Pharmalot and medical marxism


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I have just read an interesting article which deserves some discussion.
I won't reprint it here (except for a choice portion).
You can find the whole article here:Big Pharma's New Mass-Drugging Agenda Pushes Statin Drugs for Healthy People by Mike Adams the Health Ranger

...the modern institution of medicine operates like a cult, and the believers of this cult have been programmed to ignore any evidence that contradicts their existing beliefs. Pharmaceutical medicine is the one truth, the one god that they worship, oblivious to the real world passing them by, where superfoods, herbs and nutritional supplements have already made pharmaceuticals virtually obsolete. The honest benefits of natural remedies dwarf the "miraculous" study results achieved by modern medicine's dishonest researchers who twist and manipulate clinical trials until they can wring out the numbers they plotted to engineer before the study even started.

But it's not enough to fabricate the science and try to make your own drugs look better than they really are: Many members of the Cult of Pharmacology are busy applying the same junk science agenda to their discrediting of natural remedies. Almost every week, we read about yet another vitamin or supplement being "proven" worthless in the mainstream media.

Vitamin E is a favorite target of the Big Pharma cultists, because they can deviously select synthetic vitamin E (as they always do) for their studies and avoid using the natural vitamin E that actually works. Once the study results produce the anti-vitamin results they're looking for, they pronounce things like, "Vitamin E kills people!" and other similar nonsense (which the mainstream media faithfully reprints ad nauseum).

Yes, to hear it from the Pharmacult faithful, the human body is deficient in medications, but somehow incompatible with nutritional supplements.

This is the official position of the FDA, the AMA, the brainwashed physicians and the med schools that teach this bunk: Nutrition has no benefit in the human body and supplements have no effects other than damaging the human body. Yet pharmaceuticals fulfill a deficiency in human biology that's been present since birth. Human beings are born deficient (sorta like being "born into sin") and must be "saved" with the quack medicines of the pharmacological cult.

The cult that keeps on killing

It's an obvious point, but I'll mention it just in case: This cult is extremely dangerous to the safety of our citizens. By its own admission, it is responsible for the death of 783,000 Americans each year (called "iatrogenic deaths"), and their drugs alone kill at least 100,000 American citizens annually. And yet the Cult of Pharmacology, like all whacky cults, thinks it needs to spread and "convert" everyone to its medicines (Kool-Aid, anyone?) so that all Americans are members of the cult, sucking down statin drugs, fluoride, antidepressants, vaccines or whatever new chemical the cult demands we blindly swallow.

Oh, and these treatments aren't free, by the way. This cult is run by corporations, and they want not only your loyalty and your mind... they want your wallet, too! Hand over your life savings, folks, for the privilege of being treated with what is claimed to be the best health care system in the world. (Insert laughter here...)

Join us or die

And now, the most dangerous era of the Cult of Pharmacology has begun: The era of Gunpoint Medicine, where anyone refusing to join the cult by taking their medicines is considered a criminal.

It's already happening in New Jersey, Maryland and Texas. There, parents who say no to mandatory vaccinations risk being arrested at gunpoint and having their children stolen away from them by Child Protective Services.

In the UK just this week, a 13-year-old girl who refused to undergo heart transplant surgery was told she would be forced to undergo the procedure, essentially at gunpoint, and her parents were threatened with arrest. They took the case to court and had to win back their right to refuse the heart transplant procedure and a lifetime of expensive anti-rejection drugs that would only benefit -- surprise! -- Big Pharma's bottom line.

These are not fictions: This is happening across the world right now. Mandatory mental health "screening" programs have been proposed in the U.S., and they would put tens of millions of teens and expectant mothers on dangerous psychotic drugs known to cause violent thoughts and suicidal behavior.

The Cult of Pharmacology, you see, isn't satisfied to merely have your wallet. It's not even enough to own your body. What they want is your soul. They are on a dangerous religious crusade, and you are required to pledge your allegiance to the lab-coat-wearing gods of Pharmalot or you will be arrested, imprisoned and stripped of everything you value and love (like your own children).

