What contemporary theologian said this?


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Now, this may not be the exact wording but it's close.

"There is only one thing we can know about God for sure. Whatever we think we know about God, we're probably wrong."

Any help would be great.
"There is only one thing we can know about God for sure. Whatever we think we know about God, we're probably wrong."

Can't help you with the theologian.

But two thoughts...

I know it's just a rhetorical device, but when talking about the unknowable and the incompleteness of our knowledge, I always get a little queasy about saying "There is only one thing we can know for sure." If you're going to reside in realm of "not knowing" then it's probably best to be consistent in one's ignorance.

Picky... I know.

But the second part I believe is spot on. How is it possible for people to take something utterly inhuman: infinite, eternal, omniscient, all-loving, all-wise, all-powerful, yet imagine It to be so like us. That has always been a fundamental problem that I've had with our attempts at describing God.
Alan Watts???
It sounds like something he would say.
I googled the quote you gave and nothing turned up.