I hate it when people say you should do it their way

There are no swords in my hands. :eek::D

It takes one to write about faith, but two to faith.
One person can have faith--such as having well-grounded faith that the lights will turn on when you flip the switch, because that is what usually happens.
It takes one to imagine love, but two to love.
It takes one to have a thought, but two to communicate.
It takes one to spell, but two for there to be magic?!
I don't know

"Therefore it is said, 'In representing the Dao of Heaven, one uses the terms Yin and Yang, and in representing the Dao of Earth, one uses the terms Soft and Hard, while in representing the Dao of Man, one uses the terms Love and Righteousness.'"
--Zhou Dunyi
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One person can have faith--such as having well-grounded faith that the lights will turn on when you flip the switch, because that is what usually happens.
You say memory is faith? Toys are toys. :D

seattlegal said:
"Therefore it is said, 'In representing the Dao of Heaven, one uses the terms Yin and Yang, and in representing the Dao of Earth, one uses the terms Soft and Hard, while in representing the Dao of Man, one uses the terms Love and Righteousness.'"
One to toy, but two to agree or disagree.