Will statin drug consumption be enforced at gunpoint, too?

The next stage in this cultist expansion is, of course, the mandatory consumption of statin drugs by the citizenry.

If the drug company zealots can convince the U.S. government that statin drugs will save lives and somehow save it money on medical costs, we could soon see an effort to mandate the taking of statin drugs by all adults (and perhaps even children).

Don't think it could happen? Check your recent history on the situation with HPV vaccines. Refusing the vaccines makes you a criminal in at least two states in the U.S. right now, and drug companies are pushing new laws to criminalize the rejection of vaccines across the entire nation. Similarly, fluoridation laws subject the entire population to toxic fluoridation chemicals (which in no way resemble actual mineral fluoride, by the way), and even though rejecting fluoridated water is not yet a crime, I've met many dentists who think it should be.

There's little doubt that if the drug companies get their way, medicating yourself and your children with statin drugs, SSRIs or other hyped-up pharmaceuticals will no longer be optional: It will be mandated. And those who refuse will be rounded up and forcibly medicated. It's already happened: Read Children Herded Like Cattle Into Maryland Courthouse... at Children herded like cattle into Maryland courthouse for forced vaccinations as armed police and attack dogs stand guard by Mike Adams the Health Ranger

It's important to realize that all government mandates are essentially enforced by the threat of violence or imprisonment. Even paying your vehicle license plate taxes is fundamentally enforced at gunpoint. If you don't believe me, just drive around with expired license plate tags for long enough, and sooner or later an armed officer of the State will stop your vehicle and threaten you with arrest if you don't pay money to the State. That officer is an extension of the power of the State, and his own personal power is enforced by the firearm carried at his side. (If you don't believe me, just ask the officer if he will leave his firearm in his own car, and see what he says...)

Many of Big Pharma's cultist doctors now believe that same power of enforcement at the end of a gun should be aimed at parents and their health decisions. Parents who, through the intelligent acquisition of knowledge about natural therapies, consciously choose non-conventional medical therapies for their children should be arrested, locked away and stripped of their own children, say these doctors. They are not fit to be parents if they will not medicate them with over 100 different vaccines, the doctors claim. The drug companies agree with them, too. How dare parents refuse to put their kids on chemotherapy, vaccines, or antidepressant drugs? It's downright un-American!

The upshot of all this is the growing power of a medical police state that might be more accurately called Medical Marxism. Under Big Pharma's medical Marxist regime, natural remedies will be outlawed, physicians will be indoctrinated with the propaganda of the state, and those who resist will be sent to the gulag.

Don't think it could happen? It's happening RIGHT NOW in America. The FDA has outlawed many natural remedies, physicians have already been brainwashed into drug-pushing automatons, and parents who have resisted conventional medical therapies for their children are being routinely arrested at gunpoint, imprisoned and separated from their families. We are dealing with the systematic destruction of health freedoms and the rise of medical violence against the People.
An interesting cartoon


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This seems unbalanced, and potentially typical of the tone of the article:

In the UK just this week, a 13-year-old girl who refused to undergo heart transplant surgery was told she would be forced to undergo the procedure, essentially at gunpoint, and her parents were threatened with arrest. They took the case to court and had to win back their right to refuse the heart transplant procedure and a lifetime of expensive anti-rejection drugs that would only benefit -- surprise! -- Big Pharma's bottom line.
This was a girl who was dying - literally. So how can it be argued that in a clear instance of saving a child's life, all that is being served is the narcissic interests of drug companies?

Follow that argument, and the writer is advocating a stop to all transplants, because drug companies have their interests served by anti-rejection drugs.

That's not a balanced argument.
I agree with Brian. You seem to be reading a lot of lies at the moment Shawn. I despise the drug companies too but such pieces, and the 10 reasons you posted elsewhere are just crap. They are emotive and inaccurate ranting. I think such nonsense actually helps obscure truth as much as pharmacorp.

