And some so-called Phd Professor(s) with specialities in the Study of Homosexuality assert that if Monkeys & penguins exhibit homosexual acts . . . thus it is "naturale".
If people eat turkey [a "stupid" animal] . . . isn't it superior to eat smart animals, like german shepards?
Could humans disguised as animals perform morality plays infront of the like-animal species and evoke a particular sentiment, in the attending animal, that stares out of curiosty, at the play?
Animals are like retarded individuals with simple base behavior that is limited to a small sphere of influence.
BTW, I as a vegetarian encourage all humans not to eat sub-humans, so as to avoid the Karma of getting embroiled with the mundane destiny of sub-humans.
BTW, MAFIA-FOODSTUFFS, along with its cousin, JUNK-FOODS cannot vouch for ---the inclusion of retarded, birth-deformed, drugged-up, crippled or male or female gendered animal cadavers, nor the Made-in-China-Petro-derived preservatives in ---the foodstuffs that are up for purchase.