I need your help please

Promise kept?

(Genesis 22:18) . . .And by means of your seed all nations of the earth will certainly bless themselves . . .

For a certainty
Hi All,

I'm new here.

I became a muslim some decade or so ago and have been quite a devout muslim all this time. But for the past year or so I have been drifting towards christianity. I even became christian for a while (not officially converting but going to church and adopting the prayers etc) but didnt find that inner peace that I had with Islam; but since then I havent found that sanctity in Islam either. It has become something safe and easy to revert to in times of crisis.

I dont really know what I want, except that I love God very much, and want a real realtionship with him; but whatever decision I will make will change my life drastically. If I leave Islam my non muslim family will be happier. If I become a christian it could ruin my marriage as my husband is a very devout muslim.

Does anyone have any thoughts, ideas etc?

The point of the above, is that earth is integral with the issue that began HERE and is STILL plaguing this world.

The point is, God will keep his promise to Abraham, on earth, where the issue is to be settled. Abraham's faith, played a distinguished role in God's eyes, and the world's history, to resolve this issue.

In fact Abraham's faith, offered a long awaited son, in sacrifice, upon request, to God Almighty.

Though the intent was all that God needed, to establish the bond God established with Abraham, and Abraham with God.

Abraham is not aware yet, of the significance of that event.

But God's has PROMISED and SWORN, that it will be JUST as he spoke, a blessing of the "nations of earth", as noted by Moses as God's prophet.

God's will done on earth, as it is in heaven.
Part1b of 3bThere is more to it.

Physical Woman:

I did not bring Gal6:15-16 into it, because it shows as Jesus stated, which can be confusing to the "rest period", that Jehovah keeps working, in fact, a "new creation". Eve, she is not an obstacle, just an epic completion (the Adamic line).

(Galatians 6:15-16) . . .For neither is circumcision anything nor is uncircumcision, but a new creation [is something]. 16 And all those who will walk orderly by this rule of conduct, upon them be peace and mercy, even upon the Israel of God.

Woman marked a capstone on physical creation. That's why from angelic knowledge Satan struck at that time. Though she is not a barrier, but as far as God's creative works in man, that was the finale.

Proof of a "New Creation":

Why woman is not a barrier, has to do with the Last Adam, Jesus, and his birth. Though Mary was chosen, she was not sinless, she was in Adamic sin. But by power of that Spirit which overshadowed her, Gabriel assured her in all humanity, when he said:

(Luke 1:35) . . .In answer the angel said to her: “Holy spirit will come upon you, and power of the Most High will overshadow you. For that reason also what is born will be called holy, God’s Son. 

That was the first of a "new creation", Jesus by first EARTHLY creation, replaced for the first time in that body, the imperfect Adam. The bible attests to the fact and truth, that he retained that perfection and was also adopted by God as son (HEAVENLY):

(Hebrews 5:5-6) . . .So too the Christ did not glorify himself by becoming a high priest, but was glorified by him who spoke with reference to him: “You are my son; I, today, I have become your father.” 6 Just as he says also in another place: “You are a priest forever according to the manner of Melchizedek.”

We heard God say that officially 3 times on earth, and the first was when Jesus was baptized, water and holy spirit.

(John 3:5) "..Unless anyone is born from water and spirit.."

That in effect was Jesus spirit "born again". Now he had the pattern he showed as the Last Adam in body of EARTH, and the adoption as son of God, also by holy spirit, HEAVEN. The blood sacrifice would be the gateway for people to partake of BOTH bodies, in reality, respective to the purpose of God for them. 

(The emblems is not what I am talking about, for they are a symbol, as the temple in Jerusalem, and bread and wine are symbols of a reality to become)

What? 2 Perfections? Yes, flesh AND spirit

Part2b of3b

One reality was, that when Jesus passed the death "test" AFTER being "born again", in a far more comprehensive way than Adam, he also became:

(Hebrews 1:4)..So he HAS BECOME better than the angels, TO THE EXTENT that he has inherited a name more excellent than theirs.


(Hebrews 5:9-10)..and AFTER he had been made perfect he became responsible for everlasting salvation to all those obeying him, 10 because he has been specifically called by God a high priest according to the manner of Melchizedek.

Jesus bypassed Adam's and Eve's (woman) barriers of imperfection, and the Mosaic priesthood tied to those earthly lineages, AND became of power of God Almighty, the one who would be the fulfillment of the following:


(John 1:12-13) . . .However, as many as did receive him, to them he gave authority to become God’s children, because they were exercising faith in his name; 13 and they were born, not from blood or from a fleshly will or from man’s will, but from God.