I'd love for you to rebut his ten reasons one by one.

There will be no flu vaccine for me. I've never taken one and don't plan to start.

Anyone recall the year we didn't have any vaccine and they scrambled to try to get something out....and we were supposed to have a terrible flu season but low and behold without the vaccine we had one of our lowest on record....anecdotal yes, but also unexplainable by those that explain.
On one hand I will agree that the article may have a few weak points.
But the essential message is the point.

"Medicine is slowly being used by other forces to achieve an end which has nothing to do with helping people."
That is the key point I am trying to bring to the front so never mind the other crap.

Also, why is it that the vaccine makers are being given special legal protection, by gov't act, which indemnifies them in case people die or are otherwise messed up through taking their vaccines.
In fact, right now, all p-harm-aceuticals are being considered for the same blanket policy of, You can't sue us if you die or are harmed by our products.

Where is the accountability there m8?
Explain that piece of logic if ya please.

And this, by the way seems to coincide with a push to pass legislation which makes it even more difficult to get wholistic therapies.
I am not too pleased with the trend.
It is worrisome.
Personally, I think Shawn has a point. Pharmaceutical companies are profit driven businesses and it is in their interests to legislate against the use of herbal medicines, especially when those medicines are self-prescribed.

There is a deliberate push by drugs reps to ensure their product is the one most prescribed by medics, and yet... most drug reps have no medical training, they do not know about the efficacy or safety of the drugs they push. Instead, they arrive with their branded notepads and post-its and a selection of key phrases and hey ho- next week everyone is prescribed Product X.

Personally, I have spoken to drugs reps who push mental health drugs, and I have been told straight that it is policy to offer consultants rewards for prescribing high volumes of certain products.

A consultant who prescribes product X enough times may well get... a holiday in St Lucia for him and his family, or a new car... I am not joking...

When I am in hospital, the drugs reps entertain us with... sandwhiches from Marks and Spencers, Ame juices, Pens, stickers, mousemats, mugs, anything to get you to remember to sell their drug.

All those sandwiches and free pens and trips to Saint Lucia are ultimately paid for by the taxpayer. Somebody has to pay the marketing budget- that person is you.

Is this ethical? I don't think so.

In mental health, legislation was passed several years ago to ensure that "newer aytipicals" were always prescribed to people with a first episode of psychosis. In theory, these drugs are better tolerated by the majority, and they have fewer side effects. And yet... they do still have side-effects, some of which are deadly and irreversible. Just like the first lot, the "typicals".

What is the difference between aytipicals and typicals? At least 20 GBP per month. At least. Beyond that, there is little difference.

How can a drug liscenced to treat "schizophrenia" be later liscenced against Bi-polar disorder? And then later, depression, and then later, PTSD? Check out WIKI and OLANZAPINE. There you will also see just how much money Eli Lilly paid out in lawsuits to people who got diabetes or debilitating weight gain with their daily dose of Zyprexa.

How about all those teens on Prozac who committed suicide? Well, says the drugs company, they were depressed. They wanted to die, nothing to do with us, yet now we cannot prescribe Prozac to the under 16's because the drug itself is recognised to increase suicidal ideation.

Mmm, an anti-depressant that makes people want to kill themselves? Does that make sense?

But I digress. According to my medical textbooks, while schizophrenia, bi-polar and depression are classed as "mental illnesses", they differ widely in symptomology.

If, as biological psychiatry suggests, mental illnesses such as bi-polar and schizophrenia have a genetic component, or if, as neuropsychiatry suggests, these different conditions utilise different neurotransmitters, how can one drug "fix" all three conditions? This does not make sense.

And lets' not forget- a drug does not have to be prescribed for the same reasons it was liscenced.

Viagra, for instance, was initially developed as a blood pressure drug. They found Priapism a side effect that would make lots of money, so they remarketed it as a stiffy-maker. People with heart conditions are advised against taking it- in case they die.

Medicine should not be something people profit from manufacturing and distributing. Product X costs different prices in different countries. Why is that? Because the price is what that country can afford. Yet, even though it is cheaper for me to buy Product X in, say, France, I cannot buy it from the French and save money. Even though I myself can make something structurally similiar to product X I am not allowed to do so. I am not liscenced. Men sit in laboratories creating new drugs that will... increase sexual arousal in women, or help them lose weight. Not because these drugs are needed, but becuase these drugs are cash-cows. Heaven help you if you have a rare illness. Nobody will work on it because there is no money in it.

The drugs companies have the medical community by the balls, and they know it. Let's wake up.
Also, why is it that the vaccine makers are being given special legal protection, by gov't act, which indemnifies them in case people die or are otherwise messed up through taking their vaccines.

Is this in the USA? If so, with the sue-happy culture, you can kind of understand it to a degree. :)

I'd love for you to rebut his ten reasons one by one.

There will be no flu vaccine for me. I've never taken one and don't plan to start.

Anyone recall the year we didn't have any vaccine and they scrambled to try to get something out....and we were supposed to have a terrible flu season but low and behold without the vaccine we had one of our lowest on record....anecdotal yes, but also unexplainable by those that explain.
Wil, I'd never bothered with a flu vacine until a few years ago when the flu had me literally laid out for 10 straight days. Now I get the shot. I'm actually starting to become a bit concerned re the swine flu as re my wife who has a chronically diminished immune system given that Kansas just had its first swine flu-related death-was a middle-aged individual who died from it combined with a chronic medical condition, (unsepcified). earl
Personally, I think Shawn has a point. Pharmaceutical companies are profit driven businesses and it is in their interests to legislate against the use of herbal medicines, especially when those medicines are self-prescribed.

There is a deliberate push by drugs reps to ensure their product is the one most prescribed by medics, and yet... most drug reps have no medical training, they do not know about the efficacy or safety of the drugs they push. Instead, they arrive with their branded notepads and post-its and a selection of key phrases and hey ho- next week everyone is prescribed Product X.

Personally, I have spoken to drugs reps who push mental health drugs, and I have been told straight that it is policy to offer consultants rewards for prescribing high volumes of certain products.

A consultant who prescribes product X enough times may well get... a holiday in St Lucia for him and his family, or a new car... I am not joking...

When I am in hospital, the drugs reps entertain us with... sandwhiches from Marks and Spencers, Ame juices, Pens, stickers, mousemats, mugs, anything to get you to remember to sell their drug.

All those sandwiches and free pens and trips to Saint Lucia are ultimately paid for by the taxpayer. Somebody has to pay the marketing budget- that person is you.

Is this ethical? I don't think so.

In mental health, legislation was passed several years ago to ensure that "newer aytipicals" were always prescribed to people with a first episode of psychosis. In theory, these drugs are better tolerated by the majority, and they have fewer side effects. And yet... they do still have side-effects, some of which are deadly and irreversible. Just like the first lot, the "typicals".

What is the difference between aytipicals and typicals? At least 20 GBP per month. At least. Beyond that, there is little difference.

How can a drug liscenced to treat "schizophrenia" be later liscenced against Bi-polar disorder? And then later, depression, and then later, PTSD? Check out WIKI and OLANZAPINE. There you will also see just how much money Eli Lilly paid out in lawsuits to people who got diabetes or debilitating weight gain with their daily dose of Zyprexa.

How about all those teens on Prozac who committed suicide? Well, says the drugs company, they were depressed. They wanted to die, nothing to do with us, yet now we cannot prescribe Prozac to the under 16's because the drug itself is recognised to increase suicidal ideation.

Mmm, an anti-depressant that makes people want to kill themselves? Does that make sense?

But I digress. According to my medical textbooks, while schizophrenia, bi-polar and depression are classed as "mental illnesses", they differ widely in symptomology.

