We should increase tolarance


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I'm not a muslim but of course tolerance and peace would be appreciated across the board. The problem lies in the holy books. I don't ever see high levels of tolerance and peace as long as old scriptures are adhered to because you can only interpret certain passages so many ways. Eventually your gonna get backlash from the orthodox followers for being heretical for deviating from the original message.

The people who claim that the Holy Qur'an or the Holy Bible encourage them to commit to violence, they are not being honest with themselves or anyone else.

Yes, both books mention violent scenes, but the ultimate teachings of both Holy Books is: belief, patience/endurance, defense if you have to, justice, compassion, etc.

It is trully when people abandon the true teachings of the Bible and the Qur'an when they go astray (both spiritually and socially).
As Muslims we should increase peace and tolerance among the different faiths and cultures. If we want to live in safe and peaceful world we should do it. For instance I know a scholar from Turkey whose name is Fethullah Gulen. He is trying to bring together the communities in order to promote compassion, cooperation, partnership and community service through interfaith dialog and conversation. We really need this kind of thoughts. What do you think?

I agree with you fully edelentr. The past 10 years have been a challenge. Many misconceptions and false ideas about Islam put forward. We must strive to correct peoples understanding. Interfaith dialogue is the solution to the issues you pose, thank you for your post.
Namaste Mahmoud,

Welcome to IO, you are a sufi? I've been appreciating your posts. I enjoy experiencing a bit of sufism ...

As-Salamu Alaykum, Wil, yes, we are very partial to Sufism. One of the leaders in Islamic philosophy, Al Ghazali, brought the Islam of his time in close contact with Sufism. He was an influence on Thomas Aquinas. He rejected the Greek metaphysical philosophers. Have you studied Al Ghazali ? If so, please share your opinion.