.All of this might have been "interesting" for you, and hopefully you learned something, but I'm not getting anything out of my interaction with you.
Then stop interacting with me.
You could have just said this and been done with it.
good, u learned something.There... I have demonstrated brevity.
you were the one who started this interaction, remember?
good, u learned something.
Glad 2 be of service
I am no longer responding to your line of conversation because you said you have no interest in it.
3.In Theology. (of the Deity) transcending the universe, time, etc.
4.In Philosophy. a.Scholasticism. above all possible modes of the infinite.
b.Kantianism. transcending experience; not realizable in human experience. Compare transcendental (defs. 5a, c).
c.(in modern realism) referred to, but beyond, direct apprehension; outside consciousness.
It should be obvious from this (even for you) that if you believe in "no separation" then you DO NOT believe in a Transcendent Creator. It is THAT simple. So either change your language, or change your beliefs. As it stands right now: you are NOT a non-dualist you just think you are. If you want to be a monist, then you have to drop the idea of "no separation" or a transcendent Creator. You can't have both in a monist system...
You want her to describe the indescribable?
To put into words what is beyond words?
To accomplish what hasn't been accomplished in the history of humankind?
3.In Theology. (of the Deity) transcending the universe, time, etc.
4.In Philosophy. a.Scholasticism. above all possible modes of the infinite.
b.Kantianism. transcending experience; not realizable in human experience. Compare transcendental (defs. 5a, c).
c.(in modern realism) referred to, but beyond, direct apprehension; outside consciousness.
It is THAT simple.
you are NOT a non-dualist you just think you are. If you want to be a monist, then you have to drop the idea of "no separation" or a transcendent Creator. You can't have both in a monist system...
You want her to describe the indescribable?
To put into words what is beyond words?
To accomplish what hasn't been accomplished in the history of humankind?
I'll have a go. Please know, though, that this is my last time with a computer (gasp!) for 2 weeks. I'm off to Oregon to visit family and then on to Nevada for an interfaith peace march. Walking 45 miles out in the desert... so no laptop.Can't wait.
OK- so what is it to "transcend"? To go beyond the limits of, to triumph over the negative or restrictive aspects of, to outdo/outstrip in some attribute, quality, or power.
Well, yes, the Divine does all of these things in my opinion and experience. BUT, that does not necessitate separation. How?
Because we are the Divine extension- the end-point of the Divine power, so to speak. So yes, we are limited, and yet really our entire being rests within the Divine, not separate from or outside It. The Whole is greater than the sum of its parts, but it does have those parts within it. The barrier is transitory and artificial, a construct not a reality.
A limited but half-way decent analogy is my relationship to the cells of my liver. My cells probably don't usually think of themselves as belonging to me, or even to my liver. They probably aren't aware that they are part of a much broader being and unfolding plan than just doing their little liver-cell tasks. Yet they are. I am, somehow and miraculously, an awareness and being that is, at the same time, a process that is inclusive of myriad little beings, each of which have their own functions and attributes.
My liver is not separate from me. Yet is not all of me, or coterminous with me. I arguably transcend my liver, while embracing my liver within my own being and having no division whatsoever.
The Infinite would include the finite. Just not the other way 'round. Inclusion negates separation.
To me, this gets back to CZZ (I think it was he) and his comment in the Foundationist thread that while we can't know God fully, we can experience God. We can't realize the Divine within ourselves fully (perhaps, I'm not totally convinced that lack of having done it is lack of potential or possibility). But partial realization of the Divine indicates relationship, connection. And connection negates full separation.
See above.
So simple that it has not inspired thousands and thousands of years of philosophy, mysticism, and religion. Oh, no. Because, you see, it's so darn simple.
I think limiting the possibilities to dualism and monism is problematic. Any time there are only two options presented, I tend to think there is some lack of relationship to reality, because reality typically presents something more complex than that.
That said, the mind-body problem and related dualism is not (to me) equivalent to dualism posited in the Divine-human (or "creation"/Nature) relationship.
But, forced to take a stand in the Descartian conundrum, the closest thing I'd say my own beliefs conform to is neutral monism... but where the neutral substance is Spirit. From Spirit (or the Divine) arises both mind and body, arising from a single process and force/energy. In this way, information is actually stored outside the "self" and the "self" is actually non-existent, a temporary process within a larger unfolding. We think there is a mind and a body, but in fact there is neither (at least not independent of the Divine, and so all is ultimately reducible or consumed within the Divine reality).
If God was just "infinite" then your response would be valid4.In Philosophy. a.Scholasticism. above all possible modes of the infinite.
In fact, it is so basic, it is taught in first year philosophy classes...
been there, done that (many a times on this forum).
btw, I thought you were trying to ignore me dude...
Uhhh... can you say, "fail"?
I know you can.
"we" ??? aww that's so cute. CZ thinks he's actually a part of the discussion : PHey, I was just giving you positive affirmations a few posts back.
I want us all to be a big group-huggin' happy family... eventually... after we throw a few more dishes at each other.
"we" ??? aww that's so cute. CZ thinks he's actually a part of the discussion : P
...you've earned a trip to my ignore list.
How absurd of me to have assumed such nonsense.
One last thing...
Since you've decided that I have nothing worthwhile to contribute to the forum, you've earned a trip to my ignore list.
It's really quite a positive development for you. There will be fewer posts for me to respond to, hence fewer times that you'll have to endure my stupid thoughts. Just think how your IQ will benefit due to the decreased exposure to my idiocy. You may become even smarter than you are now... as if that were possible.
Peace out, brother-man.![]()
The thread's looking thinner.
Has it lost weight?![]()
Path, do you see the sentence I highlighted in red?
You could have skipped everything else you wrote,
and just posted that. Because that is the sum total
of this post's contribution.
If God was just "infinite" then your response would be valid
as the infinite DOES encompass the finite. But HE is not just infinite,
He is ABOVE infinite. Transcendent=ABOVE the INFINITE.
And as for the lack of separation that you feel, that is not your
connection with God, that is the connection between us.
p.s. enjoy your hippie desert love march (or whatever : P)
No, it isn't. You presume that to fit the definition of transcendence, a concept must fit ALL definitions.
I rather ignore it because of the types of arguments that youSo perhaps you may wish to discuss the rest of the issue? Or not, as you desire. As you've said, you aren't finding this interesting, so perhaps you'd rather ignore it.
"limitless" is just another word for infinite !!!"The Limitless contains both the infinite and the finite, and that Limitless is God Herself.
Don't flatter yourself... (you're not that hard a read.)Your powers to read my mind and feelings, and know just what I feel and what it means are astounding.