Seasons Blesssing


There is a River
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Dear all at interfaith

Grace and Peace from God the father and our Lord Jesus Christ, I pray that the Lord will pour out love from heaven over you and that this Love from the Father will pour out into the lives of all those around you.


Be blessed this Christmas season :):)
thats what l like a holistic luminescent wings of green flyer!

festival of lights throughout the world to illuminate and warm together the spirit of this time, utter dependency on the suns light and on each others lights; when it comes to lights we are all alike, and we all celebrate the coming rebirth of that light, that son or sun that we depend on for life and all that exists in its natural beauty [the fullness of the moon illuminates the muse of remembrance]

don't eat too much though, you KNOW what that feels like!
and all the very best for 2010, ye ken, for all men, in da den!:D:)hohoho
happy Chrismakwanzakkah, and Festivus 4 da Restivus!

Ya know, do ya care? Holiday cards, seasons greetings, why water down your Merry Christmas or Happy Chanakah or Have a great Solstice? I appreciate getting a card that expresses folks joy of their season so I can join them in their happiness.
Merry Christmas and a Wonderful New Year to all....................................................................................................................................

Its looking like snow......yayayyayayayayayayay

Love the Grey
l care not to send brand new cards that contribute to crazy felling or made to be cut down trees that expends so much energy buts thats just me and thats just saturnalia gone riot;)