Local Inspiration


Gnōthi seauton
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Terra Firma
Found about these folks recently - West End Ministries - here in my hometown.

Anyone that wants to see the face of a New Christianity emerging ... You need look no further. And Thank Goodness! :)

Their website really says it all. So many groups like this exist, very similar, yet each serves as a shining, unique and very individual expression of what we need more of in our world. This particular group shows what happens when Synthesis is able to work with three differently characterized units - in this case a Baptist, a UCC and a Methodist Church - and blend them into a more effective, cooperative partnership, or GROUP, which can function with the new Aquarian, rather than a preponderance of the old Piscean tendencies.

The self-consciousness aspect of the human being is being steadily expanded under this major interplay and through the forces transmitted by Uranus, via the eleventh house, and will ultimately give place to group consciousness and group relationships and group work. Hence the trend towards amalgamation today, towards federation, spheres of action and the many groups which distinguish increasingly human intercourse. The group spirit and the forms through which it will express itself are being increasingly demonstrated and this constitutes a veritable initiation for the race. It is the emergence of the glory of the human spirit in a more definite and arresting way and involves an orientation towards freedom which will later stand in the historical records as the outstanding characteristic of this age of major conflict. Humanity is today participating in the preparatory tests for initiation, the initiation of the world disciple. Great is your privilege to be taking part in this. Forget not that eleven is the number of the Initiate and that today it is the eleventh house which is so dominant; forget not that Aquarius, the eleventh sign, is the sign of universal relationships, interplay and consciousness. For all this, the combination of signs— Leo, Capricorn and Pisces—is preparing the race. - Esoteric Astrology, p.542​
Found about these folks recently - West End Ministries - here in my hometown.

Anyone that wants to see the face of a New Christianity emerging ... You need look no further. And Thank Goodness! :)

Their website really says it all. So many groups like this exist, very similar, yet each serves as a shining, unique and very individual expression of what we need more of in our world. This particular group shows what happens when Synthesis is able to work with three differently characterized units - in this case a Baptist, a UCC and a Methodist Church - and blend them into a more effective, cooperative partnership, or GROUP, which can function with the new Aquarian, rather than a preponderance of the old Piscean tendencies.

The self-consciousness aspect of the human being is being steadily expanded under this major interplay and through the forces transmitted by Uranus, via the eleventh house, and will ultimately give place to group consciousness and group relationships and group work. Hence the trend towards amalgamation today, towards federation, spheres of action and the many groups which distinguish increasingly human intercourse. The group spirit and the forms through which it will express itself are being increasingly demonstrated and this constitutes a veritable initiation for the race. It is the emergence of the glory of the human spirit in a more definite and arresting way and involves an orientation towards freedom which will later stand in the historical records as the outstanding characteristic of this age of major conflict. Humanity is today participating in the preparatory tests for initiation, the initiation of the world disciple. Great is your privilege to be taking part in this. Forget not that eleven is the number of the Initiate and that today it is the eleventh house which is so dominant; forget not that Aquarius, the eleventh sign, is the sign of universal relationships, interplay and consciousness. For all this, the combination of signs— Leo, Capricorn and Pisces—is preparing the race. - Esoteric Astrology, p.542​

so what is this church all about then ?
so what is this church all about then ?
In short, they are about world Service ... beginning with the local community. The following is from their website:
West End Ministries has been living the answer to the question “who is my neighbor?” through programs that address both the immediate and long term needs of the community. West End Ministries is a growing force that provides a safe and supportive environment for those who live, learn, work and worship in the West End of High Point. [High Point is a city of about 100,000 near Greensboro, NC]