Genesis Creation Story easily understood?


dan b

I have been trying to decifer the Genesis order of creation. I must have read through it 100 times. Lo and behold a pattern emerged! I seems like something to me, but everybody has their blind spots. I wonder if I can be shown some additions to these ideas or some critisizm of them?

On the 1st day God created heaven(space?) and the Earth. Then on day 2 he divided the Waters. On day 3 god created plants. Plants grow out of the earth using water up the stems of plants that produce air, and grow toward the Fire of the sun of day 4. sorry for the big sentence.

On day 5 and 6 God created fish, birds, animals and mankind. None of these could have existed without having biological vegetative material to eat. Animals cannot subsist only upon earth, water, air and fire. But plants can indeed! So the order of creation seems to be in a developing order.

But what was really amazing about this pattern is how it follows the six rainbow colors! Earth is purple, Water is blue, Plants(which produce air) are green, The Fire of the Sun is yellow. Then on day 5 the orange blooded fish and fowl were created. On day 6 God created the red blooded animals and Mankind. So maybe this is why God said unto Noah "the rainbow is a token of the covenant between me and all living things."Gen.9;10 The colors of the rainbow signify the order of the elements up to mankind who is in "the image of God." Gen.1;27 Now thats pretty simple if it's true! dan b
There are seven rainbow colors....ROY G BIV... Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet....combining violet and indigo to purple ignores the science and is part of the dumbing down of future generations.

Beyond are comparing the first days to something that doesn't happen until the promise after Noah?? (acording to the book anyway, G!d didn't invent refraction of light until his promise never to flood again)
Hi will!

Yes, science has shown that there is an "indigo" color between the blue and the green. This is therefore obviosly true and I agree with it. But the commonly seen rainbow colors with the naked eye have long been percieved by people as being the six Purple, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange,Red. these are still today put on rainbow flags everywhere. So I can see that they are not the true colors of light refraction, but I need to use the common peoples six colors to match them to the elements. I don't know why it's like this? But thats how they match.

By the way I've noticed that using the six colors there is an intertwining system. I you put the six colors in a circle so the red at the top of the rainbow meets the purple at the bottom then the scheme is primary color, secondary color, primary color, secondary color.......ect
They interlock as red and blue make purple, blue and yellow make green, yellow and red make orange. It's an enclosed scheme! The rainbow is amazing!

Yes, I guesse God did make the rainbow(refracrtion of light) Gen.9;13 later than the Gen.1 creation. I wonder how that works out? Anyway he must have know that it would match for people looking at it as a covenant with all living things. dan b
Um...the earth isn't usually regarded as purple, and claiming fish and fowl have orange blood seems strange.

The order of things in Genesis at its simplest follows degrees of complexity, with the simple fundmanetals being created first, with more complex degrees of life following.
Yes brian, I agree that earth from the garden isn't usually purple but brown. But of course dirt is a mix of years of composted vegetation and sticks. Thats why it's brown. Its' like when you mix all the colors of paint. But all the mountains in desert areas of Canada and Afganistan look totaly purple to me. And they are pure rock without dirt, grass or trees. Mabey thats the meaning of earth in this respect, pure elemental stone?
With respect to fish, I just don't reallyknow how they could match "orange." I've never eaten meat. Don't fish look sort of orange laid out in the market place? What about cold-blooded? Mabey fish and birds are created on a lesser day than animals and mankind because some are cold-blooded so " are less independant then warm blooded?" Orange is the color of fruit before it turns red. There is a patten here even if it's not entierly yet visable.

Consciousness consumes Mankind.

Mankind sometimes consumes Animals.

Animals consume Birds.

Birds consume Fish.

Fish consume photosynthesized FIRE(vegetation)

FIRE consumes Air(oxogen)

AIR consumes Water(vaporizes it)

WATER consumes Earth(dissolves it)

EARTH consumes Heaven/space (occupies it)

In the beginning God created the HEAVEN and the;

dan b
The order of Genisis creation also correspond to the 5 human body senses. Eyebrows show the emotions, mind is in the brain. The Genesis creations follow the human body from the bottom up.

Day 7 - Day of Rest - Pension

Day 6 - Animals/Mankind - Red - thought - brain

Day 5 - Fish/Birds - orange - emotions - eyebrows

Day 4 - FIRE - yellow - sight - eyes

Day 3 - AIR(plants) - green - smell/hear - nose/ears

Day 2 - WATER - blue - taste - mouth

Day 1 - EARTH - purple - touch - hands(genitals)

This scheme also matches with the human lifetime as seven decades.Ps.90;10. On Genesis day 3 there were two creations, "dry land" and "vegetation." So also on our human body the third human sense organ using AIR has two. Oh the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and the knowledge of God! Rom.11;33 dan b
dan b, your last name wouldn't be Beck, would it?

Yes, there are lots of patterns and they match in amazing symmetry.......AND...?
You are scratching the surface m8.
I have seen this phenomenon for years, over 2 decades and it does help one understand things better.
You will keep finding amazing parallels which get deeper and even more involved eventually as you look, perhaps some kind of epiphany will occur for you.
But what are you hoping to find?
Yes, there are lots of patterns and they match in amazing symmetry.......AND...?
And we (humans) are very talented at picking them out... even inventing them if we have to.

