from far far away
The life-death dilemma
Given there is wisdom in the universe, define the wisest option;
a, Bringing someone into the world; is evil
b, Taking someone out of the world; is evil
c, Stopping someone from living; is evil
A being born.
B being terminated.
C not being born.
note that these are universals, if you apply a rule to e.g. murderers should be killed, thats not the same as applying it to everyone [e.g. that everyone should die because there are murderers].
I would say that you first have to deny option c in order to be good, that means you have to go with a, which leaves you with no option about b.
What do you think is the wisest option, or the better option for any given reason?
For example, you may deny option a, by agreeing with option b ~ I.e. by killing everyone you stop all three options from further occurrence, although you are then committing b.
we could say this is 'gods dilemma'
Given there is wisdom in the universe, define the wisest option;
a, Bringing someone into the world; is evil
b, Taking someone out of the world; is evil
c, Stopping someone from living; is evil
A being born.
B being terminated.
C not being born.
note that these are universals, if you apply a rule to e.g. murderers should be killed, thats not the same as applying it to everyone [e.g. that everyone should die because there are murderers].
I would say that you first have to deny option c in order to be good, that means you have to go with a, which leaves you with no option about b.
What do you think is the wisest option, or the better option for any given reason?
For example, you may deny option a, by agreeing with option b ~ I.e. by killing everyone you stop all three options from further occurrence, although you are then committing b.
we could say this is 'gods dilemma'