Fluffy Bunnies

i just took in a new bunny. he is a rex breed. white with black marks. his name is Digger.
i dont expect too much spirituality from him, though he is fluffy & likes to eat a lot & the dogs get along just fine with him & he likes to be held:) .
Uriella said:
I find it terribly sad, and a reflection of the reasons for the current state of the world, that anyone finds it necessary to demean another person with such derrogatory terms. It matters not what their reasons for being there are, we should all just live and let live. I have never heard anyone refer to a Christian or Muslim as being 'fluffy', ever. And I am 100 percent certain that there are many Christians and Muslims who are not what they are for their spiritual edification. Some would have ulterior motives.

I regard those who use the term 'fluffy bunnies' as being playground bullies all grown up in body but not in mind.

Blessings, Uriella :)

You have lived and still live a sheltered life don't you. There are far worse things in the world then being called names. I grew up an outsider and called various names, yet I believe that what does not kill one make one stronger.

As far as Christians and Muslims being called "fluffy bunnies" it is doubtful that you will ever see or hear that. You may on the other hand hear them called "sheep", part of the herd mentality (flock), being led around by the "good Shepard" (preacher).

I find it terribly sad that there are actually individuals that would willfully choose to be ignorant rather than face the fact that the world is full of all manner of unpleasantness, and is not all Love, Light, Rainbows and blessings. I find it sad the these same people are being preyed up by the purveyors of the mass media of misinformation that has come to be known as 'fluffy' writer and publishers just to turn a quick buck. I think it is sad the state that Wicca is in today because of the misinformation that is being purveyed by these 'fluffy' writers, publishers, and bunnies. I find it sad that many people believe the garbage that many of these writer are spewing out. Much of it is not only non-sense but could be down right dangerous if these managed to actually make contact with the entities they suggest working with. Dragons, the fey, and many of the gods and goddesses.

Out of curiosity I'm going to ask if anyone knows what Woden's Fountain is.
"i just took in a new bunny. he is a rex breed. white with black marks. his name is Digger. i dont expect too much spirituality from him, though he is fluffy & likes to eat a lot & the dogs get along just fine with him & he likes to be held"

How is he doing? :) Sounds like he is a cutey...