Soul Searcher
I'm curious to know if anyone studies A Course in Miracles--or any other esoteric-leaning sources, such as the readings given through Edgar Cayce, etc.
Thank you,
Thank you,
Sure ACIM, Abraham, Kathy Odenino, Conversations w/G!d, Ramtha, Seth, all great sources of contemplation.
First I think they all communicate with source...although their interpretations are different based on their experiences and acceptablity paradigms...we create something that we both find acceptable and we think others will find acceptable so as to gain a wider audience...(Seth, Ramtha, Abraham....and Abraham, Moses, Jesus...Mohamed, Bhudda, and on and on....Of the sources you've listed, the only one unfamiliar to me is Kathy Odenino. I've read Ramtha's contributions to the book What the Bleep Do We Know!? but have not read other Ramtha-related sources. And I've heard of Seth but cannot recall through whom he communicates. (Please refresh me.)
I'm more familiar with ACIM and Abraham (I love Ask and it is Given). I've not yet read Conversations with God. (I hope that writing out the full label for our Source does not offend. I do understand why you write it as G!d.)
Have you ever read any excerpts of readings that were given through Edgar Cayce? It's powerful, mind-bending stuff.![]()
Yes I've been down to A.R.E and participated in some classes/discussions and loitered in the library reading...not only incredible but incredibly prolific.
One time I was down there with my wife...(Virginia Beach) on vacation, and she wished to spend the day tanning as a sun worshipper...well the rest of the days I can only be on the beach so long reading, swimming and ogling scantilly clothed women day upon day before it gets boring. So I left her at the beach and headed to ARE. As I walked in there was a buffet being set up of great looking veggie foods and folks were just returning into a meeting. I looked at the sign and it was some week long seminar that was going through its synopsis and keynote speakers... I asked the receptionist if I could sit in. She said 'oh no, they've each spent hundreds of dollars to attend, it wouldn't be right.' I asked are you actually in a position whereby you can make the decision to allow or disallow entry to anyone and if not could you please go in and ask someone who is to come out and talk to me. She came out a few minutes later and said, "You've been given permission to attend the remainder of the session."For lack of a better word, that is very cool.I've not yet had a chance to visit the A.R.E.'s library. One of these days...
I asked the receptionist if I could sit in. She said 'oh no, they've each spent hundreds of dollars to attend, it wouldn't be right.' I asked are you actually in a position whereby you can make the decision to allow or disallow entry to anyone and if not could you please go in and ask someone who is to come out and talk to me. She came out a few minutes later and said, "You've been given permission to attend the remainder of the session."
Ask and it is given.
My difference in opinion is grounded primarily in thinking that these folks are probably not directly communicating with the source...so much as actual disincarnate entities that have something to offer humanity.
Some of these existences are disincarnate entities who wish to share their perspective with humanity. Whether or not this leads to wisdom, compassion, and other noble qualities depends on what people do with the messages.
My own belief is that channeled information...is a mix of an authentic message given by some entity (which may or may not be useful) and the various constructions and limitations of the human communicator.
Walking between the worlds, we can bring together what one of my teachers calls the "inner skeptic" and "inner mystic" in an integration, leading to a centeredness that allows us both openness to insight and critical analysis of what we receive.
Cayce, I would say, is certainly a figure to study with some interest, although his teachings are all given out while the man himself is in a state of trance, and - unconscious. I do not say that this makes his teachings inaccurate automatically, or necessarily inferior. But I would point out that the Masters of the Wisdom do not typically make use of such unconscious mediums.
I'm curious to know if anyone studies A Course in Miracles--or any other esoteric-leaning sources, such as the readings given through Edgar Cayce, etc.
Thank you,
Many years ago, when I lived at Findhorn, I loved it. Yet it seemed to lead me ever further towards disincarnating out of this world, which is not surprising ...
Given that ACIM is all to do with the illusory nature of this world.
Eventually I found my way to Christianity.
NOTE: I know that I mentioned ACIM at the start of this thread. I own a copy of it that's in pristine condition because I've not yet read it. Well, I started it at one point and got maybe 1/3 of the way through it. For some reason, though, other religious/spiritual guides pulled my attention away from it, and I've not made my way back to it.![]()
At VaBeach as we speak....