Is abortion Demonic

When a couple are happily married, and they plan children, there is probably little reason to have an abortion. Sadly, when a child gets to fifteen in the UK, about half of them are not with both their biological parents. I often hear the expression, 'baby mum'. It seems that both men and women, have babies with a number of partners. Possibly, abortion is almost regarded as a form of contraception if all else fails.
I have heard a couple of women say, they can still feel traumatised years after an abortion.
When a couple are happily married, and they plan children, there is probably little reason to have an abortion.
Even happily married couples that plan children can encounter severe health risks that might lead them to consider an abortion.
Even happily married couples that plan children can encounter severe health risks that might lead them to consider an abortion.
Agreed, I did say happily married couples, have little reason to have an abortion. Meaning, there can still be reasons, but not so many.
I might, finally, point out the fact, all too often ignored or indeed utterly unknown to modern men and women, that once conception has taken place and the embryo begins its growth, any attempt whatsoever to stop its growth or to destroy it is plain murder in the teaching of the Esoteric Philosophy, considered as being only a little less bad than the murder of an adult human being, and this ‘little less’ only because such destruction takes place before the self-consciousness of the victim has had a chance to come into flower. Let there be no doubt whatsoever about this fact, for it should be understood clearly among all Theosophists; and this one fact alone, while finding statement here in an Esoteric Instruction, it is perfectly permissible and proper to state anywhere and at any time and to anybody as being the teaching of Theosophy — I mean that any attempt to abort, or to destroy a human embryo is considered by us as murder.

Purucker, Esoteric Teachings 12
Theosophy in general answers: “At no age as under no circumstance whatever is a murder justifiable!” and occult Theosophy adds:—“yet it is neither from the standpoint of law, nor from any argument drawn from one or another orthodox ism that the warning voice is sent forth against the immoral and dangerous practice of foeticide, but rather because in occult philosophy both physiology and psychology show its disastrous consequence.” In the present case, the argument does not deal with the causes but with the effects produced. Our philosophy goes so far as to say that, if the Penal Code of most countries punishes attempts at suicide, it ought, if at all consistent with itself, to doubly punish foeticide as an attempt to double suicide. For, indeed, when even successful and the mother does not die just then, it still shortens her life on earth to prolong it with dreary percentage in Kamaloka, the intermediate sphere between the earth and the region of rest, a place which is no “St. Patrick’s purgatory,” but a fact, and a necessary halting place in the evolution of the degree of life. The crime committed lies precisely in the willful and sinful destruction of life, and interference with the operations of nature, hence—with KARMA—that of the mother and the would-be future human being. The sin is not regarded by the occultists as one of a religious character,— for, indeed, there is no more of spirit and soul, for the matter of that, in a foetus or even in a child before it arrives at self-consciousness, than there is in any other small animal,— for we deny the absence of soul in either mineral, plant or beast, and believe but in the difference of degree. But foeticide is a crime against nature. Of course the sceptic of whatever class will sneer at our notions and call them absurd superstitions and “unscientific twaddle.” But we do not write for sceptics. We have been asked to give the views of Theosophy (or rather of occult philosophy) upon the subject, and we answer the query as far as we know.

Blavatsky, Is Foeticide A Crime, CW 5:107-08
I wish I remembered where this happened, but a group of Satanists actually had a speech about abortions in front of an abortion clinic. The priestess claimed that Satan loves the sacrifices that people make to him when they abort their children. If I can find it I'll share it. So some Satanists think that abortion is a child sacrifice to Satan.

Well, some Satanists are using their religion as a way to fight abortion laws.

But the Church of Satan disagrees:
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What we call a miscarriage today was called an abortion when inwas young.

A fetus was aborted two ways...naturally...and or as carried out intentionally by the mother or others.

In any case, I believe it is a decision a woman makes over her body and I have no say in it.
Demons are make-believe
I find this interesting in relation to someone who has completed The Sacred Magic of Abra Melin the Mage? Does it not involve summoning Djinn 'demonic' powers?

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I find this interesting in relation to someone who has completed The Sacred Magic of Abra Melin the Mage? Does it not involve summoning Djinn 'demonic' powers?

Do you mean the Abramelin Operation?
No, it doesn't involve djinn and djinn are not demons
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I'm going to say we default to no, not demonic, due to a lack of evidence of supernatural involvement in any medical procedure.

Anyone who thinks supernatural forces are involved in surgical procedures needs to be ready to present their findings to an interfaith board of practising surgeons or something. If nobody is prepared to do that, any ideas about demonic surgeries are just underdeveloped ideas that need more evidence and more work.

If the question is about morality, then it's also about the morality of insisting a woman or young girl carry a pregnancy to term NO MATTER WHAT. Whether she desperately does not want to experience this, whether it will ruin her future capacity to have children, or whether it will kill her, and whether or not SHE is PERSONALLY willing to make that trade off to assuage other peoples' beliefs. It's more than an abstraction.

The arguments need to take secular philosophy and humanistic ideas into account, as the Bible won't help you much either way. The bible never directly addresses abortion AFAIK and therefore I'm pretty sure does not outright forbid it. Abortion is not outright forbidden in Judaism and if the mother's life is at risk it is, I believe, actually a religious requirement to put the mother's life ahead of the developing fetus.