Intervention theory


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I have been discussing this point of view for some time now.
And I found this today:

by Lloyd Pye
"Science in its ideology sees itself as doing a fearless exploration of the unknown. Most of the time it is a fearful exploration of the almost known."
- Rupert Sheldrake
Intervention theory is the "almost known" factor in a four-horse race with evolution, creationism, and intelligent design.
Evolutionists, or "Darwinists," typically believe that all life on Earth began when the lifeless "primordial soup" on prehistoric Earth was struck by lightning. The Miller-Urey experiments attempting to prove this theory failed to do so; however, they often form the back-bone of evolutionary arguments. Another argument for evolution is based on the work of Charles Darwin, who observed MICRO-evolution (adaptation within a species over time, such as lengthening of a Tortoises neck, or changes in the shape of a Finch's beak), and postulated that if small changes can occur within a species over hundreds or thousands of years, perhaps over tens or hundreds of thousands of years one species may adapt, or "evolve," into an entirely different species. To his credit as a great thinker and genuine truth-seeker, Darwin himself admitted that this was ONLY a theory with no real evidence or testability. He stressed that he might be wrong, and that evidence of this inter-species evolution (the "missing link") would need to be found by later archaeologists and anthropologists for it to gain scientific credibility.
Creationism is the belief that all life was created by God. There are varying degrees of Creationism, from the literal "7 day" interpretation of the Bible, to a more relaxed view that God did it, but it was in His "divine" version of 7 days, not necessarily 7 literal days as we count them now.
Intelligent Design is a science-based rebuttal to Darwinism that uses modern microbiological evidence to claim that MACRO-evolution is simply not possible, and does not account for life on Earth. They postulate that some intelligent entity (they do not specify this entity) consciously and deliberately created life on Earth.
Intervention Theory agrees to a large extent with Intelligent Design, using many of the same scientific arguments against Darwinism to disprove evolution; however, it puts a name to the entity that created life on Earth--extraterrestrials. The core of Intervention Theory is that, while there may be a greater "God," the gods (plural, small "g," as described in virtually all ancient religious texts, including the original Old Testament of the Bible) who created life on Earth, were not this greater God. They were, in fact, alien beings who incrementally terraformed and populated the planet for their own reasons, later returning to Earth and, through a process of genetic manipulation, producing humans. These alien beings are responsible for the megalithic structures around the world, the impossibly rapid growth and advancement of Sumer, the first recognized "civilized" culture, the domestication of plants and animals, and the unexplainable flaws in human DNA. (We have, for example, over 4000 genetic disorders--vastly more than other "higher" primates).
Intervention Theory is seldom acknowledged or discussed by its competitors, and when it is discussed it's ridiculed or dismissed outright. This is because today it stands on a threshold occupied by many other ideas now recognized as "ahead of their time." For example, in 1915 German meteorologist Alfred Wegener proved beyond any reasonable doubt that the earth's surface was composed of giant moveable plates. Wegener had everything except a mechanism for how the plates moved, which we now know was tectonic activity. That missing mechanism allowed his scientific peers to dismiss the obvious truth of his argument because he could not explain why it was true, only that it obviously was true. It took 40 years and the deaths of two generations of "fearful explorers" to legitimize plate tectonics for the truth it always was.
In 1968 Erich Von Daniken first suggested intervention from beyond earth as a means of explaining the blatantly obvious fact that the world's megalithic structures could not be built by humans today, much less by the primitive people of antiquity who supposedly did so. As with Wegener, no one could seriously refute the validity of Von Daniken's arguments. However, also like Wegener, he could not establish a mechanism for how aliens from beyond earth could have created those wonders. Then, in 1976, Zecharia Sitchin provided a mechanism of sorts with his brilliant interpretations of the writings of the ancient Sumerians, in which they spoke freely of "gods" from another planet living among them as their lords and masters. Unfortunately, mainstream science can and does dismiss these 4,000 year old writings on stone tablets as "mythology" that could not possibly be the actual history the Sumerians portrayed them to be.
Now Lloyd Pye offers a new mechanism, modern DNA evidence, to combine withwhat has previously been put forth by Von Daniken and others, and Sitchin and others. DNA provides conclusive proof of what the Sumerians wrote 4000 years ago when they said that their down-to-earth "gods" created humans and domesticated plants and animals in "a house of fashioning" to "give the gods their ease." In other words, they genetically engineered the things they needed to make life for themselves as easy as possible on what had to be a distant and no doubt difficult outpost far from their home planet. This is now the core of Intervention Theory, and this is what will ultimately prevail against the three current leaders in the race to identify the truth about origins on our planet.
and this presentation:
Lloyd Pye - Everything you Know is Wrong