(Isaiah 9:6) . . .And his name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.

He will be (1)" eternal father" as Last Adam (earth) and (2) Son of the Father (heaven), with Heavenly brothers, ALL adopted, born-again, a new creation in his children, all from earth, reborn.

(Hebrews 2:11-14) . . .For both he who is sanctifying and those who are being sanctified all stem from one, and for this cause he is not ashamed to call them “brothers,” 12 as he says: “I will declare your name to my brothers; in the middle of the congregation I will praise you with song.” 13 And again: “I will have my trust in him.” And again: “Look! I and the young children, whom Jehovah gave me.” 14 Therefore, since the “young children” are sharers of blood and flesh, he also similarly partook of the same things, that through his death he might bring to nothing the one having the means to cause death, that is, the Devil;

That reference to Satan's death, is what will be completed for the earthly phase to continue after the 1000 years.

Part3b of 3b

Now I wont go into it here, but we have a woman spoken about in Gen3:15...

(Genesis 3:15) . . .And I shall put enmity between you and the woman and between your seed and her seed. He will bruise you in the head and you will bruise him in the heel.”

...and that "woman" relates to what happened in Jesus epic as the earthly AND heavenly seed, NOT Eve the sinful woman in the flesh.

1. Physical limitation of Eve, AND Adam has been removed in power, in symbol, as shown in the bible, in REALITY. That is to become a reality, in time, for all who want it, and of course, OBEY, to it's maximum; eternal life in both realms, heaven and earth, the will of God, Life and a law of love, the light.

(Hebrews 5:9-10) . . .he became responsible for everlasting salvation to all those obeying him, 10 because he has been specifically called by God a high priest according to the manner of Melchizedek.

2. Jesus, when absent from his body through death, also became the perfect pattern for the "new creation" in Gal6:15, and Gal6:16 the "Israel of God" is then in perfect relation to Gen3:15, as it applied to Abraham's seed.

A. Jesus "has become better than the angels". So what was he before? For after this new creation, his position is elevated, FOR THE FIRST TIME, above even angels. He will be THE pattern of procreation in Heaven AND Earth. Perfect flesh, and perfected immortal spirit form.

(Hebrews 7:16) . . .not according to the law of a commandment depending upon the flesh, but according to the power of an indestructible life,

B. Jesus bypasses Adam's AND Eve's obstacle, FOREVER, and is also the basis for Gal6:15-16, the new creation in it's primary, immortal, pattern.

C. He also bypasses the need for fleshly Israel's lineages, like Levi for a priesthood, and bridges the New Covenant perfectly with the Abrahamic Covenant, bypassing the Mosaic Old Covenant, by FULFILLING every detail of it (which all the fleshly Jews failed, breaking that covenant).

So, yes, Jehovah and Jesus have been quite busy. But Jehovah still rests from the Adamic creation, and earthly phase of Gen 1.

Gen1:28, shall be fulfilled as God said it would, and this is how, to ALL the nations as promised to Abraham, the paternal origin of that faith, and faithful line of that seed (Jesus) to earth's realm.

This covenant must be explained before the end of course, for that is part of the blessing provided through that seed, delivering the Word, the diplomatic spokesman of God Almighty, Jesus, and others before him, pointing to him.

It must occur, and no global obstacles shall stand in the way, the must be removed, and a final warning will precede it: Dan2:44; 2 Thess1:6; Rev16:16; Matt24:14
Part3b of 3b

Now I wont go into it here,
Gad, we must be upto point42billion by now.

Welcome to the board point.

I won't say what is your point as it appears almost painfully obvious.

A hint though, this is a discussion board. Someone says something, someone responds, someone else responds and then you come back on topic.

I suppose it would be fairly accurate yet rude of me to 'point' out that you've simply been vomitting scripture here and whatever your intent, unless it is to cause folks to hit their scroll button, it probably is not working very well.

Think of this as you walking into a party where you don't know anyone....is this your normal behaviour? And how long do you stay around?

Anywho....I'll try to get along if you will. meanwhile, I think it best to hit the all page button...

"Clean up on aisle three..."
It's a complex issue which has been confused to the point of voiding the leaglity of God's promise to Abraham.

To this person who wants a definitive analysis why these legalities can only be made known by those in the legal covenant, it is simply not a question with a 200 word answer.

