i think with catostrophies like this, it's best to put things into perspective befroe we all get too emotional; what will be the point of saying 'lets not forget!!!'; what muslim country is there to do justice on the scerbenica muslims behalf?; absolutely none!
so the only purpose a 'lets not forget'! will serve is for Muslims to keep on greiving, which may even tip some vulnerable one's over the edge to commit some terrorist attrocity, or at the least muslims not being able to function properly when they remain permanantly greived and mentally purturbed
so how are muslims supposed to deal with serbenica in a very positive way?
lets all take this as a wake up call from Allah [swt]; not only serbenica but all other calamities befalling us; a wake up call from Allah that this is what happens when we turn away from our Deen and do not take heed when the call to Islam is presented to us again and again
wa akhiri dawah analHamdulillah hirabil 'alaameen
so the only purpose a 'lets not forget'! will serve is for Muslims to keep on greiving, which may even tip some vulnerable one's over the edge to commit some terrorist attrocity, or at the least muslims not being able to function properly when they remain permanantly greived and mentally purturbed
so how are muslims supposed to deal with serbenica in a very positive way?
lets all take this as a wake up call from Allah [swt]; not only serbenica but all other calamities befalling us; a wake up call from Allah that this is what happens when we turn away from our Deen and do not take heed when the call to Islam is presented to us again and again
wa akhiri dawah analHamdulillah hirabil 'alaameen