Former Atheist Turned Dentist


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Eastern USA
Former Atheist said:
I never used to believe in Dentistry, but I got religion when I hit 35. Now I don't know how I ever lived without Dentists. I got my degree at 38, and now I have my own practice! Life sure can throw you a curve sometimes.
Amazing! Many people try to avoid going to the dentist, but few succeed. I myself once thought my own teeth were eternal, but I soon learned otherwise.
Interesting that they can implant teeth now. What would be really nice is a way to get our gums to grow back.
I used to have one molar (#31) that, when they would probe the pockets around it, I would get deep readings of around 15mm. (Can anyone top that?) To no surprise, I no longer have that molar!

(I have been to the dentist so many times, I even know the dentist's system for numbering teeth!)
interesting fact for you here... I have molars with... five prongs... like lil flowers in my mouth. Apparently, I share this dentile perfection with... cows only...

A dentist would inform me if this was correct, hopefully...