If someone is serious that the bible is God's word, and wants to get into that word, it can be demonstrated God's word has the answers to even the deepest questions regarding death, which was why God chose Abraham as his legal friend in this matter of a seed, who would remove the power of death from the world.

Of someone just wants a buffet of placebos, which do not address man's legal issues with God, ad vice versa, then this thread of logic I posted will be of no use of course.

But we are seeking people who want to take these issues and legal divine covenants as serious as God has, and as serious as Abraham has. Because these things have a time limit for resolution before the nations, and then the end will come, as shown in the bible. It's for serious searchers of biblical truth, as you know, thousands claim to have this, and there is no way they are all correct in their assumptions, and the bible is what proves it one way, or another, aided by God's legal representatives, not human speculation.

These issues must and will be settled by God, in the near future, as he has already described it in his word.
I'll provide your help, but, you must be willing to "become as a child", which means emptying your mind of all the doctrines and dogma of both Islam and Christianity. If you choose to believe what I have to tell you, then I have some really "good news" for you. I am a follower of Jesus the Christ, and a humble messenger for the Truth/Wisdom of Providence Most High. I say nothing on my own accord, I merely relay the Truth as the Holy Spirit has directed me.

With that being said, let me start by saying that the Bible as it is interpreted is a very deep mystery that is impossible to interpret without the help of the One Christians call the Holy Ghost. Blasphemy, but that is another story. The Koran provides a tremendous amount of Truth, answering a lot of questions posed by the two testaments of the Bible. I call it the answer book. The Word of God is relayed to mankind in the scriptures of all "religions", so the problem lies in a person subscribing to a single religion and not considering the fact that Truth of God the Father is scattered across the globe. There are problems with "converting" to a single religion, and placing your "salvation" one any single one.

Here is my recommendation if you so desire to accept my advice, which doesn't come from me, but rather the One Christians ignorantly worship as God, part of an all-boys club of a trinity. Jesus the Christ(meaning anointed one, not God or the "only begotten Son of God") possessed what He called the "wholeness" of the True Spirit of Providence. But, the Koran is correct in saying that although Jesus was indeed the most important messenger of the Truth/Wisdom of Providence, He never said that He was equal with or part of a threefold trinity of God. He made it clear in the NT that He was not. He is the self-proclaimed "Son of man", a mere 89 times in the book, and made it abundantly clear that the One He worshiped and revered was "greater than Him". He said a lot of things, both included in the canon or outside the canon in what He called "hidden manna".

I recommend that you restrain from converting to any religion, and simply take heed to the Words of God contained in both books. Pay attention specifically to what Jesus said, and not what was said about Him by the various authors of the very bastardized canon. And, if you feel you must, which you Truly don't, seek out all the Words spoken by Him, because the early "holy church" attempt to keep a tremendous amount of His word from the masses, attempting to destroy far more of His words than they included in the very mysterious canon. Thank God a very astute monk buried them in Egypt, and were "made manifest" because a young Muslim boy dug them up in Nag Hammadi, Egypt in 1945. His name was ironically, Mohammad Ali.

As for the Koran, listen and take heed to the words of Muhammad, more specifically, when the Sura begins with the word "Say". Islam has unfortunately strayed from the teachings in the Kuran as well. So, the religion has based much of its doctrine and dogma on both the Hadiths and the Sharia.

So, this is the problem. Although there is much Truth in both the Bible and the Koran, the "religions" are both false. So, by "converting" to either presents a problem. You are forced to accept the false teachings of both. Because both books contain both "good and evil" knowledge, because they were written by men, with some words that were not "inspired by God".
Jesus addressed this several times. I will not get into all the sayings that refute Christian doctrine, simply one verse where Jesus clearly gives us a "disclaimer".
"If any man willeth to do his will, he shall know of the teaching, whether it is of God, or whether I speak from myself" (John 7:17).

The problem with converting to either religion is that you have to accept the false teachings of both. So, the best advice I can give you if you feel the need(which you do not) is to do what Jesus tells you.

Luke 10:27 Love God with all your heart, mind, body and soul, and love your neighbor as thyself, you do these two things then all of the law and prophets shall be fulfilled"
So, here it is. Steer as far away from "religion" as you can. Religion forces you to accept things that are far from Truth. If you feel you must, which you do not, then become a follower of Jesus Truth/Wisdom, which is the fullness of the Spirit of God. Stay clear of worshiping Him as God Almighty, because the Koran teaches the Truth on that subject. Pay attention to what He says, not what was said about Him.

