..you were not there.In the beginning...
..you were not there.In the beginning...
My kid's biology text book. She graduated a couple years ago. So I'm sorry that I don't have a specific book to show you. But I read the same things in my text books in high school and in college. Many of Darwin's findings were deemed false by his own peers before I was born.The name and publication date of said textbook?
No, Charles Darwin's theory of evolution is not false, but it has been refined over time. Darwin's theory of natural selection is considered to be mostly correct, but some of his ideas have been modified or disproven.
Most scientists agree that humans evolved over time. The theory of evolution was initially met with resistance because it challenged the idea of creationism, but it has since been widely accepted.
What Darwin Got Right (and Wrong) About Evolution | Britannica
Darwin got most of the high-level stuff right, but he messed up on a few important details.www.britannica.com
Updated textbooks...are...err...updated.
We have Bible versions...not updates with new info and removals of false info. Don't get me wrong, I love the book, and what can be discerned from introspection with the allegory, parables, and mythology contained within those historical versions. It is the plethora of versions that help me see what differing interpreters interpret the text to mean and assist in an interpretation that can assist me in interesting current situations I find myself in.
You proved that wrong? There was no beginning?In the beginning...
I recall that scene...and it is one that wouldn't fly in many American churches, Protestant and Catholic....the speech precisely had to be made because folks were using the book as i described I have issues with.So I find your reasoning to be flawed
But the Bible has been waiting for what 1700 years (when the Canon was created half the christian books were tossed aside.Yes, text books are updated. But it sure takes too long
yikesand do some blood letting.
I definitely appreciated the West Wing. I didn't see it often, but I appreciated what they did with it.Reasoning minds make the same error with all kinds of texts ... that's the fault of the mind, or rather it's lack of reason.
Scripture is in a sense a subjective narrative – and in that sense it's 'true' because that is how experience was perceived and interpreted.
Generally today we don't receive or interpret Scripture in the same way it was in antiquity. Martin Sheen is a Catholic, and had no problem with this scene from The West Wing:
So I find your reasoning to be flawed.
It's equally or really more an information issue.It's a human nature issue. Not a religious issue. Now excuse me as I take some vitamin C for my cold, eat some carrots so I can see better, and do some blood letting.
The scientific issue at hand is that we haven't, until recently, understood how birds view their prey. As you have stated, the research has often been inconclusive. However we have learned that birds often view ultraviolet light differently than we do. While we have been unable to replicate nor confirm his specific peppered moth results, we have found something interesting. He may have still been correct. A recent study found the opposite of what Darwin found, yet it still doesn't prove him wrong. The lighter moths have a 21% higher survival rate. It's because they often hide on lichen that matches their colors. These lichen still flourish amongst pollution. So Darwin's results have not been replicated, yet he may still be correct when it comes to the environment affecting the rates of consumption of these moths.@moralorel -
A quick web search seems to indicate that there is no consensus on the peppered moth, which is contrary to your assertion. Do you perchance have cites to some sources?
Abiogenesis ≠ Darwin. If you have evidence of Darwin proving how life began, I'm all ears.But the Bible has been waiting for what 1700 years (when the Canon was created half the christian books were tossed aside.
But if you wish to discuss the beginning and Darwin, which beginning would you like to compare, gen1 or gen2 seven days?
Note, I am perfectly willing to agree to disagree...or continue debate...your choice.
I think there are the famous examples of the bible classifying bats as birds, Leviticus 11:19 and Deuteronomy 14:18Out of curiosity, do you have any examples of scripture that is definitely false?
Scientists decided that bats are not birds. The Bible groups flying animals together. The Bible also appears to refer to whales as fish. I recommend reading Moby Dick to see a good perspective on this argument. In short, the guy behind a desk wearing a tie says that whales are not fish. The captain of a whale ship who has spent his whole life on the ocean hunting whales says they are fish. There is much more to his argument but the author makes some very good points on this matter. I see different classifications. We reclassify species all the time. Change it in the text books, as quick as possible, and leave the Bible's classifications alone.I think there are the famous examples of the bible classifying bats as birds, Leviticus 11:19 and Deuteronomy 14:18
...and being imprecise enough with the value of pi to be considered wrong by mathematicians or engineers. 1 Kings 7:23
They talk about that one more here
1 Kings 7:23 | Yikes! The number Pi in the Bible | A groovy commentary
Pi in the Bible | An unusual commentary on 1 Kings 7:23, which looks at the number Pi in the Biblewww.abarim-publications.com
If you google bible errors there are a slew of things that come up, websites, documents, books, blogs, reddit threads.
Some address inconsistencies too which may muddy the water some.
What Are the Bible's Biggest Scientific and Historical Errors?
Explore the reasons there are errors and mistakes in the Bible and why it is reasonable for all ancient texts to have factual errors.www.learnreligions.com
There's a book written by Steve Allen which sort of addresses this question within a larger swath of things he's talking about
I did read something once which suggested that bible errors were not errors, but deliberate insertions to call attention to something, like a code. I don't remember where I read that or who it was by. I do not know if this theory is widely believed or not.
Sadly I think that's more a commentary on contemporary America than Biblical Scripture.I recall that scene...and it is one that wouldn't fly in many American churches ...
Nah, there ain't no foot notes indicating the way the sons were adjudicated in the past were wrong....which applies and which don't.Sadly I think that's more a commentary on contemporary America than Biblical Scripture.
I rather think that's the point.Nah, there ain't no foot notes indicating the way the sons were adjudicated in the past were wrong....which applies and which don't.
But yes, America has had issues with this since before I was born.
Scientists decided that bats are not birds.
Or more like observed, discovered, that bats have physiological qualities of mammals and not of the birdsScientists decided
Let me propose this scenario. Let's say the Bible made the claim that we had 8 planets in our solar system. For most of written scientific history the Bible would have been wrong. When we had only 5 planets in our solar system, critics would have laughed at the Bible. When we discovered Pluto they would also talk about how the Bible is off because we obviously have 9 planets. Scientists not only discovered new planets, but kept reclassifying planets. Currently we are at 8 planets (or 11 if you want to include dwarf planets).Or more like observed, discovered, that bats have physiological qualities of mammals and not of the birds
i'm not continuing any argument, only replied to your question about errorsSo if you are going to continue this old antiquated argument,