Is God Married ?



Yes ! He is married within himself. I do not mean that he has a marriage certificate

Here is how I came to this conclusion.

Gen 1:27 says: "God Created human beings in His own image; male and female"

God's masculinity and femninity are in perfect harmony. We can say that an ideal married couple reflects the image of God.

God is also our Father and Mother in Heaven. We are His children.

He is our Heavenly Parent, but we call God "Father" because masculinity is His subjective nature.

Gen 1:28 says: "Then God blessed them and said become fruitful (mature) and multiply. Fill the earth and govern it."

God wants us to become ideal husbands and wifes, ideal parents like He is

In conclusion, God wants ideal families. The Kingdom of Heaven on earth is made of ideal families.

Unfortunately the first family (Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel etc..) ended up not being and becoming a true ideal family as God had hoped for. Still His will and purpose are unchanging.

Jesus came as the second Adam to restore the mistake of the first Adam and establish the original family God wanted in Gen 1:28... but his life was cut short.
So that God is an alien species....kind of looks like humans, but more advanced.

Worship means work.
So if we were made to worship, then we were made to work is how it really is.

It is an interesting experiment though.
Perhaps it is more.
Unfortunately the first family (Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel etc..) ended up not being and becoming a true ideal family as God had hoped for.

Perhaps God should see a fertility specialist... find out why his sperm don't swim straight.
Perhaps God should see a fertility specialist... find out why his sperm don't swim straight.
Citizenzen! I miss your old monk avatar. Can't figure this one out. Something to do with standing very still, being very quiet......standing up straight! Got it. Standing still with your back straight. Next avatar, please.

Citizenzen has a point, even though he's trying not to. The quoted statement sounds very puritanical. A puritanical view of life often leads to an inability to get married happily at all, because it is unrealistic. So you see the irony? The white sheet view of the universe leads to unhappiness and frustration. It does not allow for mercy in the community when people break up. They say that all is fair in love, because you have to be a little cruel in order to be kind. You have to be a man, see? A man is cruel, and that is just one area in which the puritanical model falls short. A man with a touch of cruelty can be more kind than a kind man, which kind of screws with your head if you are a puritan.

Proverbs 27:5 Open rebuke is better than love carefully concealed.

Genesis 38:24 ...And Judah said, Bring her forth, and let her be burnt....26 And Judah acknowledged them, and said, She hath been more righteous than I;

John 4
17 The woman answered and said, I have no husband. Jesus said unto her, Thou hast well said, I have no husband:
18 For thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband: in that saidst thou truly.
Can't figure this one out. Something to do with standing very still, being very quiet...

I'm being very generic.
Main Entry: ge·ner·ic
Pronunciation: \jə-ˈner-ik, -ˈne-rik\
Function: adjective
Etymology: French générique, from Latin gener-, genus birth, kind, class
Date: 1676
1 a : relating to or characteristic of a whole group or class : general b : being or having a nonproprietary name <generic drugs> c : having no particularly distinctive quality or application <generic restaurants>
2 : relating to or having the rank of a biological genus
why the godamm anthromorphism? probably no different from the greek gods then, married 7 times, bigamous casanova, now has a mistress in the milky way:D
Perhaps God should see a fertility specialist... find out why his sperm don't swim straight.
That is not an accurate analogy.
The problem with our first ancestors happened during the teen years.
That is not an accurate analogy.
The problem with our first ancestors happened during the teen years.
What evidence do we have of time frame in the garden? Or how 'old' the metaphors Adam and Eve were when they were created?

Interesting concept...we humans create baby's at day one...yet at day one for Adam, physically, mentally how old was he? Physically mentally how old was Eve?

Until the last century....and in reality still...most of everything starts in the teen years...but up until the last century before our experiment with adding a phase of life called adolescent...most of us were all working and starting families in our teen years.

Including Mary eh?
Next bizarre topic: Is God on fire?

Answer: Yes, but not literally on fire; he's on spiritual fire, with the flames of righteousness and justice and.... and I just felt like being a sarcastic ass today :)

Yes, God is married. But Jesus' life was not cut short, he came to die.
Pattimax, I believe that he came to live and establish the first original family that God lost at the Garden; a sinless family completely separated from the human fall and Satan's lineage.
The path of the cross was plan B. At Gethsemane, Jesus was still hoping to fulfill the original course he came for.
At the cross, he gave much more than his physical body. He gave his precious seed and family.
This is why the messaih has to come back a second time.
Did God Have a Wife?

Did God Have a Wife?: Archaeology and Folk Religion in Ancient Israel, (Eerdmans, ISBN 0-8028-2852-3, 2005), is a book by Syro-Palestinian archaeologist and biblical scholar William G. Dever (Professor Emeritus of Near Eastern Archeology and Anthropology at the University of Arizona). "Did God Have a Wife?" was intended as a popular work making available to the general public the evidence long known to archaeologists and scholars regarding ancient Israelite religion: namely that the Israelite god (Yahweh) had a consort, that her name was Asherah, and that she was part of the Canaanite pantheon.


Chapters 1 to 3 define the topic and describe the different scholarly approaches to Israelite religion, biblical and non-biblical sources and texts, and the role of archaeology. Chapter 4 (“The Hebrew Bible: Religious Reality or Theological Ideal?”) examines cultic terminology and activities in the Hebrew Bible. The core of the book lies in chapters 5 (“Archaeological Evidence for Folk Religions in Ancient Israel”), 6 (“The Goddess Asherah and Her Cult”), and 7 (“Asherah, Women’s Cults, and ‘Official Yahwism’). These chapters describe folk religion in ancient, mainly polytheistic, Israel, which, Dever points out, was the reality in the religious lives of most people. The last two chapters (ch. 8: “From Polytheism to Monotheism”; ch. 9: “What Does the Goddess Do to Help”) sum up the book, concluding that monotheism is an artificial phenomenon, the product of most of the elite, nationalist parties who wrote and edited the Hebrew Bible” that was adopted during the Babylonian exile as a response to the trauma of the conquest and subsequently enforced by the returning elite during the early Persian period. Dever also notes that folk religion and the role of the goddess did not disappear under official monotheistic Yahwism, but instead went underground, to find a home in the magic and mysticism of later Judaism.[1]


^ Review by Yairah Amit, Review of Biblical Literature, 02/2006
So.... You're saying this being had a human consort? So... This would further the hypocrisy of a god. He sent floods to remove "mistakes" made by his angels with 'mixing' with humans... He saw it as wrong, an abomination and as a disgrace. Just like beasteality. Mixing of two different creatures. All creatures designed to only pro-create with their like. The angels that did such things were cast to Satan's lot.... So he forsakes and "damns" his angels for this act... But, it's ok for him? Lead by example right? Sounds more like a Satanic thing. Spirits rogering humans lol.

Aren't there also people that will say marriage ends when they go to "heaven"? So apart from being pointless lol.... Wouldn't it show marriage is an Earthly thing.... Your god is up there. *points* In teh clowds.... LOL.

I personally have no real belife as of yet in a god. But, I find this idea... That a being so powerful so different to a human would even think of being with a human in that way lol..... Like me trying to roger an ant....... It is just..... Nonsense lol.
Sancho said:
Did God Have a Wife?" was intended as a popular work making available to the general public the evidence long known to archaeologists and scholars regarding ancient Israelite religion: namely that the Israelite god ... had a consort, that her name was Asherah, and that she was part of the Canaanite pantheon.
you only have to read the Tanakh to understand that this was a common piece of short-circuit thinking and a source of idolatry from very early times. of course this is the sort of thing that the people used to think, but equally obvious was the danger of jumping to those conclusions: this would mean that G!D Was male, G!D Forbid and it was inconceivable to think of a "male" without a "female" - but that's not who G!D Is for us, that is not what judaism (as opposed to ignorant and stupid jews like peasants - and practically the entire royal lines of both israel and judah) actually believed. this is why the prophets were so *controversial* - because they challenged the easy, binary, transactional assumptions that came from the canaanite milieu. it was a more sophisticated view - and it struggled to take hold until the babylonian exile for this reason, when we began to understand why the whole "mr and mrs god" model was fundamentally mistaken and why the prophets had been banging on about it since the time of abraham. what people clearly *did* and *believed* - and, naturally, that is what the evidence shows - is not evidence of what the correct understanding was any more than the widespread belief that the government hushes up alien landings and evidence purporting to prove this is actually evidence of how things really are.