My advice is to Love, that's it. No religion, no false doctrines to follow, no relying on blind men to misguide you. Just have Love, Faith, and Works. Trust me when I say that neither Jesus or Mohammad would subscribe to either religion as they are taught today. Just know that there is a very loving Creative Force that will bring us all home soon. You do not need a "religion" to guide you, because the one called the "Holy Spirit" exists in all of us, which is the Spirit of the Divine Mother. She is down here doing the Work, and receiving no credit or recognition. Jesus the Christ knew Her, as I do, and if you want to "name" Her, call Her Wisdom. Or, you can do as I do, and just refer to Providence as "Dad and Mom" who exist as a single united entity. And who can forgive you like your Dad and Mom?

The bottom line here is very good news. You do not have to worry about whether you are saved or not. You are, and have been "from the beginning". Believe Jesus when He said,
"Nothing, then, redeems us from this world. But the All which we are, we are saved. We have received salvation from end to end. Let us think in this way! Let us comprehend in this way!" [FONT=&quot](Hidden Manna)

Here's some more "good news". As a woman, this whole mess is not your doing, or your problem. The doctrine of Original Sin is a lie, as is nearly every doctrine of the Abrahamic religions. The hadiths and Sharia was not ordained by God, as they were written by men long after Mohammad's death. Women did not create these lies, men did, which is why the Bible is so "gender specific". Men are the ones who must earn their own "salvation", and had best wake up and realize that joining a "religion" is not the "way". A message I received via the True Holy Spirit many years ago is the fact that although Truth lies in every scripture of every religion, all religions are false. The books contain both "good and evil knowledge", because they were written by man.

The answer is this. You don't need to be a "religious" person. You need to be as good a person as you can. Love your Heavenly Parent, Love your fellow human, and don't say, do, or even think anything evil about anyone. If you feel you must, pay heed to the Words of Jesus, and steer clear of the words said about Him. Remember as well that Allah means God, it is not God's name. Become "Spiritual" not "religious", and have "Love", "Faith", and be good to people through your deeds.

Most importantly, remember that you are already "saved", and have been from the beginning. If you feel you must study, study all the books, because I tell you Truly that the Bible is a trilogy, and includes the Koran. You don't need to, I promise you that. However, If you would like some evidence from scriptures, I will provide it to you, but, I am running a bit long here, and I don't want to bore you to tears. LOL.

The bottom line is this. Converting to any "religion" does more harm than good. So, I advise you to remain "Spiritual" without becoming "religious". Understand that you are not responsible for this world becoming a literal "hellhole", man is. If you feel you must, study the Words of Jesus, and only the Words, because He possessed the "fullness" of the Spirit of God, the Father/Mother, who is an androgynous creative Spirit who only know Love, Mercy, and Forgiveness. We all go home eventually, we are just down here to learn. And, when you get down or depressed, remember this. We cannot know True joy unless we know sorrow, we cannot know what is Truly good until we know what ianevil. The "evil knowledge" comes first, so we can Truly appreciate the "good knowledge".

I really hope that you pay heed to this post, and steer clear of religion. Trust the Holy Spirit who has guided me to relay this message to you. Seek Her, she exists in all of us. If you desire scriptural evidence, here is a passage from the NT that provides some.

1 Timothy 2:15 Notwithstanding she(women) shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.

The previous verses in the chapter are not True. This world was not created for man. Women are not subservient to men, despite what both Islam and Christianity teach. Genesis 1 is a separate and very different "creation" than Genesis 2, where all hell breaks loose when the LORD God, not God "splits the Adam". That's another story altogether, so I won't rant. The main point is written in a song by Bobby McFerrin I believe. "Don't worry, be happy". Just Love, have Faith, and don't be a nasty b^%$ch, and salvation is not a question of "if", just "when". I hope this makes sense, and I did not post it in vain.

Peace be unto you

steve eden

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confused doll

Islamic conversion should be about intellectual certainty Sister, so did you recognise the truth beyond doubt when you converted?; if not, then i'd reccomend that you research it till you can do that and ask ALlah for guidance as well; if you search the truth with sincerety, then no doubt ALlah will guide you ...

