Reality is an illusion, albeit a persistent one. ~ Albert Einstien
Well, close but not quite right. Reality is present to the right hemisphere of the brain. The left hemisphere then compares what is coming 'in' through the senses to what it knows, and builds an image of reality founded on pre-conceived data ...
We need both hemispheres working in tandem, as it's the right which tells the left what to focus on ... but essentially, the right holds a complete image of the real, without drawing any conclusions; the left then 're-presents' that image to the right, having drawn its own conclusions about what it's seeing.
The problem is when the left insists it's re-presentation is 'real', and the data from the right hemisphere is false ... that, in a nutshell, according to all the evidence, is what is happening in 'developed nations' are at the moment.
Science is all in the mind?
Bluntly, yes. Reality exists ... science is a construct to enable us to explain and investigate what exists.
So if we don't think it or believe it the apple doesn't fall and the earth doesn't spin?
No, rather the point is we don't need science to tell us not to sit under the coconut tree, not to step off cliffs, etc... but when Isaac Newton observed the phenomena, and wrote a paper about it, science suddenly 'discovers' gravity, and the rest, as they say, is history.
Takes numbers. Numbers don't exist as things. Numbers are a mental construct derived from observation ... yet all the science in the world is, I think, dependent upon numbers. You try asking a scientist to explain the world without resorting to 'made up' solutions.
God bless,