What does God want?

Let me re meme ber...... yeh....tho its been a while.....
I make a black pudding core 'ball' and then build and outer one with good Argylly red deer mince and cracked peppercorns. Fry them gently and serve them with a sweetish sauce of red wine reduced with brambles/ quality blackberry jam and red onions. Couple of good rich greens, roast pots and you have it.
We all want to feel what at home :confused: ;) :D

completely at peace in the whole without needing to munch through other of g#ds creatures like our less intelligent ancestors did? At least they had 'no choice' and probably sanctified their intention which elevated the action above mere greed and consumerism [not suggesting you treat meat like that]. I do think unrestricted animal eating will contribute to the fall of a civilisation not least as a waste of other resources but also trickles to a lack of care and concern overall in humanity.
completely at peace in the whole without needing to munch through other of g#ds creatures like our less intelligent ancestors did? At least they had 'no choice' and probably sanctified their intention which elevated the action above mere greed and consumerism [not suggesting you treat meat like that]. I do think unrestricted animal eating will contribute to the fall of a civilisation not least as a waste of other resources but also trickles to a lack of care and concern overall in humanity.

This is like you calling for like some Indigo Age of enlightenment. Plants and bacteria undergo chemical changes to their physiology when damaged... pain by any other name.... where do you stop? Nature consumes and is consumed. No Indigo utopia will stop that and we are most definitely not above nature.
Population pressure on high protein sources of energy are causing enormous problems, I agree, but the problem there is population, not eating meat. If we were to go veggie these animals we eat would soon be all but extinct. I have no shame nor moral qualms about meatballs and for my own health I eat small portions.
Nature is at its best when there is a steady equilibrium, something that only exists in relative terms along a timeline. Any organism has only one imperative, breed before it is consumed, and its consumption is as assured as the sun will rise. You know what goes on in every handful of soil, every minute of every day. That is enlightenment enough for me. Nature has an edge to it that can never be made cute n cuddly. I have nothing against the kind of new age romanticism your post implies, but its not for me. I believe in working with nature to maximise its potential and see the consumption of especially wild meat as doing my bit. Who knows the number of insects that were sacraficed in the bramble or the rowan wine I urgently need to rack off?
Never liked the black pudding, but sure like venison.
Eating Moose for supper tonight.

Only ever eaten moose once, in Copenhagen, thin slices from a fillet roasted to perfection. It was truly delicious.
Only ever eaten moose once, in Copenhagen, thin slices from a fillet roasted to perfection. It was truly delicious.
Roasts are good,
But having eaten many Moose
(Aside: if a single goose is called a goose and a group is called geese, then why is a bunch of Moose still called Moose and not a herd of Meese?),
the family and I have found that we like it sliced thin, pan fried in butter, garlic,salt and pepper as a quick and delicious dish.
A little flour at the end makes for a nice gravy and add a side of fresh bannock.
I am sure that God would want some of that.
I'd have to say on the subject of meat-eating, I don't think the problem is eating meat so much as it is the cruel way that meat animals are treated in factory farming- and dairy and eggs are even worse in terms of factory-farmed conditions.

My own dilemma about meat-eating is that I cannot hunt or fish (It'd just kill me to have to do it) but at the same time I have been advised by more than a few doctors that I need to regularly consume at least a little meat. Humans are omnivorous and we depend on certain things like iron that are quite difficult to obtain in useable forms if we never consume meat. Hunter-gatherer diets are the standard for what humans evolved to eat, and you had no dairy, about 20-30% protein in insects, eggs, and meat, and 70-80% vegetable matter. It is not reasonable to expect the world to live as vegans, as all the vegans I know and the doctors I have talked to about it require a great deal of money and supplements. This is not sustainable or natural. And few people can farm their own animals, even for dairy and eggs.

So what to do...

Well, eating bugs would be the obvious choice- wouldn't solve the problem of pain, but would limit inhumane conditions and unsustainability. Whether due to cultural conditioning or innate taste, I can't seem to bring myself to eat them, however.

I try to limit my meat consumption to the minimum and whenever possible buy free range products for both milk and dairy. However, I know of no system from which to buy products that were not at the slaughter-house, unless one can afford to buy all one's meat at once and deep-freeze it (then one can buy a side of beef from organic ranchers directly, which I can't afford at this time).

It is easy to say the answer is veganism (vegetarianism does not much to move away from factory-farming, since the dairy and egg industries are embroiled in slaughter and inhumane conditions as well). But the cost and unnaturalness of this says otherwise- then it becomes just one more elitist "solution" that is not grounded in reality for most of the world. Yes, we could eat far less meat than the average first-worlder does, and be better for it. But I have seen first hand that trying to cut out meat, especially if you have a naturally high metabolism and are female, results in anemia even if you try to take vitamins and boost your spinach intake.

The way I figure, as a Druid, is that everything consumes everything else on this planet. Plants and insects are no less sentient just because they are so different from us and unable to communicate their pain and suffering to most people directly. The problem is not consumption, but rather over-consumption and inhumane conditions combined with a population of humans that far exceeds natural, sustainable balance. Eventually, if humans do not evolve the consciousness to make use of our technical abilities to limit our own population and come into sustainable balance with the planet, I suspect the planet will take care of the issue and we will be forced into it. However, I'd much prefer to see us take a path of less suffering for all beings and bring ourselves into balance instead of acting like spoilt children waiting for the Earth to discipline us.
yes it is as utupion [ie impossible] as wishing there were no warheads around; l am not advocating not eating meat, but as path mentions it is the sheer scale of it that l find 'ung#d like', the unthinking cellophane wrapped pieces of commodity on a supermarket shelf. Sure you can equate the same sentience to insects, vegetables and pieces of fruit and so undermine the argument that excessive meat eating is unbalanced. Don't get me wrong, what else can an eskimo eat except whats around; but the mass production of meat for human consumption seems to be insensible. Enstein said “Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet” Vegeterianism Quotes and he keeps good company.
when you hear such stories as this EVANA UK/The meat heaters: 5,000 tons of unsold Tesco cuts a year are being burned to provide power for homes en then you know we are in some sort of hell.
Why would God need anything? Implying that God wants something is implying that dualism is the underlying reality and we are not interconnected. My experience of life is that we are all one.

I can't come up with my own answer to that one, except for the one Carl Jung came up with: "God wanted to become man...and still wants to."


I would imagin God would want a bagel. Like the one im eating just now. tastes so good. I think that god may perhaps want a new project. after a few million years of earth he must be failry bored. was thinking of sending him some plan for a new universe.