New Bible draws critics of gender-neutral language

Nick the Pilot

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Tokyo, Japan
New Bible draws critics of gender-neutral language - Yahoo! News

In the old translation of the world's most popular Bible, John the Evangelist declares: "If anyone says, 'I love God,' yet hates his brother, he is a liar." Make that "brother or sister" in a new translation that includes more gender-neutral language and is drawing criticism from some conservatives who argue the changes can alter the theological message.

The 2011 translation of the New International Version Bible, or NIV, does not change pronouns referring to God, who remains "He" and "the Father." But it does aim to avoid using "he" or "him" as the default reference to an unspecified person.

G!d don't care if you call her, she, he or it, just if you do it all at once be careful to annunciate clearly and pause at the commas.

In addition in the bible anywhere it deals with populations of people it is only referring to men...I think only fighting age men....I wonder how they'll handle that...

I would add that, according to Theosophy (my belief system), God has both male and female aspects. According to Theosophy, the third aspect, The Son (our universe), is definitely male.
It's worth noting that according to Christianity, God transcends male and female, which is a cosmological determination.

Thus God is male because God is the cause of creation.

Gender relations in the doctrine of the Blessed Trinity are analogical.

God bless,

It's worth noting that according to Christianity, God transcends male and female, which is a cosmological determination.
It would be worth noting that to Christians....
Thus God is male because God is the cause of creation.
Cause of creation, ah...vs the if G!d is defined as creator that would definitely put her as female...

But now if we were to argue cause....and G!d as causation....what if Mother Nature had said, "No"
It's worth noting that according to Christianity, God transcends male and female, which is a cosmological determination.

Thus God is male because God is the cause of creation.

Gender relations in the doctrine of the Blessed Trinity are analogical.

God bless,


I'm curious about the aspects of God in relation to us and the Godhead. I think God has three fundamental aspects to his being -- Two aspects being Matter and Spirit -- The combination of both Spirit and matter creates living beings. The third aspect of God (Matter and Spirit) would be love or the infinite wisdom of God, or the "Holy Spirit". All three make up the Godhead that Jesus represented on earth. Jesus being a creation of the Godhead itself. (Matter merged with spirit yet born of the wisdom/love of God)

The (-) material aspects might be said to be the Mother, the (+) Spiritual aspects might be said to be the Father, both of which make up God. The combination of, or the physical merging (Marriage) of both Spirit and matter would create a "living being", then add to that the Love or infinite Wisdom of God (Holy Spirit) we get a Child of the Godhead itself-- Jesus

I think all men are living beings, but until we are born of the "Holy Spirit" (Love or the infinite Wisdom of God) we cannot truly be called sons and daughters of the triune God. I don't know -- I'm just trying to wrap my mind around the concept of God being triune in nature and in relation to us (Mankind) as living beings.

To me Jesus wasn't part of the Godhead, but was rather a creation of the Godhead, which makes him a "Son" of the triune God. In light of all this, could there be some truth in my views? Jesus was definitely divine, just as he was deity, but he, at least to me, wasn't the entirety of Godhead in the flesh, but rather a perfect representation of the Godhead in a human.

New Bible draws critics of gender-neutral language - Yahoo! News

In the old translation of the world's most popular Bible, John the Evangelist declares: "If anyone says, 'I love God,' yet hates his brother, he is a liar." Make that "brother or sister" in a new translation that includes more gender-neutral language and is drawing criticism from some conservatives who argue the changes can alter the theological message.

The 2011 translation of the New International Version Bible, or NIV, does not change pronouns referring to God, who remains "He" and "the Father." But it does aim to avoid using "he" or "him" as the default reference to an unspecified person.


Degenderisation of the Bible is senseless. The Bible was written in the writing style of a Patriarchal time. Until recently, we could use the term mankind to mean all of humanity. Now some claim that "mankind" is sexist. They edited that from Star Trek.

Did Scottish Poet, Robert Burns err by "my time among the Lasses, O"? Do we need to edit Burns by "my time among the humans, O"? Does the song by Cindy Lauper, "Girls Just want to have Fun" need to be changed to "Young humans just want to have fun"? Do those praying to Jesus have to say, "Forgive me Jesus/Jessica"?

Do sailors have to call their ship "it" instead of her or him? "Thar it blows." A beautiful Irish song, "Queen of Connemara" needs to be changed to “Monarch of Connemara”?
