Birth of Baha'u'llah - November 12th


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Redlands, California
Birth of Baha'u'llah is coming up on Friday November 12..

I was gathering some information to share for that blessed day..

On pp. 53-54 of the Kitab-i-Aqdas:

Rejoice with great joy, for God hath made thee "the dayspring of His Light" in as much as within thee was born the Manifestation of His Glory. Be thou glad for this name that hath been conferred upon thee - a name through which the Day-Star of grace hath shed its splendour, through which both earth and heaven have been illumined.

"....within thee was born the Manifestation of His

# 92

This is a reference to the birth of Bahá'u'lláh in Tihran on
12 November 1817.

~ Baha'u'llah, The Kitab-i-Aqdas, p. 218

Hour of Bahá'u'lláh's Birth:

Bahá'u'lláh was born at dawn."

(From a letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer, July 10, 1939)

~ Compilations, Lights of Guidance, p. 472

Centuries, nay ages, must pass away, ere the Day-Star of Truth shineth again in its mid-summer splendour, or appeareth once more in the radiance of its vernal glory...


~ Adib Taherzadeh, The Revelation of Baha'u'llah v 1, p. xvi

Bahá'u'lláh, Whose name was Mirza Husayn-'Ali, was a nobleman of the province of Nur in Persia. A great Bahá'í scholar, Mirza Abu'l-Fadl, through extensive historical research has verified that Bahá'u'lláh was descended from Zoroaster and the Sasaniyan kings of Persia, thereby fulfilling certain traditions that the great Redeemer of mankind would be of pure Persian lineage. Bahá'u'lláh was also descended from Abraham through His third wife Katurah, thus uniting in His own person two branches of the Aryan and Semitic religions. He was born in Tihran in 1817 and His father Mirza Abbas, known in royal circles as Mirza Buzurg, was at the court of the Shah.

~ Adib Taherzadeh, The Revelation of Baha'u'llah v 1, p. 5

The barriers which in previous centuries had made a
world unity impossible were ready to crumble when Bahá'u'lláh
appeared, and since His birth, in 1817, and more especially
since the promulgation of His teachings began, these barriers
have been breaking down in most astonishing fashion.

~ Dr. J.E. Esslemont, Baha'u'llah and the New Era, p. 126

And so they came on to Tehran, the city loved by Bahá'u'lláh, city of His birth and His happy youth, and where later, chained three flights underground in the Black Pit, He had received His mantle of prophethood.

'In thee', He addresses Tehran, 'the Unseen hath been revealed, and out of thee hath gone forth that which lay hid from the eyes of men... Let nothing grieve thee ... for God hath chosen thee to be the source of the joy of all mankind."[1]

[1. Bahá'u'lláh, Gleanings, no. LV, p. 109, and no. LVI, p. 110.]

~ Marzieh Gail, Arches of the Years, p. 8
Around the Birthday of Baha'u'llah is the Leonid Meteor Shower

Leonid annual meteor shower due soon - Technology & science - Space - -

'Have the stars fallen?' Say: 'Yea, when He Who is the Self-Subsisting dwelt in the Land of Mystery (Adrianople). Take heed, ye who are endued with discernment!'

(Baha'u'llah, Epistle to the Son of the Wolf, p. 132)

Baha'u'llah was in Adrianople (Edirne) between 1863 and 1868

Accounts of the 1866 repeat of the Leonids counted hundreds per minute/a few thousand per hr in Europe.[15] The Leonids were again seen in 1867, when moonlight reduced the rates to 1000 per hour. Another strong appearance of the Leonids in 1868 reached an intensity of 1000 per hour in dark skies.


Leonids - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So all three years .. 1866, 1867 and 1868 were very strong and would have certainly been visible in Adrianople (Edirne) along with the one noted below in 1833 which many Christians believed was a sign that Jesus would soon return..

One of the prophecies that the Millerites felt were fulfilled was a Leonid shower:

In 1833, the last of the signs appeared which were promised by the Saviour as tokens of his second advent. Said Jesus, "The stars shall fall from heaven." Matt. 24:29. And John in the Revelation declared, as he beheld in vision the scenes that herald the day of God: "The stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig-tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind." Rev. 6:13. This prophecy received a striking and impressive fulfillment in the great meteoric shower of November 13, 1833.

