Pew quiz on religious knowledge

Interesting. Jews are the smartest and Hispanic Catholics are the dumbest.

I scored 100%. I rule!

15 right, but a couple of guesses. The quiz seems to be biased. in favour of American Christians. eg how many non Brits would know about religious features of UK schools?

87% also.... one embarassing... the other had no clue anywho...

v, the jews beat out the athiests by a point.... but I'm not surprised, most self proclaimed athiests study quite a lot to prove religions wrong.

but the quiz it says had 32 questions, we got 15?? something ain't kosher, something ain't halal either, no muslims on the quiz? Highest percentage was Catholics 679, lowest around 210 each were Mormon, Athiest and jewish...
Well I attributed it to your conversion...
You mean a conneticutt Yankee in King Arthor's Court?

Naw, me and the Grey are Catholics in a beautiful church of beautiful farmers who love everyone...that's why the Methodists welcome us with open arms...but they still let us genuflect, and cross ourselves, without laughing outright...
12 out of 15 right >> 80 %

Answers I got wrong:

1. thought the Jewish Sabbath started on Saturday rather than Friday

2. thought it was illegal for a teacher in a public school to read from the Bible as an example of literature

3. guessed that it was Charles Finney instead of Jonathan Edwards that led the Great Awakening.