If, as biological psychiatry suggests, mental illnesses such as bi-polar and schizophrenia have a genetic component, or if, as neuropsychiatry suggests, these different conditions utilise different neurotransmitters, how can one drug "fix" all three conditions? This does not make sense.

And lets' not forget- a drug does not have to be prescribed for the same reasons it was liscenced.

Viagra, for instance, was initially developed as a blood pressure drug. They found Priapism a side effect that would make lots of money, so they remarketed it as a stiffy-maker. People with heart conditions are advised against taking it- in case they die.

Medicine should not be something people profit from manufacturing and distributing. Product X costs different prices in different countries. Why is that? Because the price is what that country can afford. Yet, even though it is cheaper for me to buy Product X in, say, France, I cannot buy it from the French and save money. Even though I myself can make something structurally similiar to product X I am not allowed to do so. I am not liscenced. Men sit in laboratories creating new drugs that will... increase sexual arousal in women, or help them lose weight. Not because these drugs are needed, but becuase these drugs are cash-cows. Heaven help you if you have a rare illness. Nobody will work on it because there is no money in it.

The drugs companies have the medical community by the balls, and they know it. Let's wake up.
While drug reps are of course only salespeople, (not all around here have no medical training in that some have had previous careers in health services), and of course hawk their wears, here in the US some time ago various federal legislation was passed eliminating substantial phramaceutical "incentive gifts." We still get a free lunch or cheap pens, but a pizza and a pen are not going to sway any presciber to offer something they're unconvinced is appropriate. Now as to the saftety and efficacy of various meds, that is another issue. But, of course, that is always weighed against the dangers of not prescribing anything for serious mental illnesses. My wife owns an herbal store and, while doctors do vary in their awareness and support of the efficacy of some herbs to address various medical conditions, there are a number that actually recommend them and my wife to them. She operates by the very common sense notion that it is never either-or when it comes to conventional meds vs. herbs and has often encouraged her customers to consult with their MD's when they describe various conditions to her such as just this past week when a gal informed her she has breast cancer and intended not to even consider conventional treatment and only use herbal remedies. earl
Is this in the USA? If so, with the sue-happy culture, you can kind of understand it to a degree. :)
Yes, when you vaccinate your children you sign a document that says you will not sue the doctor, the vaccine maker or the gov't if they are injured or killed as a result!! Freakin scary.
Yes, when you vaccinate your children you sign a document that says you will not sue the doctor, the vaccine maker or the gov't if they are injured or killed as a result!! Freakin scary.

If the media reports we get in the UK are to be believed, some American parents would probably sue the doctors because the injection was painful to the child, made them cry, caused post vaccination stress disorder, etc. :)
While the US is a sue happy is what media is....sensationalism designed to sell adverts. We no longer have news stations...or news shows...we have to get market share.

But regardless of signing this interestingly enough there is a huge slush fund for when they do get sued...this was the reason for that shortage of vaccine a few years ago...unless the fed took the risk, no vaccine company was willing to produce the product...hint that wouldn't happen if it was as safe as claimed.

Vaccines are a huge game, and frankly I believe there are major problems with them, but like everything we can't get to the truth because both sides like to call each other names and won't open their books, or even document the problems.

I told you, my wife got both my kids vaccinated for chicken pox...and they both contracted it...and there was no method for reporting the failure of the vaccine. So efficacy is out the window... Vaccine made by Nike....just do it.
If the media reports we get in the UK are to be believed, some American parents would probably sue the doctors because the injection was painful to the child, made them cry, caused post vaccination stress disorder, etc. :)
That is the way to down-play a serious issue m8.
Make a joke about it.
Sure some in the states are "sue-happy", but this is not the issue.