'feelings' themselves can be deceptive, e.g, if you dont have certainty about the truth of islam then you wouldn't feel no true peace when you worship in the islamic way [for without certainty one is really not a Muslim at heart] and one can 'feel good' by the music and songs in the church, so do try and be guided by intellectual evidences sister rather than to judge on what makes you 'feel' better


ps: and i'd reccomend you read the Quran too; it's miraculous verses helps reassure one in their faith

And if you all are in doubt about what I have revealed to My servant, bring a single chapter like it, and call your witnesses besides God if you are truthful. (Quran 2:23)

"Do they not then meditate on the Quran? And if it were from any other than Allah, they would have found in it many a discrepancy." (04:82).

"If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (Submission to Allah), Never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter he will be in the ranks of those who have lost (their selves in the hell fire)."(Qur'an 3:85)

"Say, he is Allah the one and only. Allah the eternal. He neither gives birth nor is he born. And there is none like him."`(Qur'an 112:1-4)

17:88 Say, "If mankind and the jinn gathered in order to produce the like of this Qur'an, they could not produce the like of it, even if they were to each other assistants."

2:23-24 And if you are in doubt about what We have sent down upon Our Servant [Muhammad], then produce a surah the like thereof and call upon your witnesses other than Allah , if you should be truthful. But if you do not - and you will never be able to - then fear the Fire, whose fuel is men and stones, prepared for the disbelievers.

Verse 2:217
Yusuf Ali:
... And if any of you Turn back from their faith and die in unbelief, their works will bear no fruit in this life and in the Hereafter; they will be companions of the Fire and will abide therein.

fear Allah my dear Sister, fear Allah!
confused doll


why do you wish someone peace and then attempt to fill them with fear

"If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (Submission to Allah), Never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter he will be in the ranks of those who have lost (their selves in the hell fire)."(Qur'an 3:85)

2:23-24 And if you are in doubt about what We have sent down upon Our Servant [Muhammad], then produce a surah the like thereof and call upon your witnesses other than Allah , if you should be truthful. But if you do not - and you will never be able to - then fear the Fire, whose fuel is men and stones, prepared for the disbelievers.

Verse 2:217
Yusuf Ali:
... And if any of you Turn back from their faith and die in unbelief, their works will bear no fruit in this life and in the Hereafter; they will be companions of the Fire and will abide therein.

fear Allah my dear Sister, fear Allah!

this allah character sounds like a cruel and vicious tyrant.

God is love, not some vicious vengeful monster.
this allah character sounds like a cruel and vicious tyrant.

God is love, not some vicious vengeful monster.

He describes hell, do you not believe in hell?

You quote words of the Bible, but does a parent not love the child when scolding and punishing it in attempting to correct its behavior?

I am not Muslim, but to accuse it of being so different from the Bible is curious indeed.
He describes hell, do you not believe in hell?


You quote words of the Bible, but does a parent not love the child when scolding and punishing it in attempting to correct its behavior?

more of a paraphrase really.

a good parent does not roast their children alive for eternity.

I am not Muslim, but to accuse it of being so different from the Bible is curious indeed.

not sure where u got that from ?
Stay focused on God, never deviate from Him, but know that the organizations on Earth all can assist in various ways during your journey. Do not pay much attention to where the faiths deviate, perhaps even use Christian verses as part of dhikr or prayer. Know that there can only be one God, where humans insist on disputing is due to misunderstanding the true nature. I would also recommend seeking a Sufi group which might be able to help you understand similarities better.

Sufi's are truly beautiful people and are very effective at pointing towards ultimate truth, I think they will remove all confusion you might currently feel.

This might be a helpful start

(I am not Sufi, so do not take this as an attempt to convert... there is nothing to convert to)

Why not? Even Buddhism, a rather agnostic religion, variously believes in hell - they call it bardo. Certainly every other faith also shares at least a variation of this concept.

more of a paraphrase really.

a good parent does not roast their children alive for eternity.

I agree, and the concept of bardo does not consist of an eternity of hellfire. Ultimately, truth is much larger than concepts of heaven and hell, this is a very petty point of contention.

not sure where u got that from ?

Perhaps it was an assumption on my part, your statement seemed outside the scope of interfaith dialog.
..If I leave Islam my non muslim family will be happier. If I become a christian it could ruin my marriage as my husband is a very devout muslim..

Jesus is rooting for you, he said family breakups are bound to happen if people turn to Christianity instead of sticking with their families traditional religion and he knows the pain this will cause.
That's why he gives them these words of comfort- "Whoever comes to me I'll never turn away..Say you're mine in front of people, and I'll say I'm yours in front of my Father."
Yes, he'll speak your name to God with his own lips..

