is creation limited or unlimited????



Dear members
if we declare that GOD exist, then we should think in our mind that creation is unlimited not limited.. if we declare there is no such thing like GOD s will but only MY will exist, then automaticaly we will think that creation is limited not unlimited,, so is this true, please discuss it with me??? give me your oppinions
My concept of God, who He is, and How He relates to the formed world needs to be understood before I can properly convey what I believe to be true. I suppose the best way to do this is by first asking a question about existence. Could something be created from nothing? Nothing means absolutely nothing in this case, so the only possible answer would be no. Something had to exist before anything else could be formed. If there was nothing existing in the beginning, then nothing would exist today, but this is not the case. We know that something exists, and I believe that all that has been formed was formed from that which has always been (God).

According to Christian literature God existed in the beginning and before the formation of what we now call the heavens and the earth. If it is impossible to create something from absolutely nothing, then existence (God) must have always been, and everything that has ever been formed must have been formed from its (His) substance. In light of this view, it would naturally follow that God is existence in its entirety, and that all things exist as a part of His being.

Mankind, being formed from God's own substance has always existed as something, just not as we are today. The same is true for all other finite things in existence. The only constant in life is change, so all things (Including our universe) go through infinite cycles of transformation, all while existence is self sustaining, remaining as it has always been. Naturally our will is a fading and finite thing. The same is true for creation as we know it, but creation is only limited in regard to infinite transformations, so yes creation is an unlimited thing in essence.
I would say that 'Being' is One, Absolute, Infinite, All-Possible ...

I would say 'creation' is finite and limited.

I would also say the process of 'becoming' is infinite and unlimited process that produces contingent and finite beings who can, according to their nature, partake in Being.

Hi Gatekeeper —

Can I ask a couple of questions ... or at least pose a couple of points for consideration/contemplation?

According to Christian literature God existed in the beginning and before the formation of what we now call the heavens and the earth. If it is impossible to create something from absolutely nothing, then existence (God) must have always been, and everything that has ever been formed must have been formed from its (His) substance.
But what is His 'substance'? Surely this is an abstract notion?

In Christian philosophical terms, the divine 'substance' has nothing in common with material 'substance', irt's purely an analogy.

In light of this view, it would naturally follow that God is existence in its entirety...
Is that not a cosmologism? Is this not determining God to be the sum of all things that exist? The problem then is that existence God is not limited to or by what exists — a God determined from the bottom up, as it were?

... and that all things exist as a part of His being.
Rather I would say that all things 'exist' because they participate in 'being', the source and wellspring of which is God. But the gift of being is not the gift of God's own nature, as were that so we would all be God, and know it.

Tradition holds that God transcends 'being' (by which we determine that things exist), as God transcends everything that can be predicated of God.

Mankind, being formed from God's own substance has always existed as something ...
We're into the 'substance' question again ... ?

in the declaration is the limitation, when that ends something else might start but to guess or presuppose would be to project into it a limit and hence block's in the ending "i" say! :confused: