How to learn "The Truth".

Cultural is in the eye of the beholder. Isn't it interesting how various cultures over time have had so many thoughts as to what beauty really is?

And hasn't it always been really linked somehow to procreation? for both sexes? Subconsciously to create offspring that will excel in society?

Once modernization and improved child birth techniques came along the need for the voluptious larger pelvis woman to increase liklihood of successful birth and feeding was needed, smaller breasted more slender women became more vogue... And with men the nerd herd would have never been close to desired, but recently they are gaining ground.
Anyone who disagrees with you merely does not understand you, because it is not possible for someone to understand what you say and still disagree with you.
False. All of the rest of your reasoning fails on this false presumption. There are some physical laws, like gravity, or 'Do unto others as you would have others do unto you', that are decisive. They do establish a right and a wrong way. Those laws won't pit you against another person, those laws pit you against yourself. Any agreement or disagreement is over whether you are wrongly fooling yourself, setting yourself up for a great fall, or rightfully aware of the rules and protecting yourself from yourself. That is not a matter of someone else understanding you, that is a matter of whether you understand yourself relative to those laws. You don't necessarily have to hit the ground at terminal velocity to learn that you do not want to. There is value in discussion, and thus, disagreement. I would rather have someone disagree with me, causing me to think, and consider, than to hit the ground at terminal velocity. Perhaps your mileage will vary.
It's very easy to know The Truth.

Anyone who disagrees with you merely does not understand you, because it is not possible for someone to understand what you say and still disagree with you. Therefore, someone who claims to understand you and still disagree with you either lies about understanding you and is stupid or is wilfully disagreeing with the obviously right thing and is evil. Explanations are best when they are as long and discursive as possible. Misunderstanding is a door that must be battered down with as much force as possible. Repeating something makes it both more true and more understandable. Repeating something makes it both more true and more understandable. Repeating something makes it both more true and more understandable.

The worst traits of any member of any group that is not your group is and should be taken as normative for the entire group. Any member of such a group who does not obviously display those traits is just "hiding" or "pretending" to put on a good public face. "No true Scotsman" is a fallacy when used by members of these groups.

The best traits of any member of your group are normative for your entire group. Anyone within your group who does not have those traits isn't a "real" member of your group, so they can be ignored. "No true Scotsman" is an axiomatic principle when used by members of your group.

Do NOT, under any circumstances, read the actual writings produced by an enemy group. This will contaminate you. You must only read writings produced by your group, by Great Teachers you admire, and by others who agree with you. They will explain what the Outsiders really believe and do to you and for you. Web sites are better sources for The Truth than are books or professional journals.

What is the truth? IMHO, we must first know what the truth is, to judge what is true or not about this or that group. Unless you mean to imply that the truth is the one of every one on an individual basis. There must be a pattern to test values with the intent to identify what the truth is.
What is the truth? IMHO, we must first know what the truth is, to judge what is true or not about this or that group. Unless you mean to imply that the truth is the one of every one on an individual basis. There must be a pattern to test values with the intent to identify what the truth is.
Good point.
Truth is in perspective - subjective.
Even "scientific" truths are not always universally true and there is always more to see if you step back (like way out in the universe) or step in real close (like microscope).