A Muslim scholar M. Fethullah Gulen

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I am a supporter of Fethullah Gulen. Thank you edelentr for bringing this scholar to the attention of the posters. He is an advocate for interfaith dialogue. People like Gulen are a beacon for the future. He is a strong believer in service for the community.

We should discuss Gulen further.
From looking at the Wikipedia article, I see that Gulen advocates greater co-operation between Islam and the other two.

My interest here would be in whether Gulen believes it is possible for Islam and the other two to think of themselves as part of one family. Co-operation implies that one is saying, "yes we'll work with you," but says little about their attitudes to the others.

For example, I don't think I would like the idea of working with someone who secretly despises me and thinks I'm a moron. I'd be more interested in someone who says, "Hey! We're all in this together! Let's share the journey." I believe real interfaith is when you believe in the other group as much as your own. There's little point in Jews, Christian and Muslims working together if they don't believe that it helps the others in their relationship with God.

I like to think in terms of what I said in this thread about one path, but many traditions:

Not sure about Gulen's ideas, but his supporters keep joining these forums just to self promote, so at present it's hard to feel anything positive about this organisation, when his followers can't even be bothered to follow basic netiquette.
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