Jesus stops armed robbery

I know, it's not in "the handbook" or the logical banks of the mind, but an armed robber is just as scared as the people he is holding up. Majority of times it is their first time and the majority of those are because of the current situation of this world.. It in their mind is down to "things out of their control".

So, if you really realise that you can without force "de-arm" a robber. It will work. You panic they panic.... Simple to understand. Question them you make them think, you're snapping them out of building up aggression and fear... You can manipulate how the events unfold.

So in essence, I am sorry but no, jesus did -not- stop the robbery, the woman chalanged (how the hell do you spell that damn word! lol. Tired tons of ways.) in a non threatening way his actions. I guess if you want to connect it to jesus, then she learnt from the tellings of his life how to act in hers.


Just saw this.... And thought hey here is a good example of another video....

Jesus? Or just a babbling kid dancing around doing kid things? Half of what the kid says incoherent, and the cheers are just encouraging and leading the kid on you ask me.... But, they seem convinced he's touched by jesus. Just a thought to contemplate is all.

I think they are both cases of simply ordinary outcomes to extraordinary human actions.

-addition to capn's log-

If this post is gibberish, my bad listening to trance......... ;)