Embracing the Mystery
To us, the body is the means by which the soul 'materialises' itself, so we don't accept the old dualism of the body and soul being two separate things, or the gnostic idea of the body as a prison or container for the soul. Rather, the body is the projection of the soul according to the medium in which it finds itself.
Very interesting. I don't think the body and soul are dualist, exactly, though I must admit that my own experience has been more of a struggle to integrate the two. However, I must offer that this is not common in Pagans. It is distinctive to my own experience, the reasons for which I understand quite well, and believe to be not common to very many people.
Having said that, the relationship between the two has become inverted ... in theory (or rather in speculation) the soul can and should be able to manifest any physical form it likes (and in the less glutinous worlds, can do so) ... I'm not saying shape-changing, necessarily, but rather that the soul can present to another soul the image of itself which is more 'real' than the material and surface image.
Hmmm... like a hologram? In all seriousness, I do understand what you're getting at. In some of my own mystical visions this is as it has been, at least in realms that are less solid than ours (and less disjointed and disconnected).
A soul in possession of its own soul faculties can determine what a lesser soul sees, or does not see ... this is not 'power of the mind' or some order of psychic persuasion, it's to do with self-projection ... disclosure ... revelation ... This all ties in to the post-Resurrection sightings of Jesus ... the clues are all there in Scripture.
Well, full self-possession, in the truest sense of the word "self," would seem to bring with it a fair bit of power in terms of what I'd call intention and focus (not necessarily mind). And this could appear, between human beings, as a sort of psychic force... but it would really be, as you say, the choosing of what to reveal to whom. We all do this somewhat, but the more fully we are self-possessed, the more powerful we become at it (and hopefully the more discerning as well).
a new idea would be a new life, a new soul ... harking back, rather like two notes causing a third note? Or a harmonic? Not sure if the analogy works...
I don't know. When I speak of sound, I tend to think everything has been manifested by God Herself. I cannot procreate the sound. I can only procreate the form a sound will take. But then, believing in reincarnation, I don't think every new baby is a new soul. For me, there's a big cosmic recycling program.
Physical generation and garments of skin became necessary when man surrendered his unitive being to enjoy his own singularity ... and suddenly found her/himself naked and alone, surrounded by strangers ... s/he didn't even recogise her/himself ... still doesn't. without a 'surface' to preserve her/him, she/he would have vanished entirely ...
I'm finding all this fascinating. So you are saying that potentially Genesis could be understood to be humanity as a spirit-form, and its turning toward individuality and material form, which separated them from God and from all other creatures, including each other?
We see the soul the same way — mineral, flora, fauna, human, spiritual — and so encapsulating the whole world in itself, as it were. There's also accounts of movements in the soul ... straight, circular, spiral ...
Movements. Yes. Last year at a large national Druid gathering I did the spiral dance- never did that before. It was very interesting. The soul does understand symbol and art and movement on some deep level, I think.
Beautiful account of your experience, by the way ...
Thank you. If death is half so lovely, I'll feel very blessed.
I think we agree in the broad stroke, but maybe differ in the detail.
Seems to be the case in general.
Our view is that God creates, and when the soul is brought into being, the end is already there (God is eternal), so the idea of perfection is to be that which we were created to be.
Then yes, in your view, I am reaching for perfection. I tend to think of perfection in quite wordly terms, and so tend to consciously avoid it, as it smacks of having some standardized goal. Since people are different, and they are created to be different, the end-state is different (at least in my worldview).
That's perfection! "Be ye perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect" Who is this perfect being ... what is this perfect being? God. What is God? God is love.
OK, OK. So maybe I am a sort of perfectionist.
But self-love, which began in Adam and continues today, is not true love. The seven deadly sins are, I think, aspects of self-love. That's what renders them deadly, they cut off the person from love.
I wouldn't say that sin arises from self-love, but from loving the wrong self. Loving one's ego causes problems. Loving one's true self is the origin of being able to fully love others. We can't give what we don't have. Self-centeredness alienates, but when one truly knows and loves the "real" self, one is connected with everything else.
I'm saying the soul is the core, I suppose ... the 'self' is the (limited) conscious awareness of the itself of the soul ... know thyself is know thy soul, when you know your soul, all barriers disappear.
Theosis in that sense is not an individual state, it's a cosmic state ... but 'provisional theosis' or individual degrees of realisation, yes ... Some 'sleep in Christ' and others are 'awake in Christ' ...
That makes sense. In a way, it is similar to thinking of the evolution of humanity (in a spiritual sense). Many, perhaps most, are sleep-walking through life. Awakening is a sort of leap that changes everything about one's perspective. One can only imagine what it would be like for humanity as a whole to awaken.
The Church is a presence ... I'm really not wanting to go on with that, at this moment in time ...
OK. In the future, I'd be curious...
We would say there is no latency or potentiality in God, as they are conditional modes of being. God is, eternally, absolutely, infinitely, unchangingly ...
So all that God created always was? This is the trick to me. If there never was potentiality in God for creation, then creation was in existence as long as God was? Or else, creation must have had its potential within God, which means God had potential to do something God was not yet doing. I'm confused with the whole thing... it might just be semantics.
Again, we're struggling on the limits of language, as God has no beginning, but I see your point, and this sets up an apparent duality: God and God's self-knowing — which we call Father and Son — the Father begets the Son eternally, knows Himself in the Son, but because God is perfect, the Son is likewise perfect and everything that God is ...
No doubt- the language is always a huge barrier.
The point for us is the principle of manifestation must be in the Divine Nature first ... God will not manifest if it is not in the Divine Nature to do so.
Well, naturally. This is kind of what I was referring to as latency or potentiality- the principles of all that is lay within God Herself. But these were not always acted upon.
Equally, we would say (some of us) all manifest reality is unreal because it susbists according to the Will of God, God is the only 'thing' that exists of Itself.
This posits a separate between manifest reality and God that doesn't really exist in most Pagan thought. I'd say separation is an illusion. And so the "realness" of manifest reality is a non-issue- manifest reality is never real in the sense that we cannot fully know it as it is, but it is always real in the sense that in arising from God, it is held within Her embrace and Her sacredness runs through it. The entire bit about linear time (from our perspective) producing a "before" and "after" creation is probably not much related to God's perspective of it all, whatever that may be.
Far from the modern assuption of 'progress', the movement is cyclic, not linear, and we are still moving towards the low point of the cycyle.
Could you explain a bit further? I'm interested but not sure I get it.
Absolutely ... we only argue that point in the face of those who argue that God 'must' do this or that ...
To me, it's another non-issue. God is what God is. It's sort of pointless for a limited being such as myself to try to figure out the "how" of it all.
One might say God saw Herself and thought, 'this is too good to keep to Myself', so created other things to share in that.
I like that.