Is Jesus really in the french toast? Or are we just programmed to see him?

Thanks Shawn for the interest. What I'm finding, I'm not hoping for anything, is just as you said, a continuous system of correspondences. Genesis matching the elements, 6 colors and the 5 human senses as they run up the human body is the physical perspective of "Genesis." God's book is magic.

"one day is as 1000 years" 2 Pet.3;8

3000AD - The second death(JUDGMENT DAY) - Rev.20;12

................The Millennium.....................
2000AD -...........................................................................
................ANIMALS.......emotions.........Dark ages
1000AD -...........................................................................
.................FOWL.......Constantine spreads Christianity under EAGLE
.................FISH.........Early Christians use sign of the FISH
.................SUN..........JESUS CHRIST IS BORN
................MOON.........O. T. Bible cannonized(The Law).....500BC
................STARS.........Old Testament Prophets........800 - 500BC
1000BC -.....................Jerusalem Temple Fire ignighted

.................AIR(PLANTS)2 CREATIONS on day 3. "dry land used twice"
2000BC -.....................Israel crossed on "dry land" twice
..................................Red Sea crossing/Jordan River crossing.....

3000BC -...WATER.......................NOAH'S FLOOD.......................

4000BC -...EARTH.....Adam and Eve in Mesopotamia begin farming...
Here are some figures which upset that apple cart:
Evidence of ochre use in Bambata and Pomongwe Caves in Zimbabwe (Jones 1940; Cooke 1963; Klein 1978) is
thought to be over 125,000 years old. Stone fragments bearing ochre markings come from the MSA sites Pomongwe
Cave and Nswatugi (Walker 1987). The extensive mining evidence in Lion Cavern, South Africa (Beaumont and
Boshier 1972; Beaumont 1973), includes a radiocarbon date of about 43,200 BP.
Two lumps of red volcanic tuff (Oakley 1981: 207), previously identified as ochre (Leakey 1958), were recovered
in the much earlier Developed Oldowan levels of Olduvai BK II, Tanzania. Their significance remains uncertain,
however. Some of the most extensive early evidence of hematite use comes from Wonderwork Cave, in the northern
Cape region of South Africa. Every level of the excavation has produced an abundance of ochre fragments, occurring
together with Acheulian bifaces and exotic quartz crystals (Beaumont 1990, 1999; Binneman and Beaumont 1992). The
apparently continuous occupation sequence has been suggested to extend to 800,000 or 900,000 years BP. Of particular
importance are two ironstone slabs bearing engraved sub-parallel lines which appear to be between 260,000 and
420,000 years old
(Imbrie et al. 1984) and are thus among the earliest engravings known. Well-dated evidence of very
early pigment use comes from two recent studies. First, more than seventy red ochre pieces, weighing together some
five kilograms, were excavated at the site GnJh-15 in the Kapthurin Formation, Kenya. They are more than 285,000
years old
(McBrearty 2001: 92). Twin Rivers, Zambia (Barham 2002) has yielded at least 306 pigment pieces of
specularite, hematite, limonite, ochrous sandstone and manganese dioxide. Three per cent of these show signs of
modification by grinding or rubbing, vindicating the interpretation of the isolated previous Indian evidence from
Hunsgi. The age of Barham’s specimens is safely bracketed between 270,000 and 170,000 years. The African evidence
of pigment use is therefore currently more numerous and better dated than the sporadic occurrences known from the
same time interval in Eurasia.
Over the past two years, mostly on the evolution reflector, I have presented evidence for behaviors among the ancient hominids which would be considered quite human if it were found today. These data include the earliest art object, a Venus figurine, the Berekhat Ram figurine, which dates to 300,000 years ago. (Morris, 1994, p 186-188), the wooden plank with polish made by either archaic Homo sapiens or Homo erectus, (Belitsky et al, 1991), evidence for the tanning of hides from 1 million years ago (Johanson et al, 1994, p. 163-165; Klein 1989, pp 113-117), warfare or murder among the Neandertal approximately 48,000 years ago (Solecki, 1992, p. 211), and the Australian art dated at 75,000 years ago, which implies boat-building (required to reach Australia) from that remote time. Tonight I am reporting on one of the most complex behaviors yet--subterranean mining. Technically speaking, mining goes back to the appearance of the first flint tools around 2.5 million years ago (Semaw, 1997; Walker and Shipman, 1996, p 176).

People have been around for longer than 6000 yrs my friend.
The word which you read in your english bible as being days is not the same when you read the bible in the proper language which is Hebrew and the word really means an indetermined period of time, so it could be a moment or it could be an epoch or a hundred billion earth years, it could be one rotation of our solar system around the galactic core, etc.
We are so arrogant though that we think in terms of our localized time zone and this is proved by how long people thought that the sun rotated around the earth and how stubborn those fools were in changing their minds on that matter.
thankyou for the pre-historical update. The historians and archeologists that I've read call history from 4000BC until yesterday. Before the year 4000BC is defined by them as "pre-history". It's because before 4000BC there haven't been any large scale civilizations found. There is not smelted metal of any kind in the British museum before 4000BC. All of the simple writings of the earliest period come from Sumer between 4000 and 3500BC. The Bible doesn's say that God created the world at the same time as he gave Adam the Breath of Life.

