I'll provide your help, but, you must be willing to "become as a child", which means emptying your mind of all the doctrines and dogma of both Islam and Christianity. If you choose to believe what I have to tell you, then I have some really "good news" for you. I am a follower of Jesus the Christ, and a humble messenger for the Truth/Wisdom of Providence Most High. I say nothing on my own accord, I merely relay the Truth as the Holy Spirit has directed me.
With that being said, let me start by saying that the Bible as it is interpreted is a very deep mystery that is impossible to interpret without the help of the One Christians call the Holy Ghost. Blasphemy, but that is another story. The Koran provides a tremendous amount of Truth, answering a lot of questions posed by the two testaments of the Bible. I call it the answer book. The Word of God is relayed to mankind in the scriptures of all "religions", so the problem lies in a person subscribing to a single religion and not considering the fact that Truth of God the Father is scattered across the globe. There are problems with "converting" to a single religion, and placing your "salvation" one any single one.
Here is my recommendation if you so desire to accept my advice, which doesn't come from me, but rather the One Christians ignorantly worship as God, part of an all-boys club of a trinity. Jesus the Christ(meaning anointed one, not God or the "only begotten Son of God") possessed what He called the "wholeness" of the True Spirit of Providence. But, the Koran is correct in saying that although Jesus was indeed the most important messenger of the Truth/Wisdom of Providence, He never said that He was equal with or part of a threefold trinity of God. He made it clear in the NT that He was not. He is the self-proclaimed "Son of man", a mere 89 times in the book, and made it abundantly clear that the One He worshiped and revered was "greater than Him". He said a lot of things, both included in the canon or outside the canon in what He called "hidden manna".
I recommend that you restrain from converting to any religion, and simply take heed to the Words of God contained in both books. Pay attention specifically to what Jesus said, and not what was said about Him by the various authors of the very bastardized canon. And, if you feel you must, which you Truly don't, seek out all the Words spoken by Him, because the early "holy church" attempt to keep a tremendous amount of His word from the masses, attempting to destroy far more of His words than they included in the very mysterious canon. Thank God a very astute monk buried them in Egypt, and were "made manifest" because a young Muslim boy dug them up in Nag Hammadi, Egypt in 1945. His name was ironically, Mohammad Ali.
As for the Koran, listen and take heed to the words of Muhammad, more specifically, when the Sura begins with the word "Say". Islam has unfortunately strayed from the teachings in the Kuran as well. So, the religion has based much of its doctrine and dogma on both the Hadiths and the Sharia.
So, this is the problem. Although there is much Truth in both the Bible and the Koran, the "religions" are both false. So, by "converting" to either presents a problem. You are forced to accept the false teachings of both. Because both books contain both "good and evil" knowledge, because they were written by men, with some words that were not "inspired by God".
Jesus addressed this several times. I will not get into all the sayings that refute Christian doctrine, simply one verse where Jesus clearly gives us a "disclaimer".
"If any man willeth to do his will, he shall know of the teaching, whether it is of God, or whether I speak from myself" (John 7:17).
The problem with converting to either religion is that you have to accept the false teachings of both. So, the best advice I can give you if you feel the need(which you do not) is to do what Jesus tells you.
Luke 10:27 Love God with all your heart, mind, body and soul, and love your neighbor as thyself, you do these two things then all of the law and prophets shall be fulfilled"
So, here it is. Steer as far away from "religion" as you can. Religion forces you to accept things that are far from Truth. If you feel you must, which you do not, then become a follower of Jesus Truth/Wisdom, which is the fullness of the Spirit of God. Stay clear of worshiping Him as God Almighty, because the Koran teaches the Truth on that subject. Pay attention to what He says, not what was said about Him.
My advice is to Love, that's it. No religion, no false doctrines to follow, no relying on blind men to misguide you. Just have Love, Faith, and Works. Trust me when I say that neither Jesus or Mohammad would subscribe to either religion as they are taught today. Just know that there is a very loving Creative Force that will bring us all home soon. You do not need a "religion" to guide you, because the one called the "Holy Spirit" exists in all of us, which is the Spirit of the Divine Mother. She is down here doing the Work, and receiving no credit or recognition. Jesus the Christ knew Her, as I do, and if you want to "name" Her, call Her Wisdom. Or, you can do as I do, and just refer to Providence as "Dad and Mom" who exist as a single united entity. And who can forgive you like your Dad and Mom?
The bottom line here is very good news. You do not have to worry about whether you are saved or not. You are, and have been "from the beginning". Believe Jesus when He said,
"Nothing, then, redeems us from this world. But the All which we are, we are saved. We have received salvation from end to end. Let us think in this way! Let us comprehend in this way!" [FONT="](Hidden Manna)
[/FONT]Here's some more "good news". As a woman, this whole mess is not your doing, or your problem. The doctrine of Original Sin is a lie, as is nearly every doctrine of the Abrahamic religions. The hadiths and Sharia was not ordained by God, as they were written by men long after Mohammad's death. Women did not create these lies, men did, which is why the Bible is so "gender specific". Men are the ones who must earn their own "salvation", and had best wake up and realize that joining a "religion" is not the "way". A message I received via the True Holy Spirit many years ago is the fact that although Truth lies in every scripture of every religion, all religions are false. The books contain both "good and evil knowledge", because they were written by man.
The answer is this. You don't need to be a "religious" person. You need to be as good a person as you can. Love your Heavenly Parent, Love your fellow human, and don't say, do, or even think anything evil about anyone. If you feel you must, pay heed to the Words of Jesus, and steer clear of the words said about Him. Remember as well that Allah means God, it is not God's name. Become "Spiritual" not "religious", and have "Love", "Faith", and be good to people through your deeds.
Most importantly, remember that you are already "saved", and have been from the beginning. If you feel you must study, study all the books, because I tell you Truly that the Bible is a trilogy, and includes the Koran. You don't need to, I promise you that. However, If you would like some evidence from scriptures, I will provide it to you, but, I am running a bit long here, and I don't want to bore you to tears. LOL.
The bottom line is this. Converting to any "religion" does more harm than good. So, I advise you to remain "Spiritual" without becoming "religious". Understand that you are not responsible for this world becoming a literal "hellhole", man is. If you feel you must, study the Words of Jesus, and only the Words, because He possessed the "fullness" of the Spirit of God, the Father/Mother, who is an androgynous creative Spirit who only know Love, Mercy, and Forgiveness. We all go home eventually, we are just down here to learn. And, when you get down or depressed, remember this. We cannot know True joy unless we know sorrow, we cannot know what is Truly good until we know what ianevil. The "evil knowledge" comes first, so we can Truly appreciate the "good knowledge".
I really hope that you pay heed to this post, and steer clear of religion. Trust the Holy Spirit who has guided me to relay this message to you. Seek Her, she exists in all of us. If you desire scriptural evidence, here is a passage from the NT that provides some.
1 Timothy 2:15 Notwithstanding she(women) shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.
The previous verses in the chapter are not True. This world was not created for man. Women are not subservient to men, despite what both Islam and Christianity teach. Genesis 1 is a separate and very different "creation" than Genesis 2, where all hell breaks loose when the LORD God, not God "splits the Adam". That's another story altogether, so I won't rant. The main point is written in a song by Bobby McFerrin I believe. "Don't worry, be happy". Just Love, have Faith, and don't be a nasty b^%$ch, and salvation is not a question of "if", just "when". I hope this makes sense, and I did not post it in vain.
Peace be unto you
steve eden