Here is the guys site:
Lloyd Pye- Intervention Theory- Hominoids (Bigfoot, Sasquatch)- Starchild- Alien/Human Hybrid
Human DNA reveals evidence for Intervention. Lloyd Pye discusses the smoking gun inside human DNA- humans could not have evolved by mutation and natural selection.
The human genome project has revealed that there is not the 99.9% similarities between the different racial groups on our planet as previously thought (according to Craig Ventner), rather there is a 2% to 3% difference in between the various racial groups.
There is also up to a 15% difference in cellular responses to environmental conditions in the various racial groups.
This does not imply superiority of any racial group and that thought should be nipped in the bud right off.
This just shows that there is the distinct possibility that the various racial groups were designed elsewhere and then when brought here, to this planet were modified some more, but with the basics from their previous point of origin still kept in place, thereby giving us all similarities, but definite and distinct differences.
The Blackfoot elders which I know have stories which tell of being brought here, from another place , far away, and not from this planet.

Just more food for thought.
Make of it what you will.
I got this in my email today which is an excerpt from a larger document:
Chromosome Fusion

Evidence of DNA manipulation in our distant past?

The Human Genome Project has dished up some real surprises to scientists. The first surprise was the vast percentage of the human DNA that is inactive. It is estimated that at least 97% of our DNA is in actual fact a waste of space, as it does not contain any active genes that actually carry the code for any of our physical makeup. Then within the genes there are Introns – parts that do not carry any code; and Exons - sections that carry some sort of genetic code. The full length of our DNA is made up of some 20 000 genes that have now been identified. These genes carry the blueprint for the structure of our entire body. What is very puzzling is the fact that Homo sapiens, as the supposed pinnacle if civilized evolution on this planet, should have such large parts of unused DNA. We seem to have the longest DNA molecule among all other species, but we use the smallest part of it in proport ion to the other species. In other words, all the other creatures use much more of their DNA than humans do. Some species use as much as 98% of their DNA.

This flies directly in the face of the principles of evolution. Humans should have the most complex and evolved DNA of all creatures, to have reached levels of civilization seemingly much higher than any other species on Earth over millions of years of evolution. What is even more curious is the predicted number of genes in species. The numbers seem to increase steadily from basic organisms to the most advanced. We would expect that humans should end up having most genes, but strangely this is not the case. Here are some examples of the predictions for total number of genes in species. Fruit Fly 21 000; Zebrafish 50 000; Chicken 76 000; Mouse 81 000; Chimp 130 000; Human 68 000.

Can you see the problem here? The Chimp is supposed to be our closest know genetic relative and yet it has almost twice as many genes as humans. New research has revealed that Dolphin DNA is very closely related to humans. This will not be surprising to thos who have studied the work of Drunvalo Melchiezedek.

But then we get to the anomaly of the chromosomes. Our DNA is broken up into 23 pairs of chromosomes. By comparison, all apes have 24 pairs. One would expect that Homo erectus, our immediate evolutionary precursor would then also have had 24 chromosome pairs.

In April 2005, researchers from the National Human Genome Research Institute announced that "A detailed analysis of chromosomes 2 and 4 has detected the largest "gene deserts" known in the human genome and uncovered more evidence that human chromosome 2 arose from the fusion of two ancestral ape chromosomes" as reported in Nature. It is also the second largest chromosome we possess and it seems to make no sense why 2 primordial chromosomes should have merged to make us human, if this new chromosome gives us no apparent advantage for survival.

So when we read in the Sumerian tablets that humans were cloned as a sub-species between Homo erectus and a more advanced human-like species that arrived on Earth some 445 000 years ago, it suddenly makes a little bit more sense. The tablets describe how our maker removed certain parts of the "Tree of life" to trim the ability of the new "creature" and how they struggled to make the perfect "primitive worker" so that it could understand commands but not be too smart to question their existence. Similar suggestions of genetic cloning are made in The Koran and Hindu Laws of Manu.

