-d have a spousal relationship". This I gather from the part that I heard is reflected in one of the meanings within the "Song of Songs". Maybe that is a definition for a biblical marriage. he hawai'i au, pohaikawahine
:) l was put off by the institution of marriage by the bad example set by my parents bickering etc all the time, it didn't look happy...ironically they are still together [that generation that stayed together for the kids] and laugh together a lot...still shout but only cos my old dad is deaf!

gone are the days when one stayed within an unhappy marriage in the west and those who still have a romantic notion continue to get married much like serial live in monogamous relationships, and l think this is what soleil is railing against, that the marriage is not considered sacrosanct anymore due to secularism and the demise of the religious dimension.

lts a rite or sacrament, in a church, an initiation into the joining together of two families just as much as the couple themselves, and a requirement or at least an advantage when property and children are involved.

l watched a programme recently on divorce jewish style; the women can get a civil divorce but this is not recognised within [orthodox] judaism as only the man can yea or nay the divorce by agreeing to sign a get cerificate; one women was waiting on one for years! In sharia law the man can verbally divorce [talaq] his wife by saying it three times on separate occasions. l know a catholic guy who left his wife years ago and still didn't get divorced which his long term girlfiend understandably became increasingly miffed about, not because she wanted married to him, but just that it was still symbolically seen as a bond not severed..in all these cases the families involved seem to have more influence [as much as g#d's law] than the individuals concerned.

Freedom and Individualism is ingrained into western secular culture nowadays and children grow up in extended family environments as much as the traditional family unit but l suspect these children will still, even if secretly, desire a life long relationship but whether because of their family upbringing and cultural milieux of free love they will achieve that?