I like, wasn't getting updates on this or something... I dunno, but hello breeze!
I agree with you, all around me I see people plugging away doing trivial things that they hate, all so that they can have a 'better future.'
"Someday, things will be different," they say. "Someday." And then they get hit by a bus and they have no someday, and all the drudgery of their lives was for naught.
It seems to me, that because people universally fear death, they either delude themselves into thinking that it won't happen to them, or they try to stay as healthy and safe as possible, trying to ward off the inevitable. I try to strike a fair balance. I fear death like everybody else does. Maybe more than everybody else does. But I know that it's gonna come for me one way or another, so I try to live as best I can now, (at the expense perhaps, of social norms, lol) and hope that this life I've lived had some purpose behind it. But, lol, that doesn't make me much different than the rest. I'm just living life while I have one to live, and hoping the next few moments, days, years, won't be my last.
We have no real answers. All we'll ever have in this life is hope.