The Koran:
Ya Sin: "Is man not aware that We created him from a little germ?"
The Believers - God says almost verbatim what the Sumerian tablets tell us. "We first created man from an essence of clay; then placed him a living germ in a secure enclosure. The germ we made a clot of blood, and the clot a lump of flesh. This we fashioned into bones, then clothed the bones with flesh…"
Laws of Manu:
19. But from minute body (-framing) particles of these seven very powerful Purushas springs this (world), the perishable from the imperishable.
20. Among them each succeeding (element) acquires the quality of the preceding one, and whatever place (in the sequence) each of them occupies, even so many qualities it is declared to possess.

Notice the reference to "We" by the creator. The cloning of humans as a more primitive worker or "lulu amelu" suddenly does not seem so far fetched and the strange genetic anomalies seem to support some genetic manipulation in our distant past. The modern-day researchers go further to say that this "fusion" of our chromosome 2, is what makes us human.
Are we getting closer to proving that humans were created by his MAKER as slaves to work in the early gold mines on Earth? It certainly seems like it.
The evidence which our genetic make-up provides does reveal that there is a whole lot more to the story than we have been told.
A new email which is relevant
Exposing the Lost City of ENKI

:Michael Tellinger

Scholars have told us that the first civilisation on Earth emerged between the rivers Tigris and Euphrates in a land called Sumer some 6000 years ago. Recent archaeological findings suggest that the Sumerians may have inherited some of their knowledge and symbolisms from an earlier civilisation that emerged many thousands of years earlier in southern Africa – the cradle of humankind. The constant references to southern Africa in the Sumerian texts as a ‘time before time’ leaves very little doubt that this was the case.
Why have we been so resistant to this information?
Is it our arrogance?
Or are we just scared of change?
The discovery of the oldest statue of the Hawk Head of Horus, about 260,000 years old; petroglyphs of winged disks with a cross, and two pyramids aligned to Adam’s Calendar and the rise of Orion, are forcing us to rewrite human history. Let us cast the dogma of our existing knowledge aside and embrace the new evidence.

Adam’s Calendar – Should actually be called ENKI’s calendar. The flagship ruin at the centre of the largest and most mysterious ancient city on Earht.. The Sumerian tablets tell us that this was a special place of observation built by ENKI in the deep ABZU (South Africa) around 260,000 years ago. Before the ADAMU was created.

When Johan Heine first introduced me to the ancient stone ruins of southern Africa, I had no idea of the incredible discoveries we would make in the year or two that followed. The photographs, artifacts and evidence we have accumulated points unquestionably to a lost and never-before-seen civilization that predates all others – not by just a few hundred years, or a few thousand years… but many thousands of years. These discoveries are so staggering that they will not be easily digested by the mainstream historical and archaeological fraternity, as we have already experienced. It will require a complete paradigm shift in how we view our human history.
I see myself as a fairly open-minded chap but I will admit that it took me well over a year for the penny to drop, and for me to realize that we are actually dealing with the oldest structures ever built by humans on Earth.
The main reason for this is that we have been taught that nothing of significance has ever come from southern Africa. That the powerful civilizations all emerged in Sumeria and Egypt and other places. We are told that until the settlement of the BANTU people from the north, which was supposed to have started sometime in the 12th century AD, this part of the world was filled by hunter gatherers and so-called Bushmen, who did not make any major contributions in technology or civilization.
Little did we realize that long before Egypt and long before Sumeria, there was a huge ancient city in what the Sumerian tablets call the ABZU (southern Africa). The lost and the first city of ENKI – the Sumerian deity and creator of humankind who was responsible for cloning the species we call Homo sapiens. ABZU is often incorrectly translated as “HELL” by those who grapple with the true meaning of mythology. This is far from the truth because the ABZU was simply known as the land below the equator, where the gold came from. Sumerian tablets tell us clearly that ENKI established a base in the ABZU (southern Africa). This base grew into a very large ancient city occupied by the early human slaves who toiled in the gold mines.
We believe we have now discovered this large city he created. At its peak it was larger than modern-day Johannesburg, covering over 20,000 square kilometres. It consists of well over 100,000 stone ruins still today. These were linked by ancient roads and places of work and worship. ENKI controlled his gold mining operations from here and the fortress of Great Zimbabwe was his headquarters. The evidence of gold mining is everywhere in this part of the world and not only do historic records point to this as being the first place that gold was extracted by humans, new scientific research is there to support it.
Our research has shown that the ancient ruins of South Africa and Zimbabwe go back to around 260,000 years the very first appearance of humans on Earth.
Article found in an email said:
We seem to have the longest DNA molecule among all other species, but we use the smallest part of it in proport ion to the other species. In other words, all the other creatures use much more of their DNA than humans do. Some species use as much as 98% of their DNA.