In the beginning god created the Heaven and the Earth. Then he continued creating everything in this entire world over the next six days. Maybe these days were 1000 years. 2 Pet.3;8 But Genesis does't say when God created everything. It only hints that Adam and Eve got the breath of life(ability to use words) then. After Adam was given the animals to name.(speach) Jn.1;1 says everything was made by/with the word. God even created the world by speaking words. So Gen.2 more likly describes the beginning of our civilization that has now brought us to this, the modern world. But the creation of everything by God in Gen.1 is not given a date in history.(as far as I can see?) dan b
Curious that they find old traces of mining for metals that go back tens of thousands of years though.....if they weren't using it then what were they digging it up for?
Maybe it was what they were built to do.
"There was no man yet to work the land" can also be translated as "there was no man yet to work the mines".
Besides, prehistory does not mean that there was no history, it just means we have no records.
To suppose that there was little of importance before the records we have means little.
It was not all just cavemen IMO.
But isn't it amazing how the creations of the Genesis 6 days so closely match the 6 rainbow colors and at the same time match the 5 human senses as they run up the human body? And then it corresponds to 6000 years of history from 4000BC. So regardless of whether pre-history is important, and it is, look at the similarities on the above charts. I have't found such amzing phenomena in all the other religious books I have studies! dan b
Hi Shawn, What do I make of it. Well I have sure made a lot of it, look at some of it.

Thought needs words.

Emotion needs motion.

Sight needs Fire.

Hearing/smell need Air(plants).

Taste needs Water.

Feel needs Earth(substance)


6. Fruit maturing -.............................RED
5. Fruit developing -..........................ORANGE
4. Pollination stage -.........................YELLOW
3. Bud developing stage.-..................GREEN
2. Stalk and leaf production -.............BLUE
1. Germination stage -......................PURPLE
.............OTHER EXAMPLES FROM GENESIS.............

Water was created before Air(dry land), just as Fish were created before Birds. Therefore Fish swim in water and Birds fly in Air.

After the completion of Genesis Creation Mankind had trouble four times directly corresponding to the first four days of Genesis creation.

Gen.3;24 - Put out of Eden..................EARTH
Gen.7;4 - Noah's Flood........................WATER
Gen.11;1-9 - Babel(speaking)...............AIR
Gen.19;24 - Sodom destroyed..............FIRE
Patterns are everywhere


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But isn't it amazing how the creations of the Genesis 6 days so closely match the 6 rainbow colors and at the same time match the 5 human senses as they run up the human body?

What if the supposid days of creation didnt match the rainbow colours? What difference to the price of eggs would that make to you - seriously - what would change?

You are looking for patterns, and if you look hard enough you will find patterns, just by coincidence.

The "bible code" was a perfect example, lots of patterns but absolutely meaningless ! (Look up "bible code moby dick", its the first link in google)

All this secret codes and patterns stuff, if no-ones spotted it in 3000 years, how come you suddenly have! :rolleyes:
I have been trying to decifer the Genesis order of creation. I must have read through it 100 times. Lo and behold a pattern emerged! I seems like something to me, but everybody has their blind spots. I wonder if I can be shown some additions to these ideas or some critisizm of them?

On the 1st day God created heaven(space?) and the Earth. Then on day 2 he divided the Waters. On day 3 god created plants. Plants grow out of the earth using water up the stems of plants that produce air, and grow toward the Fire of the sun of day 4. sorry for the big sentence.

On day 5 and 6 God created fish, birds, animals and mankind. None of these could have existed without having biological vegetative material to eat. Animals cannot subsist only upon earth, water, air and fire. But plants can indeed! So the order of creation seems to be in a developing order.

But what was really amazing about this pattern is how it follows the six rainbow colors! Earth is purple, Water is blue, Plants(which produce air) are green, The Fire of the Sun is yellow. Then on day 5 the orange blooded fish and fowl were created. On day 6 God created the red blooded animals and Mankind. So maybe this is why God said unto Noah "the rainbow is a token of the covenant between me and all living things."Gen.9;10 The colors of the rainbow signify the order of the elements up to mankind who is in "the image of God." Gen.1;27 Now thats pretty simple if it's true! dan b

The sixth day creation is only symbolic and is meaningless for the timing of things. Do you honestly believe God would only take one day to make man's flesh, the most intricate creation of all his creations? The scriptures were never intended to be take literally.
The sixth day creation is only symbolic and is meaningless for the timing of things.
It seems to me that 'symbolic' is a characterization too often invoked to rescue an idea from the onslaught of science.

Do you honestly believe God would only take one day to make man's flesh, the most intricate creation of all his creations?
Do you honestly believe that the question is meaningful, much less answerable? The concept of "preternatural effort" strikes me as naively anthropomorphic.

The scriptures were never intended to be take literally.
And we know that how?