Rarely do two people agree...just look at the number of denominations and religions. What we have is a personal exploration as we all have different experiences. That is the joy, you don't have to keep your nose buried. It is meant to be practical and utilized in your life. Reading about slaughter of others is not very practical for today....but realizing the book IS your autobiography, every line is about raising YOU in consciousness opens it up to be the most amazing personal growth piece ever written.Exactly it is our staircase to G!d, our personal adventure to a personal relationship with source. (or it is for Christians anyway....the Koran is for Muslims, the Gita for Hindi's, The Tanakh for Jews...etc.) Not if we choose to insist that our interpretation is right for each other. This is not about saving another, or nudging another see...see...but about a personal exploration...and rising yourself up rises up those around you and our world. Sure...it's called Heaven.
I can certainly see where Jesus' teachings can be be viewed as practical, but the entire bible? Good lord, it takes me a year just to read it in its entirety much less learn to apply every tale practically. I do like how when I'm perplexed with a life situation, how I can open the book and an answer (Albeit vague) can be found.
Personal growth? I'm not sure I agree. Many people take the content to a very dark place. So much so that they will justify just about any act with scripture itself ... Never mind what Jesus taught. Love your enemies has become code for condemning others to hell for not agreeing with their interpretation.
What if .... What if scripture (In its entirety) has become a stumbling block for many believers? Not to mention skeptics with all the fanciful tales of war and destruction (Attributed to God). Either God is a God of love who loves all, or He is partial to a few of His elect, and has become a Lord of war for them.
I know you are suggesting symbolism, but who can decipher the meaning accurately? I think when the writ speaks of destruction and war, then its man who has come to attribute these things to God. I myself believe that we (Mankind) are our worse enemy, and that God's only desire is for us to learn to love one another, and be good stewards over His creation.
We live in a dangerous world .... Perhaps so we might be better prepared for the world to come, and realize that when we live life with selfish lust in our hearts that many suffer as a result. Not to mention the tales told in scripture giving mixed messages to the fold (How dangerous is that?).
Yeah, it's a great book for reading, but quite lousy when it comes to getting us to heaven. That's Jesus' job, right? Isn't it He (Who personified love) that has shown us the way? Love is a very simple concept that even infants understand. If love is not the answer, what is? That God has multiple personalities .... One day He's mad as hell and ready to send man to conquer others, the next day He's merciful and loving and forgiving, sending His son to redeem the entire world.
I tell ya, the study of many books is weariness to the soul. I'll choose love over the bible any day of the week. It makes a pretty good guide in the end. Do you think I'm missing out on some keen insight by ditching the old baggage, wil?
I think some (Not you) need it for a crutch, but I hardly believe the bible is necessary for salvation. For training in righteousness, maybe .... but salvation comes when we are free from the things that hinder our growth as a peoples.
Motto: "If it ain't love then it ain't of God" that's pretty much my view when I'm reading the bible. Could I be wrong? Of course, but what if mankind has attributed to God the things of Satan? What if we end up with what we choose? An angry, bloodthirsty war Lord, or a God who not only loves His creation, but Is love itself?
Also, if the dark stories are mere symbolism, what's the point in trying to decipher the meaning? Why couldn't I just choose love instead pulling my hair out when I run into yet another story that goes against what I believe God to be?
Truth be told, I discard what doesn't fit my concept of God. I don't want Him to be this and that, so I shrug those things off as misrepresentations. Others suggest that by me cherry picking like this, that I can't possibly know Gods fullness. Well hell!! That's the point isn't it? I don't wish to know anger, wrath, war, destruction, or a blood hungry deity .... all I want to know of our Creator is love. Does that make me wrong?
Sorry for the ranting there, wil