Having a blanket endemnification does not encourage these p-harm-aceutical makers to test the safety of their products as even if they do kill people or paralyze them or permanently damage their immune systems or whatever, they cannot be held accountable.
So why should they care?
All those tests are expensive, so now they can just forget about them.
How is that Just?
How does that encourage confidence in the population?
will, re: dangers, in ur above post- most people with a first episode of psychosis will recover and never have another episode in their entire lives. Some will have another, perhaps two, in their lives, say, triggered by major life events, yet only around 15-20% of those first episode people will become seriously ill, and of those, around 5% will be dangerous to others.

Yet... as soon as a person develops symptoms, instead of waiting and watching, or using short acting benzo's, we give them drugs, and keep them on those drugs, often for a lifetime. The majority of those people do not need to be drugged indefinately.

As for the "pizzas and pens"... those simple pizzas and pens generate revenue for the company... how? by first giving you something freely, which causes you to feel fonder of the rep, and the company, and make you feel psychologically indebted to the giver, and secondly, by giving you that pen, that pen you use every day, the company gives you a cue to buy, or at least to think, every time you pick up that pen.

A GP will deal with 1000 patients a week, with, theoretically, 1000 seperate conditions, and each of those conditions will have a handful of drugs. They cannot remember everything. And they don't. That cheap little pen reminds the doctor everyday, that for condition X, Product X is best/cheaper/more easily tolerated.

Earl- I agree that doctors, like everyone else, are people. I know that some doctors are "on-the-ball", re: phytotherapies... here in the UK we have four homeopathic NHS government funded hospitals, (clinics within hospitals), yet, in the main, the majority of UK doctors do not trust homeo or herbal medicine because they do not know much about it. They do study CAMs (complimentary and alternative medicine), yet the classtime for CAMs is usually one two-hour lecture, or it is tagged onto the end of Palliative Medicine lectures. It is not a priority, and it is always considered adjunctive. As the medical profession becomes less "white, male, and patriarchal" there is an increase in pragmatic professionals who realise they could be missing a trick excluding herbs from their medicine cupboard, and young doctors in training in the UK are requesting more classtime on CAMs.

Brian- re: USA and litigation culture... go to any UK NHS hospital for a procedure and you sign the same waiver. You sign to state the risks of the procedure have been explained to you and you are willing to still go ahead. You can only really sue them for gross negligence. And rightfully so, perhaps, yet... the disclaimer is still there. They just call it... informed consent...

re: swine flu... there is a new vaccine, should be ready in October, yet... it will be liscenced without properly testing it...
Manufacturers brewing new swine flu vaccine (AP) - Health - News all over the world 24 hours a day! Breaking news, hot news, opinions, articles, international resources - you can see from the article, they expect this vaccine to work and react in exactly the same way as other flu vaccines, yet... it might not...
That is the way to down-play a serious issue m8.

I think the quoted article did that by effectively decrying life-saving medicines.

Certainly there's an argument to be made, but I don't think there's been a balanced one made yet - which limits the accessibility of the underlining argument IMO.
This kind of reminds me of a plot line in some movies/books where there are a few people who pick up on the fact that there is something amiss, and they try to alert the others, but the others are so stuck in their paradigm that the first reaction is disbelief. That plot usually winds up with the complacent ones finding out too late to do anything about it, that the one's they trusted were their enemies and the ones they put away, or otherwise eliminated, who were trying to warn them were right....but such is the tragedy.

The problem is subtle and the players are devious.
Sure the medical system has many good points and is populated by many caring people.
That is not where the problem lies.

The article made a point about how medicines were being pushed.
This kind of reminds me of a plot line in some movies/books where there are a few people who pick up on the fact that there is something amiss, and they try to alert the others, but the others are so stuck in their paradigm that the first reaction is disbelief.

Yes, but if the plot involves a few warning that the world is about to end - but finally turns out to be a big storm, it validates that a warning was required, but that the message behind the warning was warning.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not absolving pharmaceuticals companies of anything, nor denying there is an argument to be made - simply that a relevant argument has not been made by the original post, simply an extreme point of view that cannot be reasonably sustained.