This flies directly in the face of the principles of evolution. Humans should have the most complex and evolved DNA of all creatures,
This argument is not good, because humans are not necessarily the most complex lifeform, just the smartest that we know of. There are many creatures that have been around longer and have been evolving just as long if not longer, so it makes sense that their DNA is more refined. That may not be the best explanation, but this author is not seeing the whole picture. It doesn't mean didly squat how long the genes are or how complex or random they appear to be; so you can't then say that 'The Anthropologists' or maybe 'The Scientists' have been involved in a conspiracy to hide the truth. Researchers work hard to learn the truth and to have their work approved not just by their fellow researchers but by their own hearts. They put lots of effort into understanding, and the aforementioned author is completely dismissing them as unintelligent fops. That is really hard to buy if you just have met a few researchers and talked with them. Its not like they're operating in secret, so you can make an appointment to see one sometime.

Michael Tellinger said:
Scholars have told us that the first civilisation on Earth emerged between the rivers Tigris and Euphrates in a land called Sumer some 6000 years ago. Recent archaeological findings suggest that the Sumerians may have inherited some of their knowledge and symbolisms from an earlier civilisation that emerged many thousands of years earlier in southern Africa – the cradle of humankind. The constant references to southern Africa in the Sumerian texts as a ‘time before time’ leaves very little doubt that this was the case.
Why have we been so resistant to this information?
Right from the start, this person doesn't even have the decency to name 'The Scholars' and acts as if there is a conspiracy among scholars to hide truths. He's got no respect for his fellow human beings, which is why he's floating so far off the floor that he doesn't even need a high horse. Scholars, on the other hand, are very approachable and always, always are expected to take responsibility for everything they say. They cannot get away with making sweeping generalizations and have to be careful to support their theories with knowledge, not just guessing games. Occasionally somebody comes up with something better, since new information is always coming along. My question is why isn't Tellinger behaving like a scholar? Why is he emailing lay people about his theory instead of submitting it to the scholarly community? They are, after all, the people most likely to be interested in and supportive of Historical revelations. The rest of us don't read many History books and are happy watching the History Channel. Such disrespect for the intelligence of others makes his article devoid of scholarship. Its no better than a high school poem.
Well, you read it a different way than I do as I never got that from it.
....because humans are not necessarily the most complex lifeform, just the smartest that we know of.
This is not what is presented by most educators. They indicate that we are the pinnacle of evolution and thus the most advanced, more so than our primate they say.
I have heard it from many.

Tellinger is a bit off topic from the OP, in that he sensationalizes his material somewhat to make it sell, so I thought I would include it anyway to see if I could get some dialogue,

but the stuff I post tends to get ignored in favor of free will arguments and the like. Not sure why as the things I post get views, but little in the way of discussion.:confused:
Oh well.
Summer is getting busy and I soon will not be around for a while.
The human genome project has revealed that there is not the 99.9% similarities between the different racial groups on our planet as previously thought (according to Craig Ventner), rather there is a 2% to 3% difference in between the various racial groups.

Could I see a citation from a reliable and verifiable source for this claim? Either a primary publication or a secondary source that was moral enough to cite its claims so that it could all be traced back to the original research.

Claims as extreme and out there as this require verification.
But then we get to the anomaly of the chromosomes. Our DNA is broken up into 23 pairs of chromosomes. By comparison, all apes have 24 pairs.

This is a flat-out LIE. Chimpanzees have 23 pairs of chromosomes. The rest of your case falls apart completely, if you're going to base it on such a blatant and obvious lie.

What? Don't think that I ignore your posts, however I have a criminal record here. I struggle to positively contribute to what others are saying and so tend be silent. I also don't know that much about your topics. I like reading them though, because you always come up with original posts. As for my posts they are only so so, I went through a phase where I wanted more green squares. I asked for a few positive reps and gimme-fives from people, because I'm cheeky. Really I'm a one or two square guy, and the third square is on credit. But you have three legitimate squares!

Shawn said:
This is not what is presented by most educators. They indicate that we are the pinnacle of evolution and thus the most advanced, more so than our primate they say.
I have heard it from many.
I may have heard that from somewhere, too; but most of my childhood education has been in Christian private schools or home schools. I took biology at a public school, however they stayed away from discussing evolution & creationism except for a slight mention (during which they said they wouldn't be discussing it). I didn't know people had been saying so much that we are the most complex, but maybe it is an entrenched idea after all.

Shawn said:
Tellinger is a bit off topic from the OP, in that he sensationalizes his material somewhat to make it sell, so I thought I would include it anyway to see if I could get some dialogue,
Yeah, I picked up on that; but I figure you for a straight shooter that prefers frank comments.
This is a flat-out LIE. Chimpanzees have 23 pairs of chromosomes. The rest of your case falls apart completely, if you're going to base it on such a blatant and obvious lie.

Our DNA is broken up into 23 pairs of chromosomes. By comparison, all apes have 24 pairs. One would expect that Homo erectus, our immediate evolutionary precursor would then also have had 24 chromosome pairs.
Note, the text of the quote says apes and you say chimps.
kind of like apples and oranges hmmm.
Personally I think that the whole notion of intervention is an interesting theory and certainly as plausible as we evolved by accident here on this globe from pond scum.:p (Which IMO is a complete deception)
I am sure of one thing though, and that is we will all be surprised when the real story comes to light (some more than others mind you).
I went through a phase where I wanted more green squares. I asked for a few positive reps and gimme-fives from people, because I'm cheeky. Really I'm a one or two square guy, and the third square is on credit. But you have three legitimate squares!
What is curious is that 5 minutes before you posted this I was talking with someone here and mentioned that I was not really aware of what these little green squares were all about, something which I actually haven't even thought about for ... well.. since I joined this forum, and then you post that.:cool:
Note, the text of the quote says apes and you say chimps.
kind of like apples and oranges hmmm.
Personally I think that the whole notion of intervention is an interesting theory and certainly as plausible as we evolved by accident here on this globe from pond scum.:p (Which IMO is a complete deception)
I am sure of one thing though, and that is we will all be surprised when the real story comes to light (some more than others mind you).
A chimpanzee IS AN APE!!! Do not pontificate about science if you insist on being so supremely ignorant of science. Like I said, your claims are based on a flat-out lie. A chimpanzee is an ape. Chimpanzees and humans have the same number of chromosomes.
Like I said, your claims are based on a flat-out lie. A chimpanzee is an ape. Chimpanzees and humans have the same number of chromosomes.
Eat some prozac why don't you.
The thing is the theory has much going for it, more than the evolutionary theory...which is merely a theory, based loosely on conjecture which is in many people opinions is also faulty and an outright lie.

What I am doing here is presenting another theory which has emerged and if you can't talk reasonably about it then piss off.
Eat some prozac why don't you.
The thing is the theory has much going for it, more than the evolutionary theory...which is merely a theory, based loosely on conjecture which is in many people opinions is also faulty and an outright lie.

What I am doing here is presenting another theory which has emerged and if you can't talk reasonably about it then piss off.

So, you are called on flat-out lies that form the basis of this "theory" and resort to nothing better than lowbrow ad hominem. Your surrender is accepted.

Furthermore, anyone who denigrates a scientific theory as "merely a theory" only shows off complete and utter ignorance regarding what "theory" means in science.
I have always said that I am a tradesman.
I build things from stone.
Never said I was a scientist.
But I have an interest in scientific things.

You just sound irked cuz I am dissing your pet theories.
I have always said that I am a tradesman.
I build things from stone.
Never said I was a scientist.
But I have an interest in scientific things.

You just sound irked cuz I am dissing your pet theories.

I am irked because I have low tolerance for quackery and outright lies.
I am irked because I have low tolerance for quackery and outright lies.
Your opinions as to what is quackery and lies is just your opinion. That is all.
Your antagonism is far from constructive.
But you are not seeking to be constructive now, are you.
It doesn't bother me, but it certainly makes you look the fool.
Good job.