One thing I learned here is that people are precious even if I think their beliefs are..well a bit magical at times.
The things I have seen people bring to the table here are really quite interesting. So I read quite a bit, and post a little.
03-20-2011, 07:58 PM #1 (permalink) confuseddoll
New Member

Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: London, UK
Posts: 2

I need your help please
Hi All,

I'm new here.

I became a muslim some decade or so ago and have been quite a devout muslim all this time. But for the past year or so I have been drifting towards christianity. I even became christian for a while (not officially converting but going to church and adopting the prayers etc) but didnt find that inner peace that I had with Islam; but since then I havent found that sanctity in Islam either. It has become something safe and easy to revert to in times of crisis.

I dont really know what I want, except that I love God very much, and want a real realtionship with him; but whatever decision I will make will change my life drastically. If I leave Islam my non muslim family will be happier. If I become a christian it could ruin my marriage as my husband is a very devout muslim.

Does anyone have any thoughts, ideas etc?

So how do you feel about Christ Jesus? Because he is your gateway (so to speak) to God.


[6] Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Salaam/hi Confuseddoll--

I am a born European Muslim who found herself "confused" at one point in my life time. I searched for something, but could not figure it out. The whole time, though, I knew I can only believe in God/Allah SWT. Then, in my early 20s (I am now in my early 30s) I started to actively search what I want to do with myself, how spiritual I want to be, etc. I have read everything: articles, books, websites, etc. Both pro and against Islam, and the more I read the more I understood that it is only Islaam that is true for me.

However, if you come from an Arabic culture, I can understand your plight to some degree. Without intending any offense to my Arab brothers and sisters in Islaam, my observation is that in the Arab lands Islam has become too mechanical. Everyone is too worried about rituals, customs, and making sure everyone is doing the same. Hardly anywhere individual relationship with Allah SWT through Islam is encouraged.

Since you, Confuseddoll, found that you have not found serenty within Christianity, may I suggest the Noble Qur'an? I know, I know... You might say: "But I already know it, I have read it, I have recited it... in addition to all the hadiths..." No. I encourage you to just take a time alone with the Noble Qur'an. Step away from the usual, find solitude and just sincerely pay attention to Qur'an's words. Approach it as if you have never read it before. Ask guidance of understanding, and ask why you feel the way you do. Think about each word and what could it mean. If you are native Arabic speaker, or if you are fluent in Arabic, I must say that if you do what I suggested you will get more from the Noble Qur'an than I could ever get as Arabic is not my native language. I have to struggle with translations, questioning whether each translated word is even close to the Arabic original. But, I personally have found, that the Noble Qur'an has so much to teach me. So much to help me understand, and clarify questions that may arise. I only have to ask, and usually answer come to me soon enough.

I do not claim I am perfect, but the relationship with Allah SWT for me is through the Noble Qur'an (when you want a direct one). You just focus on it, study it, and off you go.

Also, Allah SWT says that He is closer to us than our jugular veins. If you must, you can find solitude and just talk to Him (this is extra, not formal salaat). You will not hear Him, but He hears you. This always helped me in time of crisis, or when I just feel the urge to confide in someone. If you feel akward just loudly talking, then "talk" in your mind, or write thoughs in a journal, always keeping Allah SWT in mind. It does help. It does work. I found myself posing questions during my time in solitude, and I found that I have received clear answers in one way or the other.

I wish you all the best. I hope you find what works for you. You can remain devout Muslim, but be a little spiritual in your own individual way.
I almost fell into the trap of Wicca. Seriously. Living in the United States, one is exposed to more than monotheistic faiths. Despite Muslims around me, Jehova Witnesses and Mormons constantly bugging me, I sank into Wicca literature for a while. I thought it had some spirituality to it, until I awoke to the fact that Wicca is polytheistic and is drawing me further away from Allah SWT. I felt more lost, confused, etc. The more and more I wanted something that would elevate me spiritually outside the realm of monotheism, the more and more I struggled and felt confused. Thank Allah SWT, I came to myself!

I wish that you could read a book called: "With the Power of Faith to the Perfection of Soul" by Munir Gavrankapetanovic. I read it in Bosnian language, it gave me hope, contributed in bringing me back to Islaam and is just one of the best books I have ever read. I wish there is English or Arabic version of it.