academic method and the Qur'an

For the past couple of days bro, all you have done is tell me how I don't understand anything, without actually developing a single argument.
It is not my role to educate you. That is your own responsibility. However, while we are discussing the Islamic greats, I will be glad to correct your misunderstandings, if it does not require too much of my efforts !!

Maybe its time you consider the possibility that it is your understanding that is lacking....
I would be glad to consider, if that were the case. However, as we can both clearly see, my knowledge is far superior to yours !!

Incidentally, here is another quote which describes the originality of Avicenna's thoughts which I believe you will be interested in. It is from the article that you linked about Descartes:

Another predecessor was Avicenna's "Floating Man" thought experiment on human self-awareness and self-consciousness.[3]

Please study these experiments more fully, so we can express how impressed we are with Avicenna. ;)
However, as we can both clearly see, my knowledge is far superior to yours !!


yes... clearly :rolleyes:

Another predecessor was Avicenna's "Floating Man" thought experiment on human self-awareness and self-consciousness.[3]
Cartesian duality and all its predecessors have long been brushed aside as empirically invalid & logically contradictory models of existence. All the arguments supporting dualism are outdated and obsolete. Here's an update for you professor:

Dualism vs Modern Science
Dualism vs Modern Philosophy

Also, once again, these concepts were not developed by your beloved Avicenna, but came from the Greeks who can be excused for their thinking, considering they were pioneers in new lands (unlike Avicenna).

It is not my role to educate you.
I advise you to worry about your own education, professor.
Cartesian duality and all its predecessors have long been brushed aside as empirically invalid & logically contradictory models of existence. All the arguments supporting dualism are outdated and obsolete. Here's an update for you professor:

Dualism vs Modern Science
Dualism vs Modern Philosophy
Ok, dude, now you are starting to show some critical analysis skills, good links. But lets look at some facts. Avicenna lived early 11th century, Descartes, early 17th century, you cannot compare their contributions. The "Floating Man" example I gave earlier was a big part of Descartes later dualism. And they are both related to Aristotole's soul. It is not what is similar that matters, it was the new contributions.
Also, once again, these concepts were not developed by your beloved Avicenna, but came from the Greeks who can be excused for their thinking, considering they were pioneers in new lands (unlike Avicenna).
You did not carry out the assignment I gave you, you show no understanding of Avienna's "Floating Man". So here is some information about it:

The main innovations in this philosophy are the definite distinction of essence from existence and its relation to the cosmological proof he devised, the ontological argument for the existence of God from the metaphysics of contingency and necessity, his idea about knowledge and "individuality of the dissimbodied soul" and his "Floating Man" thought experiment.[3]
Please give this section some thought, we will return to it shortly. It has some profound new knowledge.
I advise you to worry about your own education, professor.

I am a simple gear cutter who makes gears for machines. This leaves me time to study the great philosophers.
lets get back to the 'academic' method and the Quran, and since we have 2 interested muslims what are the glaring disagreements between ghazali, averroes and avicenna? bearing in in mind their passions [of interest;)]
I advise you to worry about your own education, professor.

Thank you Mr. C0de, I have decided that my meager knowledge is no match for your deep intelligence in this area of "academic method and the Qur'an". I will therefore return to my studies, only to meet with you again, in the future, when my knowledge has matured to a level worthy of your esteemed consideration.


@ Native

If we bear those in mind, then it doesn't really matter what their disagreements were.

@ Ghazali

You are indeed a gentlemen, my sufi brother.