Bible Universe > Articles > Second Coming Prophecies Fulfilled > Stars Fall From Heaven
Dear Altura (hope this is correct),

Reading your quotes and writings about the Bahai and their founder Baha'u'llah, remind me of several years back when I met a wonderful Bahai woman. We shared a room at a conference and we shared our spiritual beliefs as well. She was just ending Ramadan, and I was so surprised that keeping this sacred fast was part of your beliefs. I am probably using the wrong words to describe it, but I was moved at her description of the great honor she experienced in being able to take part in it. I was also amazed at the Bahai belief that women are equals. I actually attended the little center in Colorado Springs one time and was very impressed by the young people leading the service that day. I was very impressed and considered going again but it was an hour away. I was also embarking on my own journey down a compelling new spiritual path. I shared some of my path with my roomate at the conference -- and feel a need to share some of what I know with you.

I have been a follower of the Greater Community Way of Knowledge since 2005. Its Messenger, Marshall Vian Summers, has been receiving information from an Angelic Presence from God since the mid 80's. Of course he thought it was amazing spiritual information, but around 2005 he was told by this Presence, that what he was receiving was indeed a New Message from God. He was not prepared for this and actually did not want to accept this, or the pronouncement that he and his followers would need to bring it into a world that was in great need of a New Message from God (NM). But he could not turn his back on it then and so, he surrendered to the Will of God.

This may sound preposterous, but given the situation that humanity has placed itself in -- on the brink of a precipice which could mean the end of our race and the viability of our earth, I do not think that God would abandon us at this time. Rather, we are being provided with a rich body of spiritual work that is meant to reconnect us with our God-given endowment -- the inner knowing that the NM calls Knowledge. It won't be our technology that will save us, but learning to hear the Knowledge within us. Another grave reason given for God's NM is that is that humanity is emerging into a Greater Community of intelligent life and we are not prepared for this new evolutionary leap.

We all have Knowledge -- as it is our birthright -- but we have forgotten how to access it in this extremely busy and noisy world. The audios, and books that have been published directly from the audios, give explicit direction for our reclaimation of Knowledge, with heavy emphasis on the great need that humanity has for this in, what the Angelic Presence calls the Great Waves of Change that are beginning to break over us now.

The Presence which has delivered this message (and continues to deliver it almost daily to Marshall, though he is just recovering from throat cancer) makes it clear that this message is not meant to negate any Messages from God previously given, but only to expand on them as the times that humanity is facing are so very challenging.

I apologize for going on at length and hope I haven't lost you. What I would like to request is that you will take a little time to go out to the website to look at some of the materials and perhaps listen to an audio or two that calls your name. I do not ask you to believe me. You are a follower of an amazing teacher. But please look to see if this NM from God has something to offer you and your fellow students at this time. We were all born for this time to serve a world in great need.

Dear Arthra (sorry I botched it last time :>)

Since I only see one other post besides me, I hope that it is OK for me to post here. Please forgive any "unsavy forum etiquette" on my part. I am very new to this.

Deliz wrote:

Reading your quotes and writings about the Bahai and their founder Baha'u'llah, remind me of several years back when I met a wonderful Bahai woman. We shared a room at a conference and we shared our spiritual beliefs as well. She was just ending Ramadan, and I was so surprised that keeping this sacred fast was part of your beliefs.

Thanks for your comments.. for your information in future I wanted to let you know that Baha'is don't observe "Ramadan" ... We do observe a Nineteen Day Fast in the Bhaa'i month of 'Ala (Loftiness).

Since this forum is for Baha'i information I would ask you to consider posting information about the "Greater Community Way of Knowledge" on another Forum.. maybe "Comparative Religion" or the other general themes here.

Thank you Arthra,

I apologize for my "bad forum behavior." :>) I won't do it again but appreciate your kind way of bringing it to my attention. I will